


After school, In Hye, Chaeri and Sooyoung had made their way to Apujeong to shop and grab some coffee. Little did they know, Maera and her friends had gotten there first.

"In Hye, it's Maera and friends." Chaeri lightly nudged her friend when the three girls reached the outside of Starbucks.

"Wait, are you afraid of them?" Sooyoung asked upon noticing how shaken Chaeri looked. 

"No, but all of us don't exactly have a good reputation in Maera's books." Sooyoung raised her eyebrow as In Hye spoke.

"And why?" 

"It's a long story. I would explain it to you if we could enter Starbucks but now, we can't." In Hye's shoulders drooped. She was really looking forward to getting a nice drink from Starbucks but because of Maera and her friends, she couldn't. 

"Looks like they're leaving." Sooyoung said as she watched Maera and her friends get up from their seats and head towards the door.

"We should stand somewhere else. We don't want to get in their way." Chaeri mumbled, taking hold of Sooyoung's wrist and pulling her away.

Once Maera and friends were out of sight, the three girls quickly rushed into Starbucks. Sooyoung stared at them in disbelief. She found it ridiculous how her friends were acting because of a few girls.

"Now tell me that 'long story' of yours." Sooyoung said flatly as she placed her drink down on the table. In Hye and Chaeri gave each other knowing looks before In Hye spoke.

"Well, Maera used to be one of us." Sooyoung raised an eyebrow at her.

"When she first became our friend in primary school, she was sweet and not obnoxious. Then she liked this guy- a senior actually. She confessed to him and it was heard that he liked her back too but because she was just an average student and not popular like he was, he told her they couldn't be together. With her heart broken and all, she started to despise hanging out with us and after summer break..." In Hye stopped as she took a sip of her drink.

"After summer break, she changed. It was reported in the news her father had won the lottery so she was even richer than before. And with the money her family had, she changed her clothes, got rid of her glasses and she became snobby. She gained the attention of some other girls that hung around the popular table and she stopped hanging out with us. She eventually became popular and she's now the Maera you see in school. Rich, snobby and mean." Chaeri continued, as Sooyoung listened with interest. 

"What happened to that senior then?" 

"Oh, him. Well, he told Maera that they could finally be together but with all the attention she was getting from other boys, she rejected him. He graduated already, of course." Sooyoung nodded in understandment before laughing to herself.

"What's so funny?" In Hye asked, unamused.

"It sounds like a typical chick-flick." Sooyoung tried to stop herself but she couldn't help it. She never knew things like this happened. The schools where she came from didn't even have that kind of groupings. Everyone was equal. 

"Well, I'm not afraid of her." In hye and Chaeri both sighed. 

"Sooyoung, you're model material. If you and Maera ever crossed paths, she will ruin you because of your height and unique look." Sooyoung scoffed.

"Model material? Guys, we wear uniforms, how can you tell?" 

"It's our clique thing, don't worry about it. Just take our advice and don't ever cross her path." Sooyoung chuckled but because she wanted to make her friends happy, she just listened to them.

After the three girls finished their coffee, it was about time they head home. So, they went their separate ways. Of course, Sooyoung didn't head home. She went to the Kim's apartment. Once she opened the door, she found 12 pairs of eyes glued to the tv screen and popcorn strewn all over the carpeted floor. Sooyoung rolled her eyes as she slammed the door shut, causing murmurs of 'hi's' and 'who's that' from some of the guys. 

"I bought food." Sooyoung mumbled, setting down 12 cups of hot chocolate and 3 boxes of assorted donuts from J.Co. The sound and smell of food was good enough to stop all 12 guys from watching the tv and turn their attention to Sooyoung as she opened the boxes of donuts. 

"FOOD!" Baekhyun and Sehun exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa and running towards Sooyoung who took a step away before they crashed into her. 

"DON'T DROP ANY CRUMBS ON THE-" before Kai could finish, Baekhyun and Sehun had dropped donut crumbs everywhere, their mouths covered in chocolate and cream. Kai glared at his two friends as he dragged his feet towards the dining table along with the other 10 guys. They all thanked her for the food and Sooyoung just nodded and urged them to drink their hot chocolate before they become cold before heading towards her best friend.

"Hi." He mumbled to Sooyoung as he continued to stare at his friends. Sooyoung laughed as she messed up his already fluffy hair before taking a seat next to him. 

"Told you it was a bad idea last night to invite them over." she said in a knowing voice. 

"Shut up. How was it with your new girl friends?" He asked, grinning. Sooyoung nodded.

"It was fun. I learnt a lot of things." before Kai could ask more questions, someone covered her eyes. 

"Guess who~" the person cooed. Sooyoung just smiled.


"Oh man how'd you know!" He pouted as he removed his hands from her eyes. Sooyoung just grinned at him. 

"I heard you made friends with In Hye?" he asked as he took a bite out of his donut. She nodded and he looked upset.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing the look of concern on his face.

"Nothing, I just heard some girls talking about you hanging out with them." 

"It's probably nothing, Hyung." Kai interrupted, letting a loud satisfied burp after he spoke. Sooyoung cringed while Xiumin high-fived him.

"Where are your manners, Kim Jongin?" She looked at him with disgust.

"Don't have any." He retorted, causing her to roll her eyes and leave to break up the little tussle Tao and Sehun were having about taking the last mint chocolate donut. Kai turned his attention to Xiumin who was watching with amusement as Sooyoung took the last donut and stuffed it into in front of Tao and Sehun.

"Hyung, what did those girls say about Sooyoung's new friends?" Kai asked. Xiumin stole a glance of Sooyoung before turning to look back at Kai.

"I don't know if it's true, but I don't think it'll be music to your ears when you hear what I'm about to tell you." Xiumin mumbled, taking a seat next to Kai.


OooOoOooOh what's Xiumin going to tell Kai? Why don't you guys make a guess? I've noticed the response for this fanfiction isn't as great as my other fanfics so I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong? If this fanfic isn't interesting, I will literally just delete it and start a new fanfic because it just makes me uncomfortable and it really isn't much of a motivation for me...so if you guys would kindly just comment and tell me if I'm doing something wrong, it'll be great! Remember to subscribe ^^ and thanks to all those that have already subscribed!


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hana55 #1
Chapter 17: authronim...october just passed and now november but you still not updating. i hope u an keep ur promise cause i really love this story so much.
hana55 #3
Chapter 17: wah.....i will miss this story so much. don't be too long authornim cause i love your story so much^^
hana55 #4
Chapter 16: i get it now, why he asking maera to date with him cause he want to confirm his feeling and when he go on a date with maera all he think is sooyoung. finally he realize his feeling. so what will you do kai??cause a lot of guy notice her beauty and have a crush on her. please update soon authornim i loves ur story^^
Chapter 16: I hope Sooyoung realizes she's in love with Kai as well! OMG I love the song Lucky~ I remember the first time I heard it was during the drama 'Heartstrings'
Chapter 15: Good good. Mahabahahahhahahaha.
ysluckystar #7
Chapter 15: Hopefully sooyoung will realise that she is in love with kai. And then luhan finds out and decided to with her and she agreed. Cause now kai is with maera. Anyway, update soon! :)
Chapter 14: Wahh Sehun is really protective over Sooyoung. I hope someone finds out that Maera was behind it. Thanks for updating~
hana55 #9
Chapter 14: angry sehun really scared me and her exo buddy really love her so much and over protective over her cause it's so easy to take advantage from someone like sooyoung and i understand why exo really protective over sooyoung. it's like sooyoung place as exo chilhood bestfriend make all the girls will be jealous of her and all the girls will try to be her friend to get close with exo and exo knows a lot of people have a bad intention towards her. i think kai know maera is the mastermind behind this. i really like kai sharp instinct when it comes to sooyoung. please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 13: I'm glad Kai got jealous and decided to stalk her. i think the person who told Seyong to do that was Maera since she likes Kai, and she's a queenka so she has money. I'm glad she has all of Exo protecting her~ ^^ Wonder how many of them like her as well. Love love love your story~!!! Thank you for the update~ :D