Box #1

Love Box

As is always the case, Chae rin was too absorbed with her book that she forgot time. She had her earphones on so even when she set the alarm on her cellphone, it was no use. A hand gently tapped her on her shoulders, “Chae rin ssi, it’s getting quite late.”

Startled, she looked up from her book to see Mrs. Chen, the university librarian, who became quite fond of Chae rin, “Oh, I’m sorry Ma’am. I totally lost track of the time.”

“As I thought you did. What are you reading this time?”

“Sophie’s World, very interesting,” she replied packing her stuff and adjusting the earphones of her iPod, “I’m sorry for the trouble.”

“No trouble at all, take care on your way home,”

“You too, Mrs. Chen,” she bowed and briskly walked out of the massive library she calls her third home. 

She specifically told the driver to wait for her by the library steps at 7:30 pm, although she knew she forgot the time and came out 30 minutes late both car and driver should still have been out by parking space near the library steps waiting for her. When she got her phone out to call the driver, she saw two messages in her inbox. She picked the first unread post and saw a reply from her driver saying, “Miss Chae rin, are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?

She smacked her head and forgot that she told him he can leave early since she’s riding with Minji that day which didn’t happen because she was too absorbed with her book that she forgot to text Minji about riding with her. 

She took the long walk from the library to the university gate. The university streets were all properly lighted so it was not a scary walk at all. Some of the students and professors were even still doing their evening jogs while others were about walking their dogs. 

She turned the corner to make a short cut, heading towards the neat and ostentatious letter houses of the legit university sororities and fraternities and it was here that she first met Jiyong. 

Jiyong was getting tired of all the constant complaining and senseless comments from her. She was honestly one of the prettiest faces he has ever seen but, man, he never thought she is such an airhead. He was not looking for a genius but if she could have just been a little less proud of being an airhead, everything would have been fine. Fed up with her incessant, gibberish talk, he calmly told her to get out of the car. 

“Why would you want me to get out of the car? I am your date. What would my sorority say if they see me walk home alone?” the shrill of her voice grating on Jiyong. 

“Honestly, we’re already in front of your sorority house, you can get out now and go to the front door and get some beauty sleep.”

“Jiyong-ie, it’s way too early! We haven’t even made out yet,” she pouted, trying to get her hands around Jiyong’s neck.

Jiyong raised his eyebrows and patiently warded off her hands, “Didn’t anyone tell you that you don’t make out on your first date? Now Yuna, be the pretty and good girl that you are and go on in.”

Chae rin was quite uncomfortable witnessing all this, she wanted to turn around and go back the other way but that would mean going the long way to the university gate. So to avoid Jiyong and his date for the night she opted to cross the road and walk from the opposite side to the gate. She was about to cross when a car sped by, almost hitting her. She stepped back and hit her right elbow on Jiyong’s car. 

The speeding car caught Jiyong’s attention and he automatically crane his neck back to check if there was anyone unfortunate enough to have been hit by the car. He didn’t see anyone lying unconscious on the ground but he did see a young girl stepping back and hitting her elbow on the trunk of his car. 

He stepped out of the car completely forgetting Yuna and checked on girl, “Miss? Did the car hit you?”

“Almost, but it think I hit your car. Did I damage it?”

“No, no damage. Come on let me get you to a hospital so we can get that checked.”

Chae rin looked at him and notice that Yuna was already standing right behind him, appearing ready to unsheathe her claws in case Chae rin gets in their way. 

“No, I’m fine, thanks,” she said brushing off the dirt from her jacket and made a move to stand up.

“No, I insist. Come on,” he bent to assist her and whispered, “please, I want to get out of here and leave this woman with my reputation intact. Just pretend with me, what’s your name?”

He bent just way too close that Chaerin caught a pretty good dose of his fine perfume, fresh but manly. “Chae rin,” she whispered back, “what do you mean pretend?”

He helped her stand up and guided her to the front seat of his car, “Yuna, I have to take Chae rin to the hospital to get her checked.”

“Chae rin?! How did you get her name? Who is she to you?” Yuna shrieked.

Jiyong sighed and put his hands on Yuna’s shoulders, “She’s a family friend, a very good family friend that my parents favored heavily. My parents would have a fit if they find out I didn’t help her. Would you want my parents not liking you? Now, go on in and have a good rest,” he moved her aside and quickly jumped in to his car and drove off.

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Chapter 10: Coffee Beans came straight from Brazil but called as "Sumatra Beans" which is the name of the Big 3 island (contains of 10 provinces) in Indonesia, hmmm interesting 🤔😊

But truly I love this fanfic. Thank you so much for made such a beautiful story authornim.
Chapter 29: I love the feelings i get when reading this story. thank you.
nitafitrna #3
Chapter 29: author-nim, to be honest this skydragon story is something different than other story. this story make me so curious and alive at the same time, and your story also.. how should I say this? so wonderful-beautiful-smooth-epic-elegant story. great job! oh, and one thing, you write this story so great, I can see in every word that you choose and how you make it to a nice sentences.
babyda #4
Chapter 29: This is beautiful wonderful love's easy & smooth but not lame. I enjoy & excited read this. Jiyong & Chaerin ^^ i love their story fic #skydragon
pilyangsweet #5
Beautifully story and nicely written....!!!!

Im always been a fan of simple story yet will leave u thinking after reading...its very freshing and relaxing to too much complication or drama...which i really like!

Also i like how u use art in this story,how it plays a big role on them going back to each other arms plus i like cherin character too. She did not force herself back into jiyong life instead she waited patiently and let destiny do it work for both of them...

Thanks for the experience authornim...i truelly enjoy reading ur story!!
Chapter 29: This story is daebak! :) Definitely one of my favourites! Great job authornim!! ^^
wallflower_ #7
Chapter 29: This story is very beautiful!!
I love this story. Thank you for posting it. ^-^
nienie11289 #9
Chapter 29: I first read this in SDK.. and now re-reading it here. I still love this story! The significance if the art is so awesome because there's always more to a story behind a picture.
This is probably one of my favourite skydragon stories. I can't wait to read more of your other works. :)
FrenchKijibe #10
Chapter 29: this story was so beautiful thank you for sharing it with us, I loved everything about every moment, it is a very coherent fiction and it was so well written that I could easily picture all of it, some scenes were extremely poetic, especially the bench scene or all the paintings descriptions ! they're just so beautiful, thank you for sharing at the end your inspirations !
can't wait to read more from you !
please keep on writing !!!