Box #20

Love Box

Gene was able to clear the schedule with In Young and set the date for the soft launch. The soft launch was slated last week of February, two weeks before the grand exhibit. In Young didn’t bother to ask why the artist suddenly decided to pull out from the original plan of having the spring exhibit in her gallery. Gene assured her though that In Young’s gallery will remain as their local contact for selling Faith’s art pieces, only that the exhibit will be moved to a different place. 


“Is she by any chance in Korea now?” In Young asked. 


“She was here in September but she flies in and out, she’s really eccentric when it comes to her arts, I think it shows in her pieces, don’t you think so?” Gene said.


“I think she’s deep; how old is she by the way?”


“Hmm, Old, I think she’s an old soul,” Gene replied, cringing at the thought that she just called Chae rin ‘old’.


Back at her studio, Minji was busy helping Chae rin pack the seven finished paintings that will be part of the collection for her soft launch. She will be showcasing a few new pieces to introduce her main exhibit come spring. Minji suggested she put up her new paintings depicting things or places Koreans are easily familiar with instead of flying from Japan and America all of her older pieces. 


“We’ll use the butterfly painting though as the center piece for this soft launch, unless you want something new?” Minji conferred with Chae rin. 


“No, I think that plan of yours is fine,” she said, glad that her sister is handling this event for her instead of another person. 


“This will be a good show, Unni, don’t worry. It’s also good that the soft launch and main exhibit are just two weeks apart,” Minji remarked. 


After three hours, Chae rin told Minji that they can call it a day and go shop for some Christmas gifts. Minji readily agreed to the idea since she said there’s only less than two weeks left before Christmas and she still hasn’t completed her gift list. 


Jiyong was in Heathrow Airport waiting to catch his flight back to Korea. The road show for their company going public was intense and he really feels haggard. It has been 25 days since he last saw Faith following his break up with In Young. He really wanted to see Faith but it was his sense of decency and respect for In Young that prevented him from going to The Beanery and see her that same day they broke up. 


The waiting time at the airport’s VIP lounge made Jiyong think back to what In Young said. She was right, he feels more alive now than ever and it was not because of In Young, but of someone else. And it all started when he saw the painting and met Faith.


Jiyong was told he got an invite from In Young to attend the soft launch of the artist she will feature in her gallery. Jiyong will probably attend if nothing more than to support a friend. He wanted to invite Faith with him but it might not be a good idea, even if he’s inviting her as a “friend”. 


Two days after he arrived in Korea, Jiyong got a call from his mother telling him to clear the things he still left in his old room at their manor. The manor was finally sold the last week he was in London and the new owners would like to move in right after Christmas.


Jiyong hasn’t been to their old manor since he left six years ago. He insisted that there’s nothing in his room he would like to keep but his mother was adamant that he still check on it to be sure nothing of value will be left out. 


Daesung came with Jiyong to check out his stuff. When they opened Jiyong’s room, it was exactly as he left it, only a bit dustier than before. 


They were going to bag everything that seems of value and put in boxes stuff that were to be donated to charity. 


Jiyong and Daesung started with his closet and boxed almost everything there. 


“Looking at your clothes before, I can’t believe that you would be wearing such dull suits,” Daesung , “but you’re getting better compared to what you used to wear say, months ago.”


Jiyong chuckled and blew the insides of his cheeks, “Yah, stop criticizing my fashion sense.” 


They then worked on the trinkets that were on Jiyong’s old study table. There were still college notes and papers on his table that they decided to just throw in a garbage bag. 


Daesung then proceeded to open drawers by his bed. “Hey, look, it’s a photo of you and Uncle,”


Jiyong took the frame from Daesung and looked at it. It was a baby picture of him sitting on his father’s lap, “Good thing, Omma, asked me to check things out here.”


Daesung then went to the bedside table and checked them for anything. The last drawer was locked. 


“Do you have a key to this drawer?”


Jiyong went to him, “What drawer? I don’t remember locking anything here.”


“This bottom drawer. It’s locked. You must have stashed your playboy magazines in there,” Daesung laughed. 


Jiyong smacked him and said, “I didn’t need those magazines.”


“Weird, why is the bottom drawer locked?” he thought and told Daesung, “There’s probably nothing there.”


NOOOO, there's something there you need to see, Jiyong! I will help you find the key, I mean, can I just help him find the key? It's just a key, pleaseeeeee!


“Jiyong, I don’t think you will lock a drawer if there’s nothing important there. You probably tried to hide it from Aunty or who knows, yourself?” Daesung reasoned out, “Aren’t you curious to know? I am. Let’s look for the key.”


I have to thank Daesung for this; this is probably the reason why my Master poured out so much optimism and curiosity in him.


They did not find the key, but Daesung was able to find a screw driver and hammer from a tool box downstairs. Daesung forced open the drawer only to find a hand-painted box.


“Interesting! Jiyong, look at this,” Daesung said calling out to Jiyong. 


As Jiyong started to walk towards Daesung to see what he was so agog about, his phone rang. 


“Yes, Kate?” it was a call from the office. 


Daesung looked the box over and marveled at the elaborate way the painting was done. He opened the lid and took out a note that was in it. He drew a quick breath when he saw the name on the note. It was signed by a name he once heard from Jiyong. 


“Jiyong, there’s a box…” Daesung started.


“Dae, just bag it, let’s hurry, the proposal I was waiting for arrived today. I need to go over it for the board meeting before Christmas vacation,” he said.


I was told I have a good pitching arm. That moment, I want to find something hard and hit Jiyong with it.

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Chapter 10: Coffee Beans came straight from Brazil but called as "Sumatra Beans" which is the name of the Big 3 island (contains of 10 provinces) in Indonesia, hmmm interesting 🤔😊

But truly I love this fanfic. Thank you so much for made such a beautiful story authornim.
Chapter 29: I love the feelings i get when reading this story. thank you.
nitafitrna #3
Chapter 29: author-nim, to be honest this skydragon story is something different than other story. this story make me so curious and alive at the same time, and your story also.. how should I say this? so wonderful-beautiful-smooth-epic-elegant story. great job! oh, and one thing, you write this story so great, I can see in every word that you choose and how you make it to a nice sentences.
babyda #4
Chapter 29: This is beautiful wonderful love's easy & smooth but not lame. I enjoy & excited read this. Jiyong & Chaerin ^^ i love their story fic #skydragon
pilyangsweet #5
Beautifully story and nicely written....!!!!

Im always been a fan of simple story yet will leave u thinking after reading...its very freshing and relaxing to too much complication or drama...which i really like!

Also i like how u use art in this story,how it plays a big role on them going back to each other arms plus i like cherin character too. She did not force herself back into jiyong life instead she waited patiently and let destiny do it work for both of them...

Thanks for the experience authornim...i truelly enjoy reading ur story!!
Chapter 29: This story is daebak! :) Definitely one of my favourites! Great job authornim!! ^^
wallflower_ #7
Chapter 29: This story is very beautiful!!
I love this story. Thank you for posting it. ^-^
nienie11289 #9
Chapter 29: I first read this in SDK.. and now re-reading it here. I still love this story! The significance if the art is so awesome because there's always more to a story behind a picture.
This is probably one of my favourite skydragon stories. I can't wait to read more of your other works. :)
FrenchKijibe #10
Chapter 29: this story was so beautiful thank you for sharing it with us, I loved everything about every moment, it is a very coherent fiction and it was so well written that I could easily picture all of it, some scenes were extremely poetic, especially the bench scene or all the paintings descriptions ! they're just so beautiful, thank you for sharing at the end your inspirations !
can't wait to read more from you !
please keep on writing !!!