
Something Beautiful

His lips.

His lips.

His lips-

There a sudden jerk and then a shove. You gasped as you left his warm lips, looking at him you pinked, “I’m sorry I-“

“What the hell?!” He looked at you with tear stained cheeks and furrowed eyebrows, “Why did you do that?”

Your mouth hung open, “I-I- I thought-“

“Save it, I don’t need your pity love. Okay?”

“Jungkook I didn’t- it’s not-“ He hurried past you and bumped your shoulder. Your back was facing his and suddenly, your ears picked up the sense of footsteps pacing. You stood in the alleyway stunned by not only what you did, but his reaction.

He doesn’t want me. He doesn’t love me. Let alone like me; God, Haeun, You are so stupid. You put a hand through your hair and crouched on the ground, Why do I always have to be the stupid one? Aigoo, pabo Haeun, pabo.




A week has passed and you are now at school. You walked alongside Zelo, and the students attending the school noticed as well.

“Why do they keep staring?” You sighed aggravated, “We walked together for the past week.”

Zelo shrugged and guessed, “Maybe it’s because I hang out with you more than I hang out with Yoomi and you hang out with me more than you hang out with Jungkook.”

The air went crisp and squinted your eyes at him, “Yah, it’s not like I meant anything to him anyways, people don’t need to make such a big deal.”

“Haeun,” Zelo started, “Don’t say that.”

“But it’s true! If I meant something to him he wouldn’t have pushed me like I had a disease.” You looked down and opened you locker. Some way, Jungkook managed to slip into every single one of your conversations.

“We went over this, Haeun, he probably was just shocked.”

“Great! Now it sounds like I forced myself on to him.” Groaning as you grabbed your books, you walked to Zelo’s locker with him. While he opened his locker, you opened your mouth, “Am I pathetic?”

You heard him exhale, “No, you are not-“

“Yup.” You heard an annoying voice mutter.

You furrowed your eyebrows and swiveled around to see the person who owned the obnoxiously irritating voice, “What?”

“You asked if you were pathetic and I responded yup.” Your eyebrows were locked in place as you watched the female talk, “You hang around with my boyfriend and second, you cling on to my dance partner. And because of you I haven’t seen him around to apologize-“

Zelo grabbed his books and looked at her, “Yoomi, enough. It’s not Haeun’s fault for you missing the competition.”

“Oppa-“ Before she could finish her sentence Zelo grabbed your wrist and dragged you to homeroom, luckily, away from her.




After class you collapsed on your desk and stared at Zelo who did the same, “Maybe Yoomi was right.” You told him, “Maybe I am pathetic.”

“Aniya, don’t listen to her, she is a ball of trouble.”

“Then why do you date her?”

Zelo held in his breath, “Because I like her?”

“No you don’t.” You raised your head and looked at him, “She’s not even your type.”

Then, He too raised his head and counter argued, “How would you know? You don’t know what i prefer-“

“I know that kind-hearted girls, who make good house wives and smile brightly. Zelo, I have only seen her smile once and-“

“You don’t know her like I do!” You gasped and your eyes widened; this was the second time he had risen his voice in such anger at you, “You don’t know her.”

He stormed out of the room and before you could call his name and tell him you were sorry, he was already out into the hallway. You bit your lip and ran a hand through your hair, “Pabo, Haeun, Pabo.”




You closed your phone as you sighed, trying to contact Zelo for the 5th time that evening. Everything was so out of proportion and so tangled that you wanted to give up. Kicking the gravel on the street, you looked at your phone; your fingers tingled as anticipation ran through them. You wanted to talk to someone, anyone, but you only knew two people to talk about this with.

Jungkook and Jongup; one of them was confused by what you did, and the other was probably dancing or talking with Zelo, who was frustrated by what you had said.

You unlocked your house’s front door and dropped your school bag on the floor; making your way to your pantry. What’s good, what’s good?

You grabbed a bag of chips and lounged yourself on your couch, turning on the TV. The first channel that was on was the News about Typhoon Haiyan, “Aigoo, I feel so bad.”

The doorbell then rang, turning down the volume of the TV you walked over to open the door.

“Hey.” The stranger looked up and meekly smiled.

“Hi.” It was so awkward and yet you talked merely 6 hours ago, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have over reacted.” Zelo looked down at you.

“Yeah, you shouldn’t have.” You muttered.

Zelo furrowed your eyebrows, “Aish, We are trying to apologize,” He grabbed your pouting lips and spoke,” If it weren’t for your mouth, we wouldn’t have gotten into this posh argument.”

You pinched his Cheeks and spoke as clearly as you could, “Well, if you weren’t so squishy and protective, you would have seen my opinion not as an insult.” You two of you looked at each other and laughed. Embracing each other like children, he enters your house and opens his backpack taking out his laptop. You sat next to him and took out your English book and started to study.

Hours passed and Zelo had fallen asleep on the couch; you had just finished the last of your homework and studies. Yawning as you stretched tiredly, you looked at your wall clock and it read 11:45.

You kicked your best friend’s thigh with your foot, “Wake up, Junhong.”

“Five more minutes.” He groaned into the pillow.

“No, now, it’s already 11:45.”He then started to whine like a child and shake with aeygo, “Gross, ew. Stop, I’ll even volunteer to walk you home like the little girl you are.”

He slowly stood up and limply gathered his things together. Once he was done packing, you put on a coat and shoes and let the darkness drown your bodies.




“Goodnight! Be safe!” Zelo hollered out to you as he went in. You shook your head and walked down the path you normally do. The air was getting colder and the days felt shorter, it was refreshing. Another year has slipped through your fingers, you are almost there.

Rusty chains clatter and your head shot up in curiosity.

It is the same black coat, the same shoes, the same hair, that lingered in your eyes. Even if the facial features are not seen, you knew exactly who it belonged to.

“Haeun,” Your name slipped off of his tongue and your ears devoured the sound. You missed his voice; you may be a bit too dramatic, but you missed it. You grew more attached to the person who the voice belonged, than you imagined, “I’m sorry.”

It was another apology.

Another shot at friendship had risen, your heart wells up, wanting to know the reason for him even running in the first place. Many questions lump in your throat.

Why did you run?

Do you still like me?

Do you think lowly of me?

Questions like these ran clearly, registered in your brain, but all that you managed to get out were two simple words that were meant to come out of his mouth first.

You’re forgiven.



UHUHUUH you guys though Jungkookie was going to indulge upon the sweet thimble aye?

Well, I wanted  to throw you guys off b/c you thought he was getting friendly and yada yada. I meant to update earlier but I needed to study b/c I’m Asian and I need good grades OTL.

Any who I wanted to make this updated earlier b/c of BTS winning Melon Music Awards for Best Rookie but I left my laptop at home….

LALALA Don’t hate me,




ps. Please Pray for the Philippines. much love.

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Re-read this story for the 3rd time. Still amazing :D
Chapter 20: haha "special ed"
i say that too xD
fanfan109 #3
Amazing one
PennyB912 #4
Chapter 33: Awwww sweet and beautiful! Total feels <3
It's an amazing story!
spammeranna #6
Chapter 34: Loved this fanfic so much! All the characters were really sweet. I felt so bad for Zelo since he seemed so lost after Jungkook and Haeun started dating. I actually wouldn't have minded if she ended up with either of them! I'm glad Jongup was there for Haeun at the times when Jungkook and Zelo couldn't be there. So cute! Everything!
Annielovie #7
Chapter 21: ...im 14 now and i just wanted to let you know that i wasnt expecting the thyroid cancer to be included and its the first time iv cried over a fanfic haha ps the fanfics amazing so far XD
Annielovie #8
Chapter 21: hi i just wanted to point out the part where Jungkook's. little sister is explaining about the thyroid cancer and the butterfly after reading that small explanation my eyes started to fill up with tears because it was put so beautifully put and u might think im weird at this point but i can relate because i actually have thyroid disease (graves disease) ...
Chapter 34: I like how it ended. It feels complete. :)
Going on this short journey of exploring Haeun's life was fun! I'll make sure to check out your other fics btw. ^^
Chapter 34: This story is perfect! I spent the whole day reading it, I fell in love with it ♡_♡ thank you for writing/sharing such a great story ^_^