Chapter 12


Live life at your fullest


Naeun woke up early that morning, something pretty unusual for her. With heavy eyelids she looked around and spotted the familiar figure laying next to her. He had a white sheet covering up the lower part of his body while his bare muscular back was exposed to Naeun's tiered eyes. Lazily she shifted her position closer to him and hugged his waist, hoping she'd drift off to sleep once again.

A couple of minutes passed, and she didn't seem to fall asleep again. Sighing, she sat up and pulled her brown long hair in a loose pony tail with a black tie that was resting on the nightstand. She stood up and felt a slight sharp pain in her private part, but shock it off with a chuckle while picking her clothes up. When she was done, she took a clean towel from her closet and made her way to the bathroom that was inside her bedroom.

She started filling the bathtub and waited while looking at her body in the mirror. She was thin, no curves at all, but she was well aware that she was beautiful nevertheless. And she truly was. But why wasn't she happy? Taking a deep breath while looking at herself in the mirror she turned around and got in the bathtub. Closing her eyes, she leaned her back againts the edge as she relaxed her muscles.

It didn't take long for her thoughts to drift of to Taemin. She thought about him a lot. Not becouse she gave a about him, but becouse she was the one that was supposed to kill him. She knew she had taken too long fooling around and that she should finish him soon, but something inside her loved playing around with him. Her desire got bigged once she realised Minji was the girl that was in charge of protecting him.

There was and would always be a slight rivality between the two girls. No one knew how it started, not even the two, but it was there for sure, and there was always a winner and a loser. It was now personal...

Suddenly she heard the bathroom door open and her boyfriend stepped inside with a slight smirk on his face. Naeun opened her eyes and smiled slightly at him, who got closer and told her to make some space for him in the bathtub. Nodding, Naeun pushed her body foreward, sitting in the middle of it, while Junhyun sat behind her with his legs on either side of her body.

"Goodmorning!" She said in a low voice as she leaned her back against his chest.

"Morning! You're up early." His deep voice followed shortly after.

"I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't." She stated and closed her eyes while leanind her head was on his shoulder.

"Mmm..." He murmured. Not wanting to bother her he shut up, and left her alone since she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"We need to kill him soon." Her voice broke the silence, making Junhyun nod at her statement.

"We took way too long, and if boss finds out we're not done with him yet, we're dead."

"Pff, you're dead! He's my father, he won't do anything to me."

"Right, forgot about that." Junhyun paused. Would she really let her dad kill him? "When are we going to move?" He asked a quite long pause.





"Taemin..." A faint voice called him. He couldn't tell who's voice it was, nor could he tell where he was but he was sure he could only see white. Suddenly a girl dressed in a white dress showed up. Her face was blurry but utterly familiar. Her brown hair were the only dark thing in the white place. It looked like heaven, but did that mean she was an angel too?

 Slowly, the features got clearer until he recognized the girl. "I'm gonna kill you, Taemin..." Naeun said with an innocent voice as a smile got formed on her lips.

A gun got pointed at him. Then a gunshot sound.


"Taemin!" He woke up immediately with wide eyes. He looked up and saw Minji sitting on the edge of the bed. "Bad dream?" She asked with a half smile half smirk.

"Yeah... It looked pretty real..." He said as he sat up.

"Mmm... Would you like to go out today? It's a beautiful afternoon and the weather is amazing. What do you say?" Minji asked with sparkly eyes, making Taemin laugh slightly.

"Ok, squishy!" He said and pinched her left cheek, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Since when did you start giving me nicknames?" She asked.

"Since now." He said and stood up from the bed.


"Ok, let's go!" He said once he was ready and then they both walked out of the building. Once they were outside, Taemin was quite surprised to see it was already dark.

"Did I take that long to get ready?" He asked, making Minji nood.

"We're not driving tonight!" She said once they went in the huge garage. Right after she said that she pulled the two white sheeps that were on top of two black moticycles. They were shinny and really cool. Taemin bet they were fast too.

"What makes you think I can ride that?" He asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Becouse, I know you used to own one before, but it got ruined becouse you're such a y rider and crashed. Don't ask, I got my sources." She answered smirking and threw him a helmet. "I case you fall again." And with a wink she got on one of the bikes. Rolling his eyes, Taemin took the remote and pressed a botton so the garage's door would open. Then, he made his way next to his own bike and got on.

The two of them rode in full speed. They didn't care if the cops would stop them or arrest them. They didn't even know where they were going, at least Taemin didn't. He was just following her like a lost puppy, letting her take him anywhere she wanted to go.

Soon, they found themselves in a dark alley. Minji stopped the motocycle and took her helmet off. Taemin did the same and as soon as he had the black helmet off his head, he started hearing all the noise that was coming not too far away.

"Follow me." She said simply and started walking foreward, until Taemin saw a crowd of people, a lot of motocycles and race cars. There was a huge empty space between the crowd of people where four bikes were in the beggining.

Minji gave him a look. She had a smirk on her face and it could only mean trouble. "Can you race, princess?" She asked and chuckled at her own so-called joke.

"I can race better than you ever will, squishy." Taemin answered with a glare being thron at her. "And since when did you start giving me nicknames?"

"Since you started calling me squishy." Laughing, she turned around and took her motocycle.

The two of them joined the soon-to-start street race. Minji shot a smirk at Taemin's direction before she put her helmet on. Then she looked on her right, where some dude was on top of his own bike. He was cheacking her out head to toe, but she couldn't care less. Not too long after a girl with orange hair stepped in front. She had a very short miniskirt on and a revealing shirt that showed some of her belly and a lot of her s and back. She took her shirt off, revealing her bare chest with only pasties covering her s. Everyone screamed and cheered and dirty sentences were thrown at the girl, but she didn't pay much attention to them.

"Ready... Steady... GO!" As she said the last word she threw her shirt up and the six racers took off. At first, one of the guys was leading, but the situation changed soon. Taemin sped up, leaving everyone behind. Minji followed shortly after, but she couldn't pass him before the finish line.

Taemin won.

He stopped the motocycle and took the hemlet off immediately. Minji was already on her feet when he did that with a playful smile on her face. She had her arms crossed against her chest and her hips suppored to the bike. "Well, I guess, I underrestimated you." She said once he was close enough. Chuckling he nooded. "Yup, you did!"

Sirens were heard, people started running and some also screaming. The police was there, something that meant everyone should leave unless they wanted to sleep in the police station that night. Jumping on their repectetive motocycles, Taemin and Minji rode off, far away from the scene, now full of cops.

Once they were far enough, they stopped. Minji recognised the place and she could tell they were already outside of Seoul. She used to go there when she was bored or lonely and she knew there was a small shore not too far from where were standing.

Once she took Taemin there, a smile formed on her lips as exitement rushed all over he body.

"This is my secret place! It had been a long time I came here." She said with a low voice and sat down on the sand as she enjoyed the soft spring breeze blow.

"It's beautiful." Taemin said as he sat down next to her, with a smile on his face.

They stayed in silence for a while, looking at the clear sky and all the stars it held. They had both seen in the sky before, but for some reason, this time it felt special. Each other's presence made it special.

"This is so relaxing." Minji said and sighed as she layed on her back with her eyes closed.

"Yeah..." He agreed and layed down as well. "I don't think I'll be able to get up and go back home." He added and chuckled.

"Me neither..." Minji said and laughed slightly.

"Let's just sleep here."

"It's too dangerous." She said and turned her head to look at him with a serious face.

"Right... I almost forgort." He said after a good minute of just staring at each other.

"We must go." She simply said and stood up.


A/N: 18.01.2014 

I had to post something since it's Minji's birthday... :DDD

Our girl is already 20 and she's gone sooo far :') I am so proud of her.

Minji, I wish you the happiest birthday, hope you selebrate it well and I hope you're having fun on your special day :)

We, Blackjacks/Minjas love you sooo much <33

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I'll soon post an explenation to my abstance.


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Chapter 18: bwahahahahah when i saw that all jr three fic were updated the first worlds that came out of my mouth were *clears thoat* Holy. ing. Shiat. ahhhhhhhahahahah xD
wecome back baaka!!~ ♥♡♥♡
Hjanexx #2
Chapter 18: Unnie don't loose hope in taeminzy! And welcome back your literally one of the best taeminzy authors ! I can't wait till other updates
Chapter 18: Welcome bck cnt wait til the next update
Chapter 18: welcome back!
Chapter 17: CANT WAIT FOR MORE TAEMINZY!!!! update soon!!! xD <3
New subbie lovin the story so far :)
Chapter 16: Dang...Taemin you got to try harder LOL.
taeminzy next time please
update soon