The Last Farewell


you snatched the phone from himchans hand, "why?" you asked angirly.
he couldn't answer, he could barely swallow his saliva, 'why?' the question rang in his mind.
after he was taken away he woke up only to be beaten up more, apparently he embezzled with drug money and now he is paying for it, the old man didn't have the heart to kill his most loyal person, even if he just betrayed him so he simply threw yongguk out to die on the street.
unfortunately for him and maybe for yongguk as well, he was found and saved, he kept a close eye for you when he got the news, "she's pregnant and is marrying the bartender, i believe his name was himchan".
he wanted to go back to you once he had healed but it took longer then he thought and you were already moving on, none the less you were becoming a mother and a wife.
he gave you up, you built a family, he knew you would be happier with himchan, so he let it pass.
5 years after and he gets some new information, your son is actually of his blood and not himchan.
why did he find out this information only now? he didn't even know himself.
he wanted to meet the boy, pictures weren't enough.
"yongguk..." he heard you sigh over the line, he leaned with his hands on the table, clearing his throat.
"he's my son" he said as if that was enough for you to be convinced.
you scoffed at his answer, "so what?" you asked, that wasn't enough, a lot of fathers don't know their children, why would you care if he was one of them as well.
"hyunsu has a father already" you looked at himchan, he smiled painfully and got up, he walked into the bathroom and washed his face, rubbing it harshly as if he wanted to get out of his skin, he was uncomfortable and hurt, he knew he had no reason to be hurt but he was.
"i know it's hard, but he's of my blood." he said it that way just to make it seem stronger, he was his son, himchan was just a temporary father.
"yet he has so much more in common with himchan, I've had enough of you, you always did this, you could never give up your pride! might be his father in blood but that doesn't mean he will become your son so easily." yongguk was hurt by your words, they stung and hurt him, he knew he did wrong with you, but he wanted to change what has happened with his son.
"umma..." he heard his sons voice calling the woman he loved, he melted by his voice, his heart beat like crazy.
"hyunsu-ya...what's wrong?" you asked your son as you removed the phone from your ear.
"daehyun ahjussi says your having a fight..." her son said in a weepy voice.
"i tried to stop him from coming in..." daehyun appeared as well, you smiled to your brother, nodding at him to let him know you understand and thank him.
"____" yongguk said, you put the phone back to your ear, "l-let me speak to him...if you won't let us meet at least let me hear him..." his voice shook a little.
"yoboseo?" he heard the little boy say into the phone, he began to weep, he cried, screaming "i'm sorry! i'm so so so sorry!" 
"umma...someone's crying" the little boy said and you put the phone back to your ear, a tear rolled down your cheek, your lips trembled as he was shouting, screaming...practecly begging for forgiveness.
"himchan..." you said and the man peeked out of the bathroom, "t-take them out...." he looked at you, surprised, he was about to ask when you screamed like mad, "take them out!! please!" he hurried to pick his son into his hands and he led your brother out, the three walked out of the house leaving you on the phone with yongguk.
"y-yongguk..." you said, your voice shaking, you sniffed as his weeping got quieter, "h-he's please, please...why didn't you come back?" the last words 'come back', made you cry as they came higher pitched then you wanted.
"you had already moved were married...i though he was himchans son..." he said sniffing, calming himself down.
"i married him cause i was alone, i was a bout to raise a child, i couldn't do it alone..." you said, by now you were already calm.
"when...when did you find out about the pregnancy?" he seemed to debate whether or not to ask this question.
"a week maybe less after they've taken you."
"isn't that too fast?" he asked wondering if it was really his baby again.
"apparently you didn't wear a on the first time as well" she laughed a little.
"thank you..." he said as he was finally able to smile again
"why?" it sounded like the start of a goodbye, you didn't like it.
"you let me hear him...I really- it meant a lot..."
"yongguk...i-" you were cut off by the most painful words you had ever heard, "i won't bother you again...i'm sorry i was so selfish, i-i love you..." he struggled a little while saying the last words.
it was much worse then when you separated before, at that time you weren't sure if he'll be back or not, but this time, with this farewell, he made sure you understood....this is where it ends.
"yes.." you laughed bitterly, "i guess this is where it ends..." he sighed over the phone, it seemed like the both of you had so much to say...
"_____" he said your name lovingly, "goodbye..."
"don't say that." you said, letting out a sigh.
"why?" he hoped you'd say that you've changed your mind.
"cause you say goodbye when you're going to meet again." she said and his gaze fell, he laughed, bitterly.
"yes...yes your right! ____! live well!" he said, you could barely reply, "mhmm..." you muffled out an answer and hung up the phone.
i guess this is where it ends...

oh my goddddddddddd!!!!!!!! i didn't want to turn it into a tragedy but how come it fits so well!!! i'm sorry about spelling mistakes....
this is probably not what you guys thought would happen, or wanted it to happen, but my fingers just rolled around the keyboard and somehow this was created...
this one was short as well... oww... so yeah this is the end of this story.
to sum it up: what did you think of this story? did you like it? if you wanted things to change about my writing style do tell me i would gladly change it!
i will try to make sure the next fanfic would be a happier one! thank you for reading this and supporting this story ^.^

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Chapter 13: So sad! I expected a happy ending but I like this end too because it's not too pink and shiny if you see what I mean ^^
I think this story was good. I like your style but maybe asking someone to correct your mistakes could be a good idea because apart from that, I really really liked this story :)
Se keep writing and improving yourself!~ :D
Chapter 12: I like the way the members are almost all appearing~ And damn! A fake wedding :0
Chapter 11: OMG!! So many things happen! And I'm happy the cops are back, I kind of missed them x)
youngbaeby #4
Oh! This is getting intense~ I hope Yongguk didnt die and magically got out of the enemies territory. Author-nim, it must be a happy ending!!
Chapter 10: Yeah you're back!!~ Good luck for school and keep posting good chapters, even if it's less often than before :D