The Beginning


your mind was blank,you had no excuses,no more stories,no more lies.
"well?" he urged you to answer.
"will you give me a plea if i tell you?" i am not going down with this guy.
"depends on the information you give me."
"no.i wnat to know that you'll give me a plea." you started bargaining.
"listen have no idea what trouble youre in so you better start talking now,plea or no plea."
if i start talking without the guarantee of a plea....this was your best choice.
"he offered me a job,after he found me,he said he liked my sass or something....."

"you see i liked your have courage,i like that in a girl." Yongguk started saying,he reached his hand back and his bodyguard handed him a card,he then handed it to you.
it was a buisness card of the club.
"i don't need this" you said and handed it back.
he pushed your hand back and leaned in closer,bending just a little to be at your eye level,"i have a job for you."
"im not going to deal drugs for you." you answered and turned around to go back into the calss room.
"drugs?honey we are law keeping people,we would never sell drugs!" you could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
"nice to know." how could you talk like that!?one second your pleading for your life,scared to death,the othe your casually talking to him.
"no but really,it's a simple waitress job.with your college tuition don't you need a job?this one pays quite well." he said and winked,it was a bit gross to watch how much he thought of himslef.
god i don't get it...why would he have any nterest in you?you were plain simple,pretty boring and a waitress job would be the last thing that would suite you.
"it is high but being a waitress doesn't suite me." you stated and as soon as you said that you could've sworn a spark lit up in his eyes.
"but on the contrary,being a waitress is the only thing that suites you." ouch?
"i don't get what youre trying to accomplish..."

"so he wanted you to be a waitress in his club,i got that." the detective said impatiently.
"gee tame your horses."
"did you agree?"
" was a really well paid job,i don't even know why,since it was such a simple and common one..." you said and leaned a little on the chair, "though i found out later why..."


"you're the new girl right?welcome to our club!" one of the girls said,it didn't sound very welcoming though more like she mocked you.
"i heard the boss chose you,i wonder what he saw" the girl sitting next to her said.
you stood still at the entress of the dressing room,you regreted accepting the job,suddenly two firm hands grabbed your shoulder and rubbed them a little, you turned around to find yongguk standing behind you and a smile glued to his face,you got the chills.
"did you settle already?" on the contrary to his huge creepy smile at the moment his voice was warm and tender,and very very very low,it gave you shivers.
"i have no idea what to do" you said truthfully,he looked a bit suprised.
"you'll get the hang of it,for now get dressed" he said and gave you a little shove into the room.

"i see you came again." the bartender said and winked, "i like your outfit" he sneeked a peak to the bottom half of your body,it was barley covered,he bit his lower lip and then looked up and smiled at you.
"am i supposed to say thank you to that?" you asked,raising your voice a little cause the music got louder.
"yes are,but i didn't catch your name though"
"i didn't tell you my name."
"i guess thats why i didn't catch it" he smiled satisfied with his answer.
"___!and you?"
"Himchan,Kim Himchan." he said,a hand then came up and called you over, "you have an order princess!" Himchan pointed in the direction of the erea you served and you went away.
after a few minutes you came back and gave himchan the order not, "i have no idea what this is", he smiled a little made a drink and then bent under the counter and took out a small plastic bag with white powder in it, he placed both of them on the tray and told you to give it to him.


"that's why the pay was high?" the detective leaned on the table a little.
"part of it but i guess you could say that."
"how long did you work there?"
"quite a while,in the end i got used to the idea that in the end i am seling drugs...the world i a .all it wants is money."


after two weeks already you became closer to the girls and you had regular costumers coming to sit in your area.
"so how was the tips today?" himchan said as he started to close the bar.
"not that great...i think we need to change the outfit a little don't you think?"
"it's fine by me" he his lower lip and winked at you.
"who the hell am i asking i should talk to yongguk...where is he by the way he stopped checking up on me..." you said and on a lollipop you had in your bag.
"he has some buisness with the local manufactorer,he said that if you asked then i should tell you he'll come back around friday to check up." he said and you both started heading to his car.
" he giving him trouble again?"
"aha...he wants more money but yongguk won't accept...they're thinking of finding someone else...need a ride to the dorm?"

when you arrived at the dorm you gave himchan a peck on the cheeck and went out,you waited until you couldn't see his car and then turned around to go into the dorm building.
a hand grabbed you from the back and covered your mouth," don't struggle you'll only hurt yourself" you heard an unfamiliar voice,you could see him his lower lip from the corner of your eye.
your breathes got faster as you felt somthing cold pressed against your throat,you looked down, your head staying still,a knife was pressed to your throat while a little blood was shed fron the minor cut it gave you.
"stay still honey,this won't hurt at all.


finally got to writing another chap...sorry i had summer school and tests so i never got around to write it,hope this one wasn't too boring.





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Chapter 13: So sad! I expected a happy ending but I like this end too because it's not too pink and shiny if you see what I mean ^^
I think this story was good. I like your style but maybe asking someone to correct your mistakes could be a good idea because apart from that, I really really liked this story :)
Se keep writing and improving yourself!~ :D
Chapter 12: I like the way the members are almost all appearing~ And damn! A fake wedding :0
Chapter 11: OMG!! So many things happen! And I'm happy the cops are back, I kind of missed them x)
youngbaeby #4
Oh! This is getting intense~ I hope Yongguk didnt die and magically got out of the enemies territory. Author-nim, it must be a happy ending!!
Chapter 10: Yeah you're back!!~ Good luck for school and keep posting good chapters, even if it's less often than before :D