


Kai trudged his way towards his home, tired and annoyed. Sooyoung's little secret was that she hung out with Seyong? How could she keep that from him? Of course, he would feel upset, he was her best friend. On the other hand, he did feel as if a sharp knife had stabbed him in the heart. 

He harrumphed as he walked past the Choi's apartment and stalked straight into his room, slamming the door after him. He threw his bagpack to a corner and jumped on his bed, loosening his tie. 

You've got a message. His phone rang, and he checked his inbox. Sooyoung had texted him, asking if she could come over. He rolled his eyes and stuffed his phone under his pillow before closing his eyes. He needed a break. His breathing slowed down and he started to drift into a deep sleep when the doorbell rang. He groaned, rolling over. 

"Jongin! It's Sooyoung!" He groaned and sat up. 

"Can't I get a break?" 

Sooyoung knocked on Kai's door and waited. 

Kai stared as his door.

"Come in." he mumbled. 

"Hey, did you receive my message?" She asked, closing the door behind her. The sweet smell of jasmine engulfing his whole room.

"Yeah, I got it." 

"Oh, I guess you were too tired to reply, huh?" She smiled, looking around his room. He nodded and yawned.

"Anyway, I have to tell you something." She bit her bottom lip and avoided his gaze. 

"What?" he feigned ignorance, waiting for her to spill the beans.

"I...I think I like Seyong sunbaenim." Kai nodded.

Wait, what? He thought to himself, eyes widening.

"Y-yeah, I think I like Seyong sunbaenim." her cheeks went pink, embarrassed that she was talking about her crush to her best friend. Kai frowned.

"What's that got to do with me?" he snapped. Sooyoung's jaw dropped in shock. Was he upset because she liked Seyong? 

"N-nothing I thought you wanted to know since you're my best friend and I promised-" 

"I don't care who you like, have fun with Seyong. I'll see you tomorrow." he mumbled, laying down and covering himself with his quilt, his back facing her.

"J-jongin..." she croaked, stunned by her best friend's expression.  He moved around on his bed and he shut his eyes. Why he was acting so badly towards Sooyoung, he didn't know. What he did know was that he wanted to sleep, and he hoped Sooyoung took a hint.

"Alright, you're tired. I get it. See you tomorrow." Sooyoung whispered, leaving his room.

"Leaving so soon, Sooyoung?" Mrs Kim asked, noticing Sooyoung put on her shoes. 

"Ah, I think Jongin's tired, I'll just speak to him tomorrow. Nothing's bothering him, right?" She asked out of concern. Mrs Kim thought for a moment and shook her head.

"Alright, thanks for having me over again, Mrs Kim. See you tomorrow." Sooyoung bowed slightly to the elder, before turning to leave for her own house. Mrs Kim nodded and smiled at her before closing the door. 

Mrs Kim sighed as she watched Sooyoung's retreating figure. She sure wanted her own son to become an item with his best friend. She could see it in her son's eyes that he really cared for Sooyoung, but she just didn't know why nothing has happened between the two. She sighed once more, shaking those thoughts out of her head. 

"Is she gone?" Kai suddenly asked, making his mother jump. She placed a hand over her chest and took slow, deep breaths. 

"Yes, she's gone. Did something happen between you two?" 

"No, why?" 

"She seemed pretty sad." Kai scoffed.

"Nothing happened between us two, don't worry. She likes a boy though." Mrs Kim paused. A boy?


"The co-captain of the soccer team." he grumbled, pouring himself some milk to drink. Mrs Kim laughed.


"And what?" 

"Why do you sound so upset about it?" 

"I'm not." Mrs Kim shook her head, a wide smile on her face. She knew that frustrated expression on her son's face anywhere. He was definitely bothered.

"What? Hey, why are you shaking your head."

"Nothing." Kai furrowed his eyebrows at his own mother, befuddled about her odd behaviour. He took his glass of milk and headed back to his bedroom. 

"Co-captain of the soccer team, huh? Let's see what made Sooyoung like you, shall we?" Kai mumbled to himself, bringing his cold glass of milk to his lips and gulping it all down. 


Sooyoung giggled at the message she received from Seyong as she went to the dinner table. Sure, she was upset that her own best friend chased her out of the house, but with Seyong making silly faces on WeChat to cheer her up, who could stay sad? Zelo grinned as he watched his sister stop in the middle of the hall to text. Thinking that Sooyoung was texting Kai, he ran towards her and snatched the phone from her hands. 

"CHOI JUNHONG GIVE THAT BACK!" She shrieked. Zelo grinned and held the phone high above her head, knowing she wouldn't be able to reach it even if she jumped. 

"Oooh~ Let's see what you and hyung are saying to each other!" Zelo grinned, looking at the phone. He was about to read out the new message when he realized it wasn't Kai. It was Seyong. Sooyoung snatched her phone back and glared at her brother.

"Childish ." she muttered under her breath and slammed her room door shut. 

"W-what?" Was all Zelo managed to stutter out.

Sooyoung's phone rang and she answered the call.



"Chanyeol, hey." she greeted, a little bit disappointed. 

"Hey, are you free now?" Chanyeol asked eagerly.

"I think so, why?" 

"Great, meet me at the park in 20 minutes." He said before hanging up. Sooyoung sighed and quickly changed into clothes before leaving the house.


"Chanyeol, where are you?" Sooyoung asked aloud as she approached the park entrance. 

"Here." Chanyeol whispered, appearing behind her. She jumped and hit his chest playfully as he laughed at her reaction.

"Why did you need to meet me so urgently" She asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to talk." he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. Sooyoung giggled and they both turned to look at the empty playground luminated by the street lights. 

"What about?"


"What?" She asked, confused.

"Ah, you see. Sunbaenim..." he chuckled lightly.

"What about sunbaenim?" 

"You know he likes you, right?" Sooyoung nodded.

"What do you plan to do about it?" he asked, looking straight at her. 

"I spoke to him today, he's a really good guy." Sooyoung said with a smile, causing Luhan to look slightly disappointed for a moment.

"Well, alright." Chanyeol mumbled. 

"Hey, you're not upset right?" she asked.

"Why would I be? You're my best friend, I wouldn't get upset over something like this. That's absurd, Choi Sooyoung. If he hurts you, I'm going after him. Even if he is our senior." He joked and Sooyoung smiled.

"Alrighty then." She grinned goofily and Chanyeol flicked her on the head. 


"You know you make us worry right?" 

"Yeah, I know." Sooyoung gave a small smile. 

"Promise me that you'll call us if you're ever in trouble." She grinned and Chanyeol pulled her close so he could hug her tight. 

"I know, I know. I will." he mumbled while Sooyoung leaned on his shoulder. 

Chanyeol liked the position they were in, at the park late at night, enjoying the night sky. He liked it a lot, especially with Sooyoung. Chanyeol has has a secret crush on Sooyoung ever since they met, but he has managed to keep his feelings hidden. But it seemed that it was getting harder and harder each day, with Sooyoung becoming more charming. Sooner or later, he would just snap and confess, right? 

But maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be bad if he did confess. 

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hana55 #1
Chapter 17: authronim...october just passed and now november but you still not updating. i hope u an keep ur promise cause i really love this story so much.
hana55 #3
Chapter 17: wah.....i will miss this story so much. don't be too long authornim cause i love your story so much^^
hana55 #4
Chapter 16: i get it now, why he asking maera to date with him cause he want to confirm his feeling and when he go on a date with maera all he think is sooyoung. finally he realize his feeling. so what will you do kai??cause a lot of guy notice her beauty and have a crush on her. please update soon authornim i loves ur story^^
Chapter 16: I hope Sooyoung realizes she's in love with Kai as well! OMG I love the song Lucky~ I remember the first time I heard it was during the drama 'Heartstrings'
Chapter 15: Good good. Mahabahahahhahahaha.
ysluckystar #7
Chapter 15: Hopefully sooyoung will realise that she is in love with kai. And then luhan finds out and decided to with her and she agreed. Cause now kai is with maera. Anyway, update soon! :)
Chapter 14: Wahh Sehun is really protective over Sooyoung. I hope someone finds out that Maera was behind it. Thanks for updating~
hana55 #9
Chapter 14: angry sehun really scared me and her exo buddy really love her so much and over protective over her cause it's so easy to take advantage from someone like sooyoung and i understand why exo really protective over sooyoung. it's like sooyoung place as exo chilhood bestfriend make all the girls will be jealous of her and all the girls will try to be her friend to get close with exo and exo knows a lot of people have a bad intention towards her. i think kai know maera is the mastermind behind this. i really like kai sharp instinct when it comes to sooyoung. please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 13: I'm glad Kai got jealous and decided to stalk her. i think the person who told Seyong to do that was Maera since she likes Kai, and she's a queenka so she has money. I'm glad she has all of Exo protecting her~ ^^ Wonder how many of them like her as well. Love love love your story~!!! Thank you for the update~ :D