
Something Beautiful

           It was now Saturday and you were free from school; free from the stress of watching Yoomi and Zelo walk hand in hand actually. You looked outside you window and stretched as you did so. The morning sky was still full of color indicating that the sun has just crossed the horizon. You looked at your clock and it was only 9 am. You walked back to your bed and wrapped your half wake body in the blankets. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and ponder why you are even up at such an unholy hour. None the less, the conversation you had with Jongup really woke your brain.

“Yeah, but now more than ever; I swear once when Yoomi was over, he called her ‘Haeun’ and she went berserk.”

“I swear that he is trying to fill his missing spots of you with her.”

That sneaky bastard, You thought to yourself smiling just a bit. You then looked at the clock once more and only 10 minutes have passed. You groan inwardly trying to make yourself fall asleep but the more you try the more likely you are to not succeed. You being to cry in your head, so irritated and tired that you just give up and fling the blankets off of your body. You stomp to the bathroom and mumble incoherent words to yourself like God, I’m so tired or why, maybe even the struggle is so real, even if there was no person in the house who would listen to you saying it perfectly fine like a civilized person would.

You throw your nest into a messy bun and get yourself washed up. After that you make your way to your laptop in your room and click on a social media site. From then on, should you have known that that was the only thing you ever did until 11 o’clock. You didn’t even eat yet and you didn’t feel like it. As a matter of fact if you could stay on your laptop all day you would and not even bother to get up.

You finally decide that you should be productive with your Saturday and not let it go to waste, so you put on a pair of lightly acid washed jeans, a joy division t-shirt and tied a flannel around your waist because you never knew how the weather would act up.

After changing and putting on light make up, you kept your hair in the messy bun because you fancied it a bit; putting on your white high top converse you grab your fringed purse and walk out of your house and down the street to that familiar and quaint book store.



A melodic sound chimed from the door and the Ahjuma looked up and greeted me with a crescent eye smile, “Good afternoon!”

You smile and bow a little, “Good afternoon to you too. Have you eaten yet?”

The Ahjuma looked behind her into a room and looked back at you, “Yes I have, though my grandson might need son help in the kitchen.”

You walk closer to the counter, “May I?” She nodded in agreement and you slithered behind the counter and crept up on Jungkook. In a swift moment you screamed out, “BOO!” and, there was no reaction.

He turned around with an unamused face and unevenly leveled eyebrows, “What are you doing?”

“Trying to scare you.” You pouted and slightly stomped your foot.

“Well, you got me there. When I turned around to see your face in the middle of the afternoon I almost died. Almost.” You punched him in the shoulder and he yelped in pain.

“Why do you always punch me in the same exact spot?!”

“Because you are a lonely little boy who will only get touched by a girl if he is getting physically beaten!” You stuck your tongue out and watched him do his kitchen chores without helping him even if his grandmother asked you to. Yet, since it was getting quite boring you decided to just pitch in and pick up a ramen wrapper that he missed on the ground. As you picked it up his grandmother walked in and saw you do it, “What a lovely house wife this one will be, Jungkookie!” She cooed and looked at you in admiration. You smirked at Jungkook as he listened to his grandmother spew lies.

“Ahjuma, this witch did nothing!”

She gave him a stern look, “Young man what have I told you on raising your voice to an elder? And have respect for this young lady. She has a name, not ‘witch’ and it is… What is your name again.”

“Hwa Haeun.” You kindly pointed out.

“Oh yes, Hwa Haeun!” Jungkook rolled his eyes and bowed weakly.

“If you excuse us, Halmoni*, I have to go to the studio to practice for the showcase.” Jungkook took your wrist and walked out.

As he pulled you, you looked back to the Ahjuma and bowed, “Sorry.”

She smiled politely and bowed back.


          The two of you quickly arrived at the dance studio and this time, it wasn’t so dramatic. Since Jungkook knew your background, he didn’t really pester you as much. As a matter of fact he was somewhat like Junhong. Somewhat. You sat in the corner where all of the belongings were placed and you watched at Jungkook did some warm ups. He his ipod, plugged it in and started to dance freestyle. He was b-boying and all you could do was either laugh and his failed windmills or watch amazed at his steps.

This boy was full of surprises.

After about 30 minutes or so, everyone one else showed up, I guess they just came to criticize his steps on where he needed improvement. You greeted them and they said their greetings back.

“Jungkook, is she not here yet?” J-hope asked as he took a seat next to you.

“I don’t know, I told her to be here around 2 pm so…”

J-hope checked his watch, “It’s 2:30.”

You couldn’t help but wonder who they were talking about, and so you nudged the person next to you. Unfortunately, it turned out to be V.

“Yes my love.” He looked to his left.

“Who were they talking about?”

“Oh, they were talking about his dance partner.” You shook your head.

“What’s her name?”

“I don’t remember, but I know what she looks like, she has like short hair that is light brown. She’s not that tall, but she dances fairly well, and she looks like-“ The door slid open showing two people.

“Sorry I’m late, I totally forgot there was practice today!” The girl bowed.

“Well, she looks like that.” V continued to say. You looked over at the two visitors.


What a turn of events.


         You watched with a glum expression as Yoomi danced so close to Jungkook. No wonder Halmoni thinks she is a . I totally agree. You divert your eyes to Zelo who was on his phone with a hint of a smile. You take out your phone and look at the time. It has only been 40 minutes and you could already feel suffocated. You glance at Zelo once again and the time. Your eyes suddenly bulge out of their sockets.

Today was the 15th of October.

It was Choi Junhong’s birthday.

You felt so disappointed in yourself that in a matter of seconds your body took control. One moment you were on the left side of the room, and now? Now you were gripping on the birthday boy’s body.

“CHOI JUNHONG I AM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE TO BE A BURDEN FOR THE PAST, probably your whole life, BUT I WANT MY REPENTACE TO BE YOUR PRESENT THIS YEAR AND I AM SO SORRY, RAMEN HEAD.” And then within moments you were a water falling disaster. You felt his freakishly long arms wrap around you and for once in a long time, your felt happy again. The music in the background stopped and you felt eyes staring at the back of your head.

Yoomi’s eyes to be precise; you heard he scoff and then tell Jungkook to turn the music back on, when the two of you pulled away the first person you looked at was Jungkook and he gave you a smile. But, you knew that smile all too well.

The smile didn’t reach his eyes.


For the rest of the day, everything thing went perfectly. You and Zelo chatted as if you two had never been on a friendship hiatus and The rest of the guys actually bonded with Zelo and made him feel welcome. Yoomi, well, she just stuck out like a sore thumb. She tried to join conversations you and Zelo had but never succeeded because the changes in topics were all too fast for her. Such an amateur.

At one point, V shouted out, “STOP BEING SUCH A .” And being the new girl she was, she didn’t quite figure out who said it.

You almost pitied her. Whoops.

You didn’t really get the chance to talk to Jungkook, and if you tried to converse with him, he just turned into a jerk and would tell you he had to practice. He was a spectacular dancer, so was Yoomi you had to admit that much, but if the chemistry between the dancers weren’t strong, they would be nowhere near that first place trophy. Jungkook danced with such emotion, he went all the way to America for the love of dance, and if Yoomi kept dancing like a drunk pole dancer, then best of luck.

Who are kidding, you don’t even dance. Why judge.


After practice, all of you departed your ways, or Yoomi went her way and everyone else went another. Zelo didn’t want to walk her home and he was her boyfriend so she got mad and just left automatically which let everyone else get a breath of fresh air.

“Dude, your girl, she’s, she’s something else.” Rap monster pointed out. Zelo shoved his hands deep in his front pockets and chuckled, “Yeah. Tell me about it.”

You puffed your cheeks and the whole night you were glued to the birthday boy’s hip, your mind completely blanked out on the real reason why you came. Jungkook.

You touch Zelo’s arm and he looked down at you, “Hey, I’m going to walk with Jungkook, okay?”

He looked at you and then suddenly shook his head, “Yeah, don’t have to ask me. Go.” You nudged him and walked to the other side of the group snaking your way through bodies.

“Hello friend.” You look to your side.


“Why, Why are you like this?” You looked down at the graveled street and waited for your ears to pick up his voice.

You heard him inhale and exhale, “I don’t know. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you sure, you seem kind of depressed.”

He shrugged, “Nervous, I’m nervous.”

You looked at him with a childish look and then proceeded to nod slowly, “Mhm. Okay.”

He broke into a smile and you did too.

“So you are okay?” You ask him.

“Yup. Just nervous.”

Oh things I long to tell you, Haeun. My feelings right  now have so much more meaning than just being described by a pathetic word like ‘nervous’. Jungkook looked at your side profile, You told me your story. Wait just a minute, I’ll tell you mine.



If you are confuzzled about the smiling part with jungkook, True smiles reach the eyes and if you read the sentence, his did not so BANG BANG SAD KOOKIE.


I really am sorry guys! I have had tests and what nots and it is just like I want to throw school into a ditch, but my parents want straight A’s so I don’t have time to write as much as I want to and GAHHH. I seriously love you guys though. You guys help me get through the day and I love you so much.

Till then,


SHAMELESS PROMO: I have a tumblr so if you guys want to you know *nudge nudge* follow me i will love you forever. PS. DON'T BE SURPRISED BY HOW OLD I AM.  


Sad diet life of jungkook T.T

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Re-read this story for the 3rd time. Still amazing :D
Chapter 20: haha "special ed"
i say that too xD
fanfan109 #3
Amazing one
PennyB912 #4
Chapter 33: Awwww sweet and beautiful! Total feels <3
It's an amazing story!
spammeranna #6
Chapter 34: Loved this fanfic so much! All the characters were really sweet. I felt so bad for Zelo since he seemed so lost after Jungkook and Haeun started dating. I actually wouldn't have minded if she ended up with either of them! I'm glad Jongup was there for Haeun at the times when Jungkook and Zelo couldn't be there. So cute! Everything!
Annielovie #7
Chapter 21: ...im 14 now and i just wanted to let you know that i wasnt expecting the thyroid cancer to be included and its the first time iv cried over a fanfic haha ps the fanfics amazing so far XD
Annielovie #8
Chapter 21: hi i just wanted to point out the part where Jungkook's. little sister is explaining about the thyroid cancer and the butterfly after reading that small explanation my eyes started to fill up with tears because it was put so beautifully put and u might think im weird at this point but i can relate because i actually have thyroid disease (graves disease) ...
Chapter 34: I like how it ended. It feels complete. :)
Going on this short journey of exploring Haeun's life was fun! I'll make sure to check out your other fics btw. ^^
Chapter 34: This story is perfect! I spent the whole day reading it, I fell in love with it ♡_♡ thank you for writing/sharing such a great story ^_^