
Something Beautiful

Read A/N at end of chapter


         You scoff and cross your arms against your chest, “You have absolutely no authority over me. You are not my mother.”

The woman gives you a stern smile, “Darling, I’m the closest thing you will ever get to a mother. Besides, I was the one that took you in when my sister passed away. I could’ve let you go to the orphanage,” Getting up she stands in front of you and pushes the strands away from you face, “Haeun, oh, Haeun, you are as stubborn as ever.”

“Well I wouldn’t be so stubborn if you kept offering me deals that I hate.”

“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”

You bit your lip, “If you’re going to ask me to move in with you, I’m not. I have been living in this house hold alone for almost 4 years now, I can take care of myself.”

“Don’t you ever get lonely?” Your Aunt asks leaning against the marble island.

You shake your head, “No, I have friends.”

“Friends? Like that dork of a boy? What’s his name Junhwe? Junsu? Ju”-

You cut her off with a glare, “-It’s Junhong.”

She laughs in your face, “Him? That boy is destined for failure.”

“That boy is my best friend, you don't even know him, so if you don’t have anything nice to say about him I suggest you leave.”

“Is that a threat, missy?”

“Only if you make it one.”

She pursed her lips, “Very well. Putting aside this argument, Haeun, I was not wondering if you wanted to move in with me. My house is already full. I have 4 children and they all need their own rooms. So if you were to move in you would live in like the corner of the basement,” She puts her hand on your shoulder, “I want only what is best for you so, I’m offering you a chance to live in-“

 You didn’t want to hear it. She continued to talk but you drained everything out of you mind. You weren’t going to leave, heck, never did you ever even think about leaving this house. You grew up here. Your whole life was here.

“-So, do you want the offer or not?”


Your aunt arches her eyebrow high, “But certainly there are greater options, Haeun.”

“Imo*, I said no and it’s final.”

Your aunt shrugs her dainty shoulders and raises her phone, “If you want to talk about the deal, call me, okay?” You nod your head and watch as she walks back to the front door, holding the wall for support as she puts on her pumps. Laying her suit jacket over her shoulders, like a model, she turns and wriggles her fingers at you, “Consider the offer will you, Haeun?”

You stare blankly at your aunt with harsh eyes, “Sure, bye Imo.” You walk to the door and close it behind you. Your ears ring as they pick up the sound of the corvette being put out of its rest. The car honks as another goodbye and zooms down the road. Looking out the window with furrowed eyebrows your rub your face and stomp into the kitchen grabbing the well-deserved pint of ice cream.




          Your afternoon went by fairly quickly and all you did was spend time by yourself. The house was quiet but never was your mind; it was always recalling facts and over-analyzing them.

“I love it here and an offer like that should not make me change my mind, never am I going to leave.” You tell yourself as you weigh your pros and cons, “But there could be bigger opportunities in –“

Your phone rings and you snap out of your self-chat, “Hello?”


“Yes, Jongup?”

“I was meaning to tell you this a while ago but, I saw your aunt at the mall. She’s in town?”

“Yeah…” Your eyes widened, “Please don’t tell me she talked to you, too?!”

“Haeun, if you’re-“

“-I’m not leaving, Jongup. Come over.”

After that the two of you hung up and you cursed your aunt. In a few minutes the doorbell rang and up you ran to get it. Jongup casually walked in, taking off his shoes and walked to your living room.

You bit thumbnail and spoke, “What did she tell you?”

“She told me that you might move somewhere and that this place was going to be good for you. If, if you want to Haeun, go-“

You face twisted and you spoke, “-I’m not going, Jongup. Why would you think I would go?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugged sadly, “it’s just you’re a traveler, you told me that you were. Remember when we were nine and you said that you wanted to go to every place in the world?”

The two of you laughed and you rubbed your neck, “I’m not that girl any more, Jongup, I’m finally happy and traveling, for once, doesn’t need to be my remedy.” You held your arms out and he came closer and gave you the best brotherly hug possible.

“Just please, do what you feel is best, okay, don’t think about the people,” He looked at you seriously; “Don’t let people like me or Zelo or even Jungkook be the reason you’re anchored down.”

You shook your head and embraced your second best friend once more, “Thanks oppa.” You pulled away and looked at him, “If anything, don’t tell Jungkook or Junhong, okay?”

Jongup’s face twisted, “Why don’t you want to tell them, Haeun?”

“Because they will, I don’t know, overreact and I just don’t want them to worry too much.”

“Haeun, one of them is your boyfriend and the other is your best friend!  They need to know this-“

“-they don’t. Jongup,” your mind goes blank for a reason for you not to tell them. You exhale and speak slowly, “I just, I don’t think I could do that to them; telling them I might leave, is so mind-blowing.” You furrow your eyebrows and look down repeating, “I just don’t think I can do that to them, not yet.”

Jongup lifts your chin up, “Haeun,” You look at him, “Time is of the essence. Use it wisely.”

You stare at him with soft eyes and shake your head. He gives you a soft smile and nod, “Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up in the process.” He gives you another brotherly hug and nods, walking out of your house, leaving you alone once again.




         Night quickly fell and soon you were getting ready for bed. Even if it wasn’t that late, your eyes had been longing to go back to sleep since the moment you woke up. Though you didn’t regret waking up, considering that you spent the evening with your lovely boyfriend.

Throwing on an old t-shirt and pajama shorts, you walk down stairs to get a glass of water. Taking a sip, your eyes glance at the clock, 8:27, where’s Jungkook.  You put the glass down and shrugged the thought off of your mind. You didn’t want to be a drag of a girlfriend so you retreated up the staircase. Half way, the doorbell rang and you backtracked slouching to the door.

“Jungkook?” You said as you opened the door, “What are you doing here?” He stepped inside bringing the cold air with him. You shiver slightly and close the door before other unwanted air slips in.

“I told you I would see you later right?” He leaned close and whispered, “Well here I am.”

You smiled and kissed him, “There you are.” You tiptoed and kissed his nose bringing his to your room.

The two of you sat on the floor with your legs crossed leaning against your bed frame. Jungkook was too busy playing with your fingers that he forgot to tell you about his day.

So you asked.

“How was your day?”

“Good,” He looked at you, “The doctors said that she could wake up any moment now so, I’m really happy.” He smiled and you reflected.

“How was your day?” Jungkook nodded.

You smiled weakened. You didn’t want to tell Jungkook about your aunt’s visit and you didn’t want him to be left without an answer because one way or another he would find out what you were keeping from him.

“It, it was good…” You stared down at your tangled fingers and back at him, “I was relaxing all day and now that you’re here, it’s even better.” You gave him a cheeky grin and he kissed your cheek.

The two of you talked for a couple more hours on what was happening at Jungkook’s dorm and how everyone is speaking in their own dialects and whatnot. You could feel his happiness; you knew it was something that he hadn’t felt in a long time and to burden him with what happened this evening, could possibly take away his 30 seconds of joy.

You didn’t want to do that to him…


You didn’t want to because you loved him…


Because when you were younger your mother always told you to never hurt the ones you loved.


 And you knew that you didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.




It’s D-Day or White day or Pie day!

Hahaha thanks you guys for all the comments and whatnot but it was her *Imo: Aunt who came to visit. I don’t know how you guys thought it was her mom because her mom died remember, silly goose.

Anywho lots of love to my new and old subscribers, you guys are the most precious things in the world!


Should I make a blog post on an intro to myself? I feel like you guys don’t even know me… Friend request me and comment on what you guys want to know about me!

Virtual hugs,



Omg... two different sides of the creature that I love.

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Re-read this story for the 3rd time. Still amazing :D
Chapter 20: haha "special ed"
i say that too xD
fanfan109 #3
Amazing one
PennyB912 #4
Chapter 33: Awwww sweet and beautiful! Total feels <3
It's an amazing story!
spammeranna #6
Chapter 34: Loved this fanfic so much! All the characters were really sweet. I felt so bad for Zelo since he seemed so lost after Jungkook and Haeun started dating. I actually wouldn't have minded if she ended up with either of them! I'm glad Jongup was there for Haeun at the times when Jungkook and Zelo couldn't be there. So cute! Everything!
Annielovie #7
Chapter 21: ...im 14 now and i just wanted to let you know that i wasnt expecting the thyroid cancer to be included and its the first time iv cried over a fanfic haha ps the fanfics amazing so far XD
Annielovie #8
Chapter 21: hi i just wanted to point out the part where Jungkook's. little sister is explaining about the thyroid cancer and the butterfly after reading that small explanation my eyes started to fill up with tears because it was put so beautifully put and u might think im weird at this point but i can relate because i actually have thyroid disease (graves disease) ...
Chapter 34: I like how it ended. It feels complete. :)
Going on this short journey of exploring Haeun's life was fun! I'll make sure to check out your other fics btw. ^^
Chapter 34: This story is perfect! I spent the whole day reading it, I fell in love with it ♡_♡ thank you for writing/sharing such a great story ^_^