

"im home!" you yelled into what seemed an empty space and took off your shoes, as an answer you heard little feet tapping on the wooden floor and two little arms were suddenly wrapped around you as a little voice called, "umma!"
"Hyunsu-ya!" you said lovingly and kissed the top of his head.
"finally! he wouldn't listen to me at all!" you looked up towards the voice and a huge smile was glued to your face again, you walked p to the man and kissed him on the cheek, "thank you! you are a life saver!" you exclaimed.
"you're damn right i am noona!" he called after you.
"daehyun-ah! don't push it!" you warned your little brother who just did a mehrong as an answer.
the phone rang and you left him to answer the phone while you checked to see what he prepared your son to eat, you shook your head, giggling when you saw all the foods Hyunsu hated.
"noona! it's for you!" he yelled, a little annoyed again.
"hi" the voice answered calmly, it was deep and smooth.
"hmm, oppa!something wrong?" you asked, he never called, it was very rare.
"i told you I'd call you! don't act surprised!" he said, you giggled and he continued, "i managed to get out early i'm on my way".
"just a sec. Hyunsu! appa is on the phone!" you called your son who appeared there in the blink of an eye, you put the phone on speaker mode, so it would be easier for him to speak.
"appa!" his voice was always higher when talking to his dad, he simply adored the man.
"ah~ Hyunsu-ya! did you eat?" you could hear the happiness in his voice just from talking to his son.
"no! Daehyun ahjussi is bad! he only gives me stuff i hate!" the little boy said and stick his tongue out to his uncle.
"Ahjussi!? Ya~! i'm younger then your mother!" he said angirly, it was like two kids fighting over a toy, your brother stomped into the kitchen in anger.
"well, tell that ahjussi to give you only the foods you like!" the man answered back, as an answer to the same word daehyun yelled again, "i'm not an ahjussi!"
i took him off speaker and put the phone to my ear, "when will you be here?" 
"15 min more or less."
"aishh! too fast! how am i gonna prepare the food??" you heard him laugh, you told him to be careful on the road and hung up the phone.

after about half an hour, maybe an hour, the door bell rang, Hyunsu ran to the door and waited for you to open it, knowing that it might not be his dad.
you opened the door to the tall lean man who kissed you on the cheek and took off his hoes, calling Hyunsu for a manly, loving hug.
"hyung!" Daehyun walked out of the room and they both hugged.
"_____-shi! is there some food? or did this little warrior eat it all?" he walked in to the kitchen and eyed your back as you started taking out plates and cups, you ignored his question as you layed the food on the table.
"i need to talk to you..." he said in a serious tone, "can't it wait? we're about to eat" you said and gave him a loving smile as you pulled your chair, he put his hand on yours, stopping you, "it's urgent" he said and you sighed, you told daehyun to start digging in and feed hyunsu and then walked after your husband into your bedroom.
he shut the door behind you and looked at you seriously.
"what?" you said awkwardly and gave him a strange look.
"he called me...." he said and sat on the bed, causing it to creak.
"who?" i wondered, he tightened his jaw as if he didn't want the words to come out.
"Himchan! who called you?" you said his name, making him aware of you.
"yongguk..." he said after a long and unbearable silence, your eyes widened.

the only reason you were married to himchan was because he pitied you, you were pregnant, alone and scared, you were his friend, the mother of the child of his best friend, and that man was gone...alive or not he was gone, and none of you thought he'll come back.

"w-why?" you tried to remain cool, you wanted to talk to him so badly, to ask what happened and why he didn't come back to you.
"he said he knows about hyunsu....____-ah...he wants to meet him."
"he has no right!" you said as the tears that welled up in your eyes had finally started falling.
"you kn-"    "no! all this time he was alive! he made me believe he was dead! and hyunsu!? he grew up knowing you are his father! he adores you! you can't ask me to take that away!" you said angirly, not caring whether you were heard outside.
"he can still adore me! but not as his father! you know damn well that once he's back it all ends! we are no longer married and hyunsu is no longer my son!" he took off the gold wedding ring and throw it on the floor.
"then go! go tell that to hyunsu, tell him that you are no longer his father! that his real father is here! what would he think!? he would cry himchan! he would be scared! he would feel alone! go on! tell him that!" you yelled and throw the wedding ring as well, indicating you were as mad as he was and maybe even more.
the phone rang, himchan took a deep breath and took his phone out, caller ID: Yongguk.
he chuckled in amusement, great timing hyung....really great timing.
"hello." he answered coldly.
"himchan-shi..." the deep husky voice said back, himchans foot was tapping the floor like crazy.
"hyung....why didn't you call her before?" he asked, trying to maintain a calm voice.
"why are you asking?" he said, surprised from the sudden question and how irritated his friend sounds.
"because you were okay,,,and you loved her,why didn't you call? why did you only call when you found out you had a son?!" the last question was yelled, he was angry, because he built a life, because his friend was a jerk and because you weren't seeing the whole picture.

it wasn't a real marriage, in fact you weren't married at all, but he lived with you, and your stomach was growing, soon questions rose up and you had to plan what to do, so you hired a fake priest and got married, piece of cake.
but then you started believing them yourself, all the lies, and he bought wedding rings to wear as proof of your marriage, you built a life while yongguk was gone, and even though it wasn't real...for hyunsu it was, for hyunsu himchan is his dad, and he was the best man in the whole wide world, he would seem to him like those man who could lift a 100 story building with his pinky, that's how much he adored him, now snatch that away and bring in the cold intimidating yongguk....well...

"boss it seems she has a husband and a kid...." one of the cops said, the detective flipped through her file over and over, nothing was written about a husband nor a child.
"their names! get me their names!" he said on the radio but when the cop didn't answer he said, "yah! what's going on!?"
"sorry boss, it's just they are arguing and we're trying to understand what they're saying!" the cop answered back.
"well? what are they saying?" the detective said after five minutes of radio silence.
"they threw their rings on the floor, saying something like go tell, hyu....hyun...hyunsu! and about how he is going to feel alone i think!" the cop said proudly after getting the name right.
"they're divorcing?" the detective seemed surprised, they aren't even registered as a married couple!
"no... it doesn't sound like that" he said and paused, the detective noticed, "what? what do you want to say?" he said waiting for the reply of the cop.
"it will sound funny..."
"say it anyways." he pushed him.
"well...it sounds as if they faked their marriage." the detective's eyes lit up as he said that.
"what makes you think that?" he asked him as he sat by the table, totally fucosed on the fellow cops words.
"they were talking about when some man comes back it all ends, he stops being her husband and a father to her son...so.."
"what's youre name?" the detective said wanting to use the smart cop even more, "jongup, boss, moon jongup."

everything made sense to the detective, the fake marriage, why she hid the fact that she has a son, what really happened to yongguk.

"listen to me, jongup-shi! i am going to the chief to ask for a warrent, don't you dare leave your post! follow her every movement and report to me when somethimg hapenes, clear?" the young cop agreed and the detective ran out of his office and barged into the chief of the police stations office.
"ah~! detective yoo! and what do i own the plesure of seeing you here!" the chief smiled brightly at youngjae, who huffed a little since the adrenalin kicked in.
"i need a warrant..." he said and sat infront of the cubby, bald old man.
"give me a good reason and i'll give you thousands of warrants." the man joked.
this one came out terribly! i had nothing to write and i didn't want to leave you hanging guys so sorry if it's boring ><


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Chapter 13: So sad! I expected a happy ending but I like this end too because it's not too pink and shiny if you see what I mean ^^
I think this story was good. I like your style but maybe asking someone to correct your mistakes could be a good idea because apart from that, I really really liked this story :)
Se keep writing and improving yourself!~ :D
Chapter 12: I like the way the members are almost all appearing~ And damn! A fake wedding :0
Chapter 11: OMG!! So many things happen! And I'm happy the cops are back, I kind of missed them x)
youngbaeby #4
Oh! This is getting intense~ I hope Yongguk didnt die and magically got out of the enemies territory. Author-nim, it must be a happy ending!!
Chapter 10: Yeah you're back!!~ Good luck for school and keep posting good chapters, even if it's less often than before :D