


a/n: 她很可爱 = ta hen ke ai = she's cute 

"That's the end of today's lesson, students. Remember to do your homework!" Sooyoung's math teacher reminded as she dismissed the class for lunch. Sooyoung smiled to herself as she got up, ready to leave to meet the guys.

"Um, Sooyoung?" a voice stopped her from leaving the classroom. She turned around and saw Chaeri, the girl that she had promised to have lunch with the day before looking at her with expectant eyes. Sooyoung mentally slapped herself as she put on a smile and approached Chaeri.

"I promised you we would have lunch yesterday, right?" Chaeri nodded. 

"Well, let's go then!" Sooyoung said enthusiastically. Chaeri smiled as she and Sooyoung made their way to the cafeteria which was already packed. 

"Ah, there isn't an empty table for both of us to sit at." Sooyoung frowned as she mumbled to herself.

"No worries, my other friends are right over there, c'mon." Chaeri urged, pulling Sooyoung by the wrist to a table full of girls. Sooyoung suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She bit the insides of her cheek to hide her nervousness as she took a seat next to Chaeri and another girl. Sooyoung felt herself shrinking as she felt the gazes of Chaeri's friends on her.

"Ah, who's she, Chaeri?" a girl opposite Chaeri asked with a bright smile on her face. 

"She's Choi Sooyoung." Chaeri smiled widely as she proudly introduced Sooyoung to her friends.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Sooyoung. I'm In Hye." The girl responded, a friendly smile on her face. Sooyoung bowed and smiled back.

"I'm Hayoung and this is my fraternal twin, Mi Young." The girl sitting next to Sooyoung introduced, smiling widely.

"I wanted to introduce us!" 

"Too bad, I did it first." Chaeri chuckled at both of them before leaning in to whisper to Sooyoung.

"Those two are always at loggerheads with each other, don't mind them." Sooyoung nodded in understandment.

"I'm Seo Hyun." The girl that sat next to Chaeri introduced. Sooyoung smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you all." Sooyoung spoke calmly even though her palms were sweating. 

"YO! SOOYOUNG!" Someone yelled across the cafeteria causing everyone to keep quiet and stare. Sooyoung frowned and turned around to see Chanyeol skipping towards her happily. Her eyes widened and she quickly started to shake her head to tell Chanyeol not to come over.

"Why are you sitting here? We've been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed, oblivious to the oogly faces Chaeri's friends were making at him. 

"Chanyeol, you know I looveeee you guys but I am finally making friends- GIRL friends, so if you please-" Sooyoung pleaded as she whispered to Chanyeol as he bent down to speak to her.

"Ahh~ Alright. Have fun, Sooyoung! Bye girls!" Chanyeol waved childishly to Chaeri's friends as he ran back to his friends. Sooyoung let out a sigh of relief.

"Y-you're best friends with t-them?!" Hayoung blurted out. Sooyoung rubbed the back of her neck and hesitantly nodded.

"W-wow. Then you shouldn't be hanging out with us." 

"P-pardon?" Sooyoung couldn't help but respond to Hayoung's statement.

"Don't you know? It's Maera and the gang that's popular, not us." Hayoung mumbled as she stabbed her beef.


"You don't know how this school's like, do you?" Sooyoung blurly shook her head. In Hye smiled widely as she took out a piece of paper from her bag and started scribbling on it furiously. Then, she stood up and walked over to where Sooyoung and Chaeri sat. 

"This, is our table." In Hye pointed at a little circle near the girl's bathroom. 

"This, is the popular table." She said as she moved her fingers towards a table near the center of the cafeteria. 

"That's where Maera and her bunch of minions sit and the table next to it, is EXO's." Sooyoung nodded in understandment.

"This area here, is the unpopular side. But that's not important." 

"Then what are you guys?" Sooyoung curiously asked. Hayoung scoffed.

"We're the average people. Not popular, not unpopular." 

"We've been trying to be a popular but to no avail." Sooyoung giggled.

"What's so funny?" Seo hyun asked.

"Being popular isn't everything, guys. Be yourselves." She adviced, earning a stare from everyone. 

"That's...deep." Mi young mumbled. 

"Can I keep this?" Sooyoung asked as she pointed to the piece of paper. In Hye nodded and Sooyoung folded it and stuff it into her pocket. I'll read this when I'm at home.

"So, what are curriculums are you guys joining?" Chaeri asked casually.

"Hayoung and I are taking part in cheerleading." Mi Young said proudly, earning a glare from Hayoung.

"I'm joining karate." Seo Hyun smiled widely. Sooyoung looked at Seo Hyun, stunned. 

"I'm in the yearbook commitee." In Hye smiled. 

"I'm joining photography, you?" Chaeri looked at Sooyoung who zoned out.

"oh, same here." She smiled. Before they could converse any more, the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch period. 

"I'll see you girls after school?" In Hye asked as they all packed up and returned their trays. Chaeri and Sooyoung both nodded before they walked back to class.

"Your friends are really nice. Seo Hyun scares me a little but she's nice." Sooyoung admitted once they were outside the cafeteria. Chaeri laughed loudly at Sooyoung's bluntness. Sooyoung smiled shyly when she spotted EXO standing around her locker. 

"Now that I've met your friends, it's time to introduce you to mine." Sooyoung told Chaeri and she took hold of her wrist and pulled her towards the 12 guys.

"Sooyoung- who's that?" Kai asked, pointing at Chaeri with a suspicious look. 

"Guys, this is my friend, Chaeri. We're deskmates and classmates." Chaeri flushed red as she felt 12 pairs of eyes on her. 

"她很可爱." Lay mumbled loudly to Chen and Xiumin in Chinese who gave each other knowing looks. He totally likes her. Xiumin thought as Lay continuously glanced at Chaeri.

"Wait, what did he say? Why's he smiling to himself? AND WHY ARE YOU BOTH GRINNING LIKE IDIOTS?!" Baekhyun who happened to catch the last part of Lay's words exclaimed, Sooyoung and Chaeri to jump.

"Um, I guess I'll see you guys at Kai's later?" Sooyoung frowned as she pushed Chaeri away by the shoulders, giving Lay, Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen an annoyed look. 

"Your friends are interesting." Chaeri admitted to Sooyoung as they both took their seats in class. Especially the blonde one. She thought as she smiled to herself.

"yeah, but they're idiots." and my best friend is one of them. She thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. 

Look, appearences of Maera and gang! I've decided to change this up a little so I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! Remember to subscribe (if you haven't), upvote (maybe?) and comment! xx


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hana55 #1
Chapter 17: authronim...october just passed and now november but you still not updating. i hope u an keep ur promise cause i really love this story so much.
hana55 #3
Chapter 17: wah.....i will miss this story so much. don't be too long authornim cause i love your story so much^^
hana55 #4
Chapter 16: i get it now, why he asking maera to date with him cause he want to confirm his feeling and when he go on a date with maera all he think is sooyoung. finally he realize his feeling. so what will you do kai??cause a lot of guy notice her beauty and have a crush on her. please update soon authornim i loves ur story^^
Chapter 16: I hope Sooyoung realizes she's in love with Kai as well! OMG I love the song Lucky~ I remember the first time I heard it was during the drama 'Heartstrings'
Chapter 15: Good good. Mahabahahahhahahaha.
ysluckystar #7
Chapter 15: Hopefully sooyoung will realise that she is in love with kai. And then luhan finds out and decided to with her and she agreed. Cause now kai is with maera. Anyway, update soon! :)
Chapter 14: Wahh Sehun is really protective over Sooyoung. I hope someone finds out that Maera was behind it. Thanks for updating~
hana55 #9
Chapter 14: angry sehun really scared me and her exo buddy really love her so much and over protective over her cause it's so easy to take advantage from someone like sooyoung and i understand why exo really protective over sooyoung. it's like sooyoung place as exo chilhood bestfriend make all the girls will be jealous of her and all the girls will try to be her friend to get close with exo and exo knows a lot of people have a bad intention towards her. i think kai know maera is the mastermind behind this. i really like kai sharp instinct when it comes to sooyoung. please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 13: I'm glad Kai got jealous and decided to stalk her. i think the person who told Seyong to do that was Maera since she likes Kai, and she's a queenka so she has money. I'm glad she has all of Exo protecting her~ ^^ Wonder how many of them like her as well. Love love love your story~!!! Thank you for the update~ :D