


"Hey, you know the school will make us join an extra curriculum, right?" Kai asked as he laid on Sooyoung bed while she sat at her table, writing furiously on her notebook.

"Yup." She replied flatly, her focus completely on her homework.

"Well, what are you going to sign up for?" he asked, sitting up before turning to look at her. 

"I don't know, dance? Photography? Music? Fashion Designing?" She said, setting down her pencil.

"The arts?" Sooyoung turned to look at him before nodding.

"You don't have a single talented bone in your body, Sooyoung." Kai joked. In actual fact, Sooyoung knew how to play the piano, guitar, drums and even sing. She also learnt various types of dances when she was young. Not to mention, she picked up photography about a year ago and her past time was designing clothes. Sounds crazy, but Sooyoung was good at all of those things mentioned. She was naturally gifted but she didn't like to show it off. 

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Kai stuck out his tongue at her. 

"What about you?" she asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" 

"Nope." Kai frowned and Sooyoung just grinned.

"Dance?" Kai gave her a thumbs up and she nodded in understandment. 

"At least you've made up your mind. I can't decide on which curriculum to join." Sooyoung pouted. Kai chuckled and ruffled her hair. 

"How about we narrow it down? You're good at music and dance, so both of that's out. So, now you only have to choose between photography and fashion designing." 

"Well, they both have their pros and cons. And fashion designing seems to have more cons than photography."

"So choose photography then!" Kai exclaimed. Sooyoung gave him a weak smile.

"Alright, I hope I learn a lot there." 

"You will! Trust me." he assured, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"What are the other guys taking part in though?" Sooyoung curiously asked.

"Xiumin's joining soccer, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chen and D.O's joining music while Sehun and Lay's joining dance along with me." 


"Are you done with your homework?" Kai asked. He was getting bored and Sooyoung could tell from the expression on his face.

"Why? What do you want to do now?" he shrugged.

"Hmm, let's go exercise." Sooyoung suggested, smiling widely. Kai paused for a moment before agreeing. Sounds like fun.

Kai and Sooyoung agreed to meet at the Choi's front gate in exactly 15 minutes to get ready. After that, they both headed to the park a few blocks down to start their exercise.

"How about we make this more interesting, hm?" Kai suggested, a playful smirk on his face.


"We both have to run around the park 8 times and if I finish first, you buy me lunch the rest of the week." Sooyoung scoffed.

"Then if I win, you..." Sooyoung trailed off, unsure of what to set as a bet.


"You have to wear a dress to school tomorrow." Kai widened his eyes.

"H-hey that's not fair!" he croaked.

"You didn't say anything about what we can or can't set as a bet, so deal with it." Sooyoung pointed out, sticking her tongue out at him obnoxiously.

"Fine. Be prepared to lose then, Choi Sooyoung." Kai mumbled as he readied himself. Sooyoung smiled before she stretched her legs and prepared to run. 

"Ready? Set? Go!" Kai announced before breaking into a sprint. No way on earth am I going to let you win. 

When Kai broke into a sprint, Sooyoung slowly jogged behind him. Knowing that he would run out of energy sooner or later, she decided not to rush and have a proper run while he got all competitive. 

"Better catch up, youngie!" Kai mocked as he ran past Sooyoung for the second time. 

"What the hell is Youngie? Besides, aren't you getting tired?" Sooyoung made a disgusted face at Kai.

"Nope, not yet." He said, running way ahead of her. Sooyoung rolled her eyes at him. You're not tired yet, but you will be. Soon.


After 7 rounds of sprinting, Kai was slowly giving in to his aching legs while Sooyoung was still happily finishing her seventh round.

"Aww, poor jonggie getting tired? Do you want to take a break?" Sooyoung asked in a mocking voice as she ran past a sweaty Kai.

"Shut up!" he snapped, his nails digging into his skin as he tried to ignore the stitches he was getting as he continued to run. Sooyoung laughed and decided to end his pain by finishing the race first. 

"Noo" Kai exclaimed weakly as he leaned against a park bench.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to pace yourself while running?" Sooyoung asked, handing him his bottle. Kai shook his head as he poured water all over his head, drenching his clothes and hair. 

"Ew, why are you exposing your chest to everyone." Sooyoung asked, quickly looking away. 

"I know you like it, don't be shy." He smirked as he watched Sooyoung widen her eyes and flush red. Sooyoung hadn't seen Kai's chest before and it stunned her for a moment when his white wife beater got drenched and became see-through. 

"Shut up, I won so you have to wear a dress tomorrow." Sooyoung retorted, an evil look in her eye.

"Y-you're serious?!" Kai asked, his eyes wide. Sooyoung shook her head and flicked his forehead.

"Do I really seem like the kind of person that would do that to you?" Sooyoung asked. Kai frowned as he rubbed his slightly pink forehead.


"Ouch." Sooyoung feigned hurt as she placed her hand over her chest. Kai laughed and took hold of that hand. 

"I'm kidding, you're the nicest best friend I've ever had, so please don't make me come to school in a dress tomorrow." Kai pleaded as he stood up. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and pulled her hand back.

"Fine, but you're buying me ice cream the rest of the week." Sooyoung grumbled. Kai laughed and messed up her already messy hair.

"Yes, Ma'am!" He said, saluting her. Sooyoung laughed at his nonsense before they both walked back to their houses to wash up.


Oh man, I had to rewrite this from scratch. Sorry it's a little bit dry, I promise the next chapter will be slightly more interesting ^^; nonetheless, I hope you liked this chapter and will continue to comment, upvote and tell others to subscribe! xx 

Thanks to all these lovely cherry blossoms that subscribed, commented, and upvoted (this is not updated):

luvyuh4evr ♡ hana55  rika_h  Kosianfanfics  Mwuahxoxo  luvyuh4evr  piggyoink 
Thank you for your comments even though I just started this fanfic! ♡

luvyuh4evr  hana55  Cassiopeia_ELF  kissteenfinite 
I've never had so many upvotes in such a short period of time so thank you all! 

Gennay_  ludoutang  dammit_Lol  Kyuhyunx  luvyuh4evr  kissteenfinite  woohyunnieee  Lily0512 

BenaiferCHOI  Cassiopeia_ELF  Mwuahxoxo  hana55 ♡ rika_h  Cherry214  Kosianfanfics  piggyoink 
kyeoptao  5evrcloud  EunbiME 

It's pretty embarrassing how my friends subscribed to this but thank you guys for taking time to read my crap anyway! ♡ 

And to all those silent readers: 


You should be ashamed of yourselves! 



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hana55 #1
Chapter 17: authronim...october just passed and now november but you still not updating. i hope u an keep ur promise cause i really love this story so much.
hana55 #3
Chapter 17: wah.....i will miss this story so much. don't be too long authornim cause i love your story so much^^
hana55 #4
Chapter 16: i get it now, why he asking maera to date with him cause he want to confirm his feeling and when he go on a date with maera all he think is sooyoung. finally he realize his feeling. so what will you do kai??cause a lot of guy notice her beauty and have a crush on her. please update soon authornim i loves ur story^^
Chapter 16: I hope Sooyoung realizes she's in love with Kai as well! OMG I love the song Lucky~ I remember the first time I heard it was during the drama 'Heartstrings'
Chapter 15: Good good. Mahabahahahhahahaha.
ysluckystar #7
Chapter 15: Hopefully sooyoung will realise that she is in love with kai. And then luhan finds out and decided to with her and she agreed. Cause now kai is with maera. Anyway, update soon! :)
Chapter 14: Wahh Sehun is really protective over Sooyoung. I hope someone finds out that Maera was behind it. Thanks for updating~
hana55 #9
Chapter 14: angry sehun really scared me and her exo buddy really love her so much and over protective over her cause it's so easy to take advantage from someone like sooyoung and i understand why exo really protective over sooyoung. it's like sooyoung place as exo chilhood bestfriend make all the girls will be jealous of her and all the girls will try to be her friend to get close with exo and exo knows a lot of people have a bad intention towards her. i think kai know maera is the mastermind behind this. i really like kai sharp instinct when it comes to sooyoung. please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 13: I'm glad Kai got jealous and decided to stalk her. i think the person who told Seyong to do that was Maera since she likes Kai, and she's a queenka so she has money. I'm glad she has all of Exo protecting her~ ^^ Wonder how many of them like her as well. Love love love your story~!!! Thank you for the update~ :D