Box #13

Love Box


“Sorry, I was trying to find a break in whatever you are doing to talk to you, you seem pretty busy,” he paused “Uh, you were in the elevator this morning right? I just wanted to ask how you and your sister, she’s your sister right? Well, just wanted to know how are you doing?” 


“Yes, I was in that death defying contraption. We are fine. Do not worry we are not filing a suit.”


“That was not why I asked about how you’re doing. I didn’t get a chance to talk to the two of you when they pulled us out of the elevator. I wanted to make sure you’re both fine,” he explained, not really sure now what else to say. 




“What do you mean ‘and’?”


“Would that be all?”


Jiyong felt his face warmed, bit by bit. “She must have remembered me gripping her hand so tight.”


“Ah, sorry about the hand, it was reflex reaction, wanting to make sure you were okay and…” he trailed off, coughing to cover up his embarrassment. 


Chae rin gave a soft laugh, “We both know what it was. It’s okay to be scared sometimes.”


This time, Jiyong smiled and chuckled. There was no point denying what it was. He was more than just scared for himself though.


“You okay?” Chae rin asked, “You look tired and stuffy, must be the boring suit.”


“Expensive suit,” he corrected, a little bit flustered that someone would openly criticize his sense of fashion.


“Expensive but boring just the same.”


“You’re quick, I like that. You and I will fast become friends,” he said deftly moving from his table to hers.


“I’m curious do you normally say that to every new person you meet?” she asked. She did not bother to tell him that he came to her table uninvited or that he seems to be comfortably sitting across her, oblivious that they appear like an odd couple in a picture frame, a man in suit with a woman in layered clothing, looking every inch like a beautiful gypsy.


“No, but what’s strange is I feel like I can say it to you. Besides we’ve already met, right?”


Chae rin searched him with her eyes, wondering if he’s remembered who she was.


“East Lane Street and the elevator,” he smiled. 


Chae rin slowly nodded her head and shut her sketch pad setting it aside. Jiyong has made his presence known, by coming to her table he is telling Chae rin he is not to be ignored.


“So what do you do? Are you still a student?” Jiyong asked and bit his tongue, “Darn, if she’s a student! I hope she isn’t a student, otherwise…” Otherwise what, Jiyong? 


“Nope, I’m done with school a long time ago. I’m a professor,” she lied, her lips twitching.


Jiyong gave her a quick once-over and shook his head, “You’re a lousy liar, you are not a professor.” Oops, what did you just do, Jiyong, called her a liar? “Uh, sorry…”


“You seem to be saying that a lot lately, you short on your quota for the word ‘sorry’?” she cheekily said. 


“Right, and you smoothly ignored my question, so what do you do really?”


“You could say that I’m an aspiring artist.”


He nodded his head, “How long have you been in Korea? Are you naturally from here? I mean you look Korean but you sound, your accent, is weird,”


“I don’t give that kind of information to strangers,”


“Fair enough,” he said. Then, he gamely put his hand on his stomach and slightly bowed to her before he extended his hand, saying, “I’m Kwon Jiyong, nice to meet you…?”


“Hello, Jiyong-ssi,” 


“And you’re name? It’s customary to give your name when you’re introducing yourself,”


“Ah, but I did not introduce myself,” she impishly said, trying her best to test the patience of the man before her. If she successfully annoys him will he leave her alone? Would she want him to leave her alone?


Jiyong could not believe this, asking for her name is like prying classified information from a government spy. Why is she freaking hiding her name, does her name sound so bad like Samsoon? 


“Aish, what’s wrong with your name? We’ve been meeting each other in the most unexpected places. I want to know what to call you the next time we meet,” 


Given a choice, Chae rin would rather not want to see him again, after all he has seemed to have forgotten everything about her. And yet here he is, in front of her, saying the words he said to her from seven years ago. Is fate playing a cruel joke on her? 


She glanced at the wall clock by the counter before replying, “Why don’t we wait for that next time then, Jiyong-ssi?” She took her bag put her sketch pad in, then stood up and bowed to the man who’s also now getting up from his chair, “It’s getting late, I have to go home. Good night, Jiyong-ssi, be safe going home.”


Jiyong shook his head in amazing disbelief how this young woman could annoy and intrigue him at the same time. He bowed admitting defeat… for tonight.



I must say, the girl developed even more spunk when she went away.


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Chapter 10: Coffee Beans came straight from Brazil but called as "Sumatra Beans" which is the name of the Big 3 island (contains of 10 provinces) in Indonesia, hmmm interesting 🤔😊

But truly I love this fanfic. Thank you so much for made such a beautiful story authornim.
Chapter 29: I love the feelings i get when reading this story. thank you.
nitafitrna #3
Chapter 29: author-nim, to be honest this skydragon story is something different than other story. this story make me so curious and alive at the same time, and your story also.. how should I say this? so wonderful-beautiful-smooth-epic-elegant story. great job! oh, and one thing, you write this story so great, I can see in every word that you choose and how you make it to a nice sentences.
babyda #4
Chapter 29: This is beautiful wonderful love's easy & smooth but not lame. I enjoy & excited read this. Jiyong & Chaerin ^^ i love their story fic #skydragon
pilyangsweet #5
Beautifully story and nicely written....!!!!

Im always been a fan of simple story yet will leave u thinking after reading...its very freshing and relaxing to too much complication or drama...which i really like!

Also i like how u use art in this story,how it plays a big role on them going back to each other arms plus i like cherin character too. She did not force herself back into jiyong life instead she waited patiently and let destiny do it work for both of them...

Thanks for the experience authornim...i truelly enjoy reading ur story!!
Chapter 29: This story is daebak! :) Definitely one of my favourites! Great job authornim!! ^^
wallflower_ #7
Chapter 29: This story is very beautiful!!
I love this story. Thank you for posting it. ^-^
nienie11289 #9
Chapter 29: I first read this in SDK.. and now re-reading it here. I still love this story! The significance if the art is so awesome because there's always more to a story behind a picture.
This is probably one of my favourite skydragon stories. I can't wait to read more of your other works. :)
FrenchKijibe #10
Chapter 29: this story was so beautiful thank you for sharing it with us, I loved everything about every moment, it is a very coherent fiction and it was so well written that I could easily picture all of it, some scenes were extremely poetic, especially the bench scene or all the paintings descriptions ! they're just so beautiful, thank you for sharing at the end your inspirations !
can't wait to read more from you !
please keep on writing !!!