You Are Suppose To Love Me

Love Is Anonymous


It felt good to know Ava's feelings about me. She eventually feel asleep while still grasping my shirt. Ava looked so beautiful sleeping. Her eyes lightly closed, parted slightly, her breathing steady made me love her even more. My only question is how could I love someone so quickly? What did I see in her that would have made me die if I didn't have her? It was just something that brought me closer to her. Disrputing me from my thoughts, Tao walked in the room.
"Umm I didn't get a chance to help Ava learn how to use her power." Tao looked like he was nervous to come in. I don't know why though. Maybe because the position we were in.
"Just wait until she wakes up okay?" Tao nodded then left the room. Time to me felt like it was moving too fast for my taste. It was already 11:55am. I wanted it to go slower so I could stay with Ava longer. 
Baekhyun POV
I walked in to apologize to Ava but she told me to get out. I felt bad because I didn't want to really hurt her. I just wanted her to stop chasing me. When I saw tears running down her face I felt like my heart was ripping into a thousand pieces. Why was I so mean to her? Then I remembered what D.O. said when we were riding home. It wasn't her fault she is like this, it's Mama's. I wish I could just turn back the wish I made. I went to the living room to go watch tv, hopefully it would make me forget about Ava.
"Hey what did LuHan do? Did you get in trouble?!" Sehun asked. 
"No. He just told me to apologize." I said plainly. Everyone looked at me. Then went back to watching tv. We were watching Pororo since kid shows came on early. Unfortunately, the tv couldn't distract me from thinking about Ava. How could I make an innocent young girl cry? I felt like I should take her somewhere fun so we can at least be friends. That sounded like a good idea until I thought about what the group would say. They would probably say that I like her and start picking on me and stuff like that. And honestly I have no time for that so maybe I'll just treat everybody to an amusement park or something. Then Ava and I could be alone. Now it sounds like I am a . Great, but I will figure something out to regain our friendship back.
Chen POV
We were in the living room watching Pororo when the door bell rang. Who could be here at 12 o'clock wanting us? 
"LuHan!! Someone is at the door!" I shouted. I didn't feel like getting up and novody was moving so I called LuHan. It took him a while to walk to the door. He looked at us with a stare that could kill.
"There is 11 of you here, closer to the door than I was, and you decide to call me?! You guys are lazy!" LuHan said while no one was paying attention to him. He opened the door and the man from the hospital came in. I can't remember his name though. Something like Minguk...Minhoon..Min...something. LuHan opened the door wider so he could come in. Baekhyun got up so fast like he was in the desert for weeks and somebody brought him water.
"Minhyuk!!" Baekhyun screamed while hugging him. I knew his name was Minhyuk! LuHan, Baekhyun, and Minguk went into Baekhyun's room to talk about something. And being the nosey person that I am I decided to eavesdrop. When I was sneaking up to the door I felt someone following me. My first instinct was to strike whoever it was with lightning. You never know it could have been a ninja or a . When I turned around and attacked I found out it was Chanyeol, but it was too late. 
"Owww!!! Mother-!!!" I covered his mouth and dragged him to my room. Just before LuHan opened the door to see what the noise was. Chanyeol was still squirming. My hand was still covering his mouth but you could still hear what he was trying to say. And it was a lot of cuss words. I heard shuffling in a bed and I looked up. Ava was looking at Chanyeol and I with big eyes.
"What are you doing?" She asked while rubbing her eyes. I signaled her to be quiet with my free hand. She nodded.
"I was going to eavesdrop but stupid Chanyeol decided to sneak up on me so I shocked him. He screamed so I took him in here so we wouldn't get caught." I whispered. She nodded and I could hear a door open and footsteps. Chanyeol and I ran to my bed and got under the covers. After a couple of seconds the door swung open. My heart was beating ridiculously fast. What if somebody caught us? What would they think of Chanyeol and I in bed together?  
"Hey you're up!" I heard LuHan's voice.
"Yeah I just woke up. Let's go to the living room." I knew what she was trying to do and I am thankful for it. I heard footsteps then suddenly the door closed. I peeked from under the covers and we were clear. How were we going to explain where we were though? Then I had an idea.
"Chanyeol you act like you went to the bathroom." Chanyeol was still clutching his stomach from the lightning bolt. He just nodded and snuck to the bathroom. I casually walked to the living room like nothing happened.
"Where were you?" LuHan asked me.
"I was in the room." He looked at me weird.
"I didn't see you when I went in there." What was I suppose to say?
"Oh! Really? I was in there I don't know how you couldn't have seen me." I said while scratching my head and chuckling nervously. LuHan finally turned away. I heard the toilet flush and the water from the sink running. Chanyeol came out, still clutching his stomach, walking towards the living room. Everyone looked at him, starting to laugh. It looked like he just blew up the bathroom, if you know what I mean. His face didn't help it either.
"Why is everybody laughing?!" Chanyeol asked. 
"What did you do in the restroom?" Sehun said with little chuckles in between words.
"I used the restroom. What else would I do?" 
"Did you do #1 or #2?" Suho asked and everybody started laughing harder. Chanyeol finally caught on and gave me the death stare.
"His was on fire~!" Kai started singing horribly. Then everyone was rolling around on the ground laughing. It looked like we were about to die of laughter. 
I heard someone call my name saying there was someone at the door. Why couldn't they get it I thought? I slowly got up without waking up Ava and started walking towards the door. There they were, all 11 of them, just sitting there watching Pororo.
"There is 11 of you here, closer to the door than I was, and you decide to call me?! You guys are lazy!" They kept watching Pororo like they didn't hear me. I opened the door and Minhyuk was standing there. I opened it wider so he could come in. Before he could fully step inside Baekhyun came rushing to hug him.
"Minhyuk!!" Soon after Minhyuk and Baekhyun hugged we went into Baekhyun's room and talked.
"I came to the hospital and they told me that you already checked her out. So I came here." Minhyuk said. His face was unreadable.
"Yeah we decided to keep her here because she can't fall back in love with you. Sorry." Minhyuk nodded.
"Just make sure she is safe. I don't want her in the hospital again." I heard a yelp come from outside of the room. I went to go check it out but when I opened the door no one was there. It was like someone was trying to eavesdrop. 
"That's all I wanted to say and tell her I said hi." Minhyuk started walking towards the door. 
"Okay." I said and walked Minhyuk out of the dorm.
"Bye!" He said while getting in his car.
"Bye!" We waved as he pulled off. I walked back to my room. I opened the door to find Ava awake.
"Hey you're up!" I said.
"Yeah I just woke up. Let's go to the living room." She said while getting out of bed. We walked to the living room and started watching Pororo with the rest of the group. Soon Chen came out of nowhere.
"Hey where were you?" I said noticing he was gone for a period of time.
"I was in the room." He said casually. I looked at him weird.
"I didn't see you when I went in there."  I said trying to remember if I did or not.
"Oh! Really? I was in there I don't know how you couldn't have seen me." He said scratching his head and chuckling at the same time. I still couldn't remember him in the room. If he was in the room I would've said something to him. My train of thought got stopped when I heard the toilet flush. Who was in the bathroom? I looked around and found out it was Chanyeol. Maybe he was the one yelping when Minhyuk, Baekhyun and I were talking. He came out of the bathroom clutching his stomach. Everyone started laughing.
"Why is everyone laughing?!" Chanyeol asked.
"What did you do in the restroom?" Sehun said while chuckling in between words.
"I used the restroom. What else would I do?" Chanyeol said looking confused.
"Did you do #1 or #2?" Suho asked and everyone started cracking up. Chanyeol gave Chen the death stare. I wonder why though but I was too engulfed in the jokes people were making.
"His was on fire~!" Kai started singing horribly. Now everyone was rolling around on the ground. My stomach hurt so much from laughing so hard. 
"Is that why I heard noises coming from outside the door when we were talking?" I asked Chanyeol while trying to calm myself down. Chanyeol nodded slowly. The laughter got louder everytime someone said something. It was so funny that Kris was laughing. Which is rare. Chanyeol got mad and stormed off to his room. Tao followed him.
"How does it feel now er?!" I heard Tao yell towards Chanyeol. How does what feel? All I could do is laugh. It actually felt good to laugh this hard. I've never done it in a while and having Ava next to me made it seem better. An idea hit me right in the face. 
"Hey guys why don't we go somewhere?!" I said while everyone was still wiping away tears or gasping for air.
"Where do you want to go?" Xiumin asked.
"I don't know but somewhere fun like-" I said while Baekhyun cut me off.
"An amusement park!!" Everyone looked at him. Why was he so excited?
"Okay an amusement park it is. Are we going right now?" Xiumin said.
"Why not? It's 1:45pm right now. We could go until 12 maybe since it takes a while to get there plus they have fireworks at that time." Everyone nodded and we all started getting up. Sehun got Chanyeol and we headed to the vans. 
"Hey can someone switch me I want to ride in the van with LuHan." Baekhyun said. Why would he want to ride in the same car as me? Chanyeol pulled Chen towards him. 
"Chen would love to switch with you Baekhyun." We got into our vans and started going to Lotte World. Now it was Xiumin, Kris, Tao, Lay, Baekhyun, Ava and me in the van. Lotte world was abot one hour and thirty minutes away from our dorms. So eventually we got bored.
"What do you guys want to play while we ride to Lotte world?" Everybody shrugged.
"Let's play telephone!" Tao said innocently.
"No. I hate that game!" Kris said causing Tao to frown.
"Let's play American Idol!" Baekhyun suggested.
"What if you can't sing?" Ava asked innocently. She was so adorable.
"Then rap." I said with a smile.
"What if you can't do that either?" She asked as I thought.
"Then be a judge. Can you do that? Kris you can be the judge too." He smirked.
"I'll start!" Tao said excited. Xiumin turned up the radio. Girls Generation's Gee came on and Tao started singing and dancing. He acted cute. Kris pounded on the seat. We looked at him crazy.
"You messed it up!" Tao said.
"Kris what was that?" I asked.
"That was my buzzer."
"For?.." Baekhyun asked.
"If I don't like it I hit the buzzer isn't that what you do?" Tao pouted. I guess it was what you do. I wouldn't know because I wasn't a judge of anything.
"I guess." Kris pounded the seat again.
"No. You did horrible!" Kris said with a smile on his face. Typical Kris.
"What did you think Ava?" Tao said trying not to cry.
"You did great Tao!" He got excited.
"Okay next is...Lay!" I said randomly choosing. B.A.P's Stop It came on and Lay started singing. At first Kris was silent then seconds later he started pounding the seat.
"Worse than Tao. Next!!" Lay just went back to playing in his iPad. It was Baekhyun's turn and Nu'est's Hello came on. Before Baekhyun started singing Kris pounded the seat.
"What the heck?! Kris I didn't even start yet!"
"It was going to be so good that I had to stop you!" Thirty minutes pass and we stopped playing because of Kris. We had at least thirty minutes until we reached Lotte World. Baekhyun, Tao and Ava were the only ones sleep. I got a little jealous because Ava had her head on Baekhyun's shoulder. Lay was playing Diamond Dash on his iPad when suddenly he screamed. Causing everyone to wake up.
"I don't have anymore lives left!! Crap!!!"  
"Lay!! You woke them up!!" Kris said flicking Lay's head.
"Sorry. You can go back to sleep I won't do it again." Lay said.
"Actually you might as well wake up because we'll be there in about ten minutes." Xiumin said. Ten minutes later we arrive at Lotte World. Xiumin paid for us and we found a parking spot. We get out of the vans and stretch our bodies. The other van parks beside us and gets out. We walked up to the entrance and made sure that if we split into groups that we met back at Ferris Wheel around 11:30. It was already 3:30 which gave us eight hours of free time.
Baekhyun POV
We split up and ventured the park after arriving. I needed a way to get Ava to come with me. I found her and grabbed her hand, running away from the group. After I felt I was far enough I stopped running.
"What are you doing?!" She questioned me.
"I wanted to be with you to make up for this morning. I'm sorry I made you cry." I hoped she would accept this time.
"Apology accepted." She said plainly. I was excited that she actually gave in.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked as we started walking slowly.
"I want to ride a roller coaster that is big and fast!" She said excitedly. I was happy because she was happy. Isn't that how it's suppose to go?
"Okay then what about that one?" I asked pointing to ride that was purple and yellow and looked like it was reaching past the clouds.
"Yeah!" She grabbed my hand a started running towards the ride. I could feel heat rising up to my cheeks. Her hand was warm, even though it was a bit chilly outside. We got in the line and started going in what seemed like a tunnel. It got colder and darker the deeper we went. The only light source was other people's phones and torches that were against the wall.
"Aish! I'm so cold." She said. I took of my jacket and put it around her. She looked at me with big eyes.
"Are you cold?"
"No." I said trying not to shiver. Honestly I was freezing. We got to the roller coaster and got buckled in. Our feet were dangling and I realized that I really don't like heights. It was too late though because the ride had already took off. I sreamed so hard that my lungs felt like they were going to fall out. Soon we got to the highest part of the ride and seconds later we dropped. My stomach dropped and I felt I was going to puke. Thankfully, I didn't. The ride ended after the drop and I got hungry.
"That was fun! Let's go get something to eat!" I suggested. She nodded and we started walking to a food stand. 
"I'll take one bag of popcorn, one large Coca-Cola, and two hamburgers." I got the food and sat down across from Ava.
"One hamburger for you and we can share the popcorn and the Coca-Cola." She nodded. I've never shared a drink with a girl before. Some say it's just like kissing except indirectly, but I wasn't trying to do that I was just being cheap. We started eating and started little conversation.
"What would you want to ride next?" I asked.
"I don't know but we have to wait so we won't throw up." We both laughed. She bit into her hamburger and got ketchup in the corner of . Unconsciously, I lent over and wiped it off with a napkin. Her eyes got big. So did mine after I realized what I did.
"T..Thanks." She said. I just nodded. Her face turned pink. I felt mine turning pink too. We soon finished eating and starting walking around looking for little games to play.
I was looking for Ava but I couldn't find her. I texted her.
From: LuHan
To: Ava
Hey! Ava where are you?
Soon I got a text back.
From: Ava
To: LuHan
Hey! I'm with Baekhyun walking around playing games.
I forgave him so now we're friends again. Right now
we are at the Pop-A-Balloon stand near the food stand.
I felt my heart rip. I thought Baekhyun didn't like her. I started going to the Pop-A-Balloon stand. I finally arrived and saw Baekhyun and Ava walking away, hand in hand. I felt like I was dying inside. I walked away from them and went to ride a roller coaster. Hopefully the roller coaster would make me forget about it. When I was in the long line I got a text from Ava.
From: Ava
To: LuHan
Lu-Lu where are you? We left the balloon. Now we are
going to restrooms. Hope you come so we can all play
From: LuHan
To: Ava
I'm not coming
From: Ava
To: LuHan
Why? Please come I want to play with you and ride 
roller coasters with you.
She wanted to ride roller coasters with me and Baekhyun. I wanted to be alone with her. I didn't respond to her text. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was Tao and Kris. Tao was holding a huge Panda bear.
"Look what Kris got me!" I looked at it. 
"Hey Tao can you wait here I need to talk to Kris for a second. I pulled Kris away before Tao could even respond.
"What?" Kris said plainly.
"Baekhyun was with Ava and they were holding hands." Kris' eyes got big.
"Where were they at?" 
"Pop-A-Balloon stand. She texted me and told me they were friends again." Kris must have saw the hurt in my face.
"Did you confess already?" I nodded.
"This morning when she was crying. She said she liked me too." Kris put his hand on my shoulder.
"It'll be okay LuHan. Just make sure you are with her alone when the fireworks start." I nodded and we walked back towards Tao. Time flew by and it was already eleven o'clock. I walked around the park with Tao and Kris. We decided to eat for the last thirty minutes. I got water, a corn dog, and cotton candy. We ate then headed towards the Ferris Wheel. Soon we arrived and everybody was there. 
"Okay so let's go find a place to sit down and watch the fireworks." Kai said. We started walking and I snuck and grabbed Ava's hand. She looked at me and smiled. No matter how mad I was I still smiled. 
"Why didn't you come?" She said while pouting. 
"I was with Tao and Kris." It wasn't a complete lie. Was it? We were walking around and we finally found a spot to sit. I led Ava to the back of the group. It was twelve o'clock and the fireworks started. I looked over at Ava and she looked like a little kid. Her gaze at the fireworks made her look that way. She was so cute. Unconsciously, I leaned in to kiss her cheek. She looked at me with big eyes and smiled.
"Don't ever leave me okay?" She nodded and hugged me tightly, buring her face into my chest. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my body. 
Baekhyun POV
When the fireworks started I realized Ava wasn't beside me anymore. I scanned the whole group to find Ava sitting next to LuHan. I felt slightly jealous because I wanted to sit next to Ava. Then I felt a pain in my heart when LuHan kissed Ava onnthe cheek. Why was I feeling like this? I wasn't her boyfriend or anything. Which meant I was growing feelings for her. I looked back again and saw LuHan whisper something to her. Then she hugged him. I wanted to run away from here. I wish I could but I couldn't. The fireworks ended and we left to go home. When we got back home I confronted LuHan. We were infront of everybody arguing.
"Yah! LuHan what was that?! Why did you kiss Ava?!"
"Because I can! Why did you hold hands with Ava, huh?! I thought you didn't like her!"
"Because I can! And you can't have her! Only I can!" I retorted.
"It's too late now because I am going out with her!!" So that's why they kissed when we were watching the fireworks. I stormed to my room and slammed the door shut. I heard LuHan's door slam too. 
LuHan and Baekhyun started arguing out of no where when we got home. 
"Yah! LuHan what was that?! Why did you kiss Ava?!" Baekhyun said. Everyone's eyes shot towards me.
"Because I can! Why did you hold hands with Ava, huh?! I thought you didn't like her!" LuHan said. If he knew we held hands then that means he did come.
"Because I can! And you can't have her! Only I can!" Baekhyun shouted back.
"it's too late now because I am going out with her!!" Everyone's eyes were still on me. Why were they arguing? I thought Baekhyun was just my friend, unless he had feelings for me. They both stormed to their rooms and slammed the door. I walked to Baekhyun's room and knocked on the door.
"What do you want?!"
"I just want to talk." I said calmly. I walked in the room and sat next to him. 
"Is it true that you and him are going out?" He said. I just nodded. He suddenly hugged me.
"Aren't you suppose to love me?" Baekhyun said.
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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...