Welcome To Our Dorm

Love Is Anonymous


Baekhyun and I walked back into the hospital room.

"Where is Minhyuk?" Lay asked.

"He had to go." Ava's doctor walked in. His eyes widened when he noticed Ava awake and 12 men without Minhyuk.

"Ummm....where is Minhyuk?" He stuttered out.

"He left." I answered casually like nothing was wrong.

"I see that Ava is awake. Did you wake her?" 

"No she just had a bad dream. She woke up herself." Baekhyun lied. He was a really good liar. Even though he looks innocent there is a little bad in him. Actually a lot of bad.

"Ummm....okay. I guess I'll give her a check-up." The doctor walked over to Ava.

"Yo doc when do you think she'll be able to go home?" Chanyeol said walking up behind him. The doctor looked at him crazy.

"Yo doc?" He said

"Yeah." Chanyeol said like there wasn't a problem with it. There obviously was though.

"You don't address authority like that. Aren't you old enough to know that?" Chanyeol backed away from the doctor.

"Umm sorry."

"She could actually go home right now or tomorrow morning according to the check-up. Whatever is okay with you. What do you want to do?" I though about it for a while. The room was silent.

"We'll take her home right now!" I said excited. Everyone looked at me crazy. Even the doctor.

"What?!" Baekhyun said. Now everyone looked at him.

"I don't think our dorm is clean." Baekhyun rushed.

"What are you talking about we cleaned it this morning."

"Oh I forgot. Wait!" I could tell he wasn't trying to take Ava home.


"Umm....don't we have a schedule Kris?"

"No. If we did we wouldn't be here." Kris said with his voice and face.

"Oh I could've sworn we did. When is it?" He fake chuckled.

"We have the whole month off. Baekhyun we already went over this. Are you okay?" Xiumin said with a worried voice. He just nodded.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay." I whispered in Baekhyun's ear. The doctor headed towards the door after unhooking all of Ava's cords and wires that were connected to her.

"Okay you are free to leave. Just make sure you check out at the front desk. Bye."

"Bye." Everyone said as he walked out of the room.

"Ava you can pack up your stuff we'll be right outside the hospital room." I said while walking out of the room.

"Guys listen. Ava is an exotic and her power is darkness. She is attracted to Baekhyun because of Mama. So she'll be living with us for now. Treat her like one of us except she is a girl. So no crucial pranks and no "play" fighting. Kris or Tao please teach her how to use her power because lately Anonymous has been attacking us, And we promised Minhyuk we will keep her safe. Okay?"

"Okay." They all said.

"Oh and make sure you keep her away from Baekhyun."

"Okay." A few minutes later Ava came out of the room. She put her hair in a pony tail and had a Minny Mouse shirt on that was kind of see through. She had pink skinny jeans to match the bow Minny had and some black chucks. She looked pretty. Wait what was I thinking?

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah." She gave me a gummy smile. Cute.

"Okay." We walked up to the front desk.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady said.

"Umm we are here to check-out a patient."

"Where is the patient?" Ava raised her hand slightly.

"I'm right here." Her voice sounded sweet and innocent.

"What is your name?"


"Okay...you are free to leave. Have a nice day." We walked out of the hospital.

Baekhyun POV

When we walked out of the hospital Ava started hugging my arm. I tried to slyly push her off but she held on.

"Baekhyun you are so warm and you smell good." Everyone looked back at us. LuHan came and grabbed Ava.

"Hey Ava look at that." He was pointing to a random spot.

"What?" She said curiously.

"Aww man you missed it!" LuHan was a life saver. By the time LuHan finished his sentence we were already at the vans.

"Ok Ava you can ride with me, Xiumin, Chen, Kris, Tao, and Lay."

"What about Baekhyun? Can I ride with him?" She said with a pout.

"No." Kris said again with a voice and face. I got in the car with Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, Kai, and D.O. We started going home.

"Baekhyun how does it feel to have a stalker?" Sehun asked.

"She is not a stalker, she is just....in love?"

"In love? Psh more like desperate." Chanyeol said.

"Hey be nice remember it's not her fault it's Mama who revived her. She is actually a cute person." D.O. said. Chanyeol and Sehun started acting like they were throwing up.

"What? She is!" D.O. retorted.

Kris POV

We were heading home and all Ava would talk about was Baekhyun. It was extremely annoying.

"Hey Ava let's play a game." I said acting excited.


"It's called the SHUT UP ABOUT BAEKHYUN GAME!!!!!" Everyone looked at me to Ava to me to Ava to me. You could hear someone gulping. Then I heard a whine come from Ava. Oh here we go is all I thought. Suddenly she started crying. Great.

"I don't like that game! Why would you trick me like that! My feelings are hurt! Kris I thought we were friends!" Ava said sniffling in between sentences.

"Look at what you did Kris! Xiumin pull over." Luhan said angerily.


When I was driving I saw the LuHan's van pulling over. So I decided to pull over too.

"Hey Kai where are you going?" Suho said

"Following them." I said plainly. I saw LuHan getting out of the car angerily. It must have been Ava.

"Hey look your stalker is crying!" Sehun said.

"What?!" Baekhyun said trying to see out of the window.

"She must have missed you badly." Chanyeoul said trying to act y. We all got out of the car. I saw LuHan and Kris arguing. I wonder what happened.

"Hey calm down!" Everyone looked at me. It always works.

"What is going on here?!"

"Kris made Ava cry and she wouldn't shut up!" LuHan said. His veins were popping out and it was kind of scary.

"Calmm down!...Okay Baekhyun come here."" Baekhyun slowly came towards me.

"Ava Baekhyun wants to give you a hug." Baekhyun tried to run but I grabbed his arm.

"Baekhyun!!" She ran up to him and hugged him.

"Now that she is happy, Kris say sorry." He shook his head.

"Kris!! Say it! NOW!"

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Now Ava what do you say?"

"Apology accepted." She said while trying to kiss Baekhyun but he was face-palming her.

"Okay is everything cleared?" Everyone nodded.

"Let's go to the dorm." We all got back into our vans and rode home.

Baekhyun POV

When we arrived to our dorm, I did not want to go inside.

"Baekhyun you have to get out!" D.O. said trying to pull me out of the van.

"No! I can't go with her!" Kai then yanked me out of the van.

"Come on Baekhyun. You are not sleeping in the same room, you are rooming with D.O. and Sehun." I felt my eyes get big. Possibly bigger than D.O.'s.

"Who is she rooming with?" I asked.

"Chen, LuHan, and Xiumin." I prayed they could handle her. Then I thought LuHan could probably keep her busy.

"Great I don't have to worry." We walked into the dorm.


I was showing Ava the room she would be sleeping in with Chen and Xiumin.

"This is the room. I have the top to this bunk bed, Ava you have the bottom. Xiumin you have the top to the other bunk bed and Chen you have the bottom. Okay?" They nodded their heads.

"Here are the rules Ava #1 Clean up after yourself. #2 No talking about Baekhyun unless we say so." Her face went to a pout.

"#3 Wear appropriate clothing." This time Chen's face went to a pout.

"#4 No sneaking at night to go see Baekhyun. You got all of that?" She nodded. She started unpacking her clothes. Which wasn't a lot. I went to the kitchen and started cooking ramen.

"Ooooo what's that smell?" Tao said.

"It's ramen." His eyes got big.

"Are they almost done?"

"Yes, go and gather everyone please." Tao ran off. Soon the ramen was done and everyone was at the table eating. It was a silent dinner except for the chopsticks hitting the bowls and the slurping. After dinner we started watching tv. I wasn't really watching tv. I was going over what happened today. Then I felt like I had to apologize to Kris for yelling at him.

"Hey Kris I'm sorry for yelling at you today." Kris didn't even look at me. He acted like he didn't hear me.

"Really? You aren't going to accept my apology. Nice." I was mad and left the living room. What was his deal today? I could feel everyone's eyes staring at me. Except Kris'.


When LuHan left I felt sorry for him. So I followed him to the room. He plopped on his bed and screamed in his pillow. It was muffled but I could still understand what he said.

"I said sorry why is he like this?!" I climbed up to his bed and he looked at me. I saw a tear go down his face.

"It'll be okay LuHan. He didn't mean to hurt you." I hugged him. We were both laying down.

"How do you know?" LuHan said looking down at me.

"Because no one would want to hurt you." I said looking back at him with a smirk. He smiled at me. I wiped his tear with my thumb and buried my face into his comfortable chest.

"Your hair smells good." LuHan said plainly.

"Thanks." I said slowly drifting away.


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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...