
Love Is Anonymous


"Minhyuk said he has some information we might need. Come on let's go to his house." We all got our shoes on and started running to Minhyuk's house. Some part of me thinks 'why are we running?', then some part of me thought 'I want to hurry up and get to Minhyuk's house'. Soon we arrived at his front porch. Baekhyun rung the door repeatedly. It took a while for Minhyuk to open the door.
"Hey guys come in." We all rushed into his house and sat down in the living room.
"So what is the information?" Baekhyun asked.
"I know where Ava is staying, along with five other boys." Everyone gasped.
"Did one of them have blonde hair and look like a girl?" Kris asked.
"Yes. Do you know who they are to her?" Minhyuk asked.
"She's Anonymous now. Those were the Anonymous members. Can you take us to her?" I said. I had an idea in my mind. It was going to sound crazy but it was a chance I could take.
"Sure, but I'm not staying I have to go practice today." Minhyuk said while putting on his jacket and shoes. We started following him once we got outside.
"How did you figure outwhere she stays? You've been stalking her I see." Chen siad.
"No. I was walking home and I spotted her walking home. So I followed her. The bad news is I think she has a boyfriend." Minhyuk said.
"What?!" Baekhyun and I said at the same time.
"And I think it's that girly looking one. I'm not for sure but they were holding hands." Minhyuk added. Minutes we ended up at the steps of the dorm.
"Thanks Minhyuk! We'll talk to you later." We waved to Minhyuk as he walked away. As soon as he was out of sight I told them my plan.
"You guys are going to help me take Ava. Especially Kai and Baekhyun." I said as everybody furrowed their eyebrows at me.
"What? LuHan you are crazy. Why are we taking her and why do you need me?!" Kai said.
"I need you to transport inside then back to the van and then back to us. I have a place where we could take her. Just trust me." Kai sighed and eventually agreed. I went up to look out the window with D.O.
"Can you feel where she is?" I asked D.O.
"A little." When he said that I saw her go sit on the couch. Now was a good time to get Kai and Baekhyun in there. I called them over and they went inside. I heard a shriek come from her and it got silent. We ran as far away as possible.
Everyone was in their own room doing there own thing. I felt my stomach churning. I thought it was because I barely ate so I ignored it. Minutes later I heard a shriek come from the living room where Ava was. I hoped off of my bed and went to the living room. I looked around and only found four boys coming out of their room, with the same expression as me. 
"Ava?!" I called. No answer. Everyone called her name and looked around the dorm. When we came back to the living room I realized something. I sensed them. They took her.
"They took her." Their eyes got big.
"How? The door didn't even open!" Ren screamed.
"Kai." I put on my shoes half way and grab my jacket. The others followed me, I knew because I heard their footsteps. The first thing I remembered is where they live. I started running in the direction of the Exotics dorm. When I got there their vans were gone. I kicked the door down. I went inside and searched the whole place.
"JR how did you know where they lived?!" Minhyun asked me.
"I followed LuHan. Just look for anyone."  
Kai and Baekhyun suddenly appeared in my face. A extremely bright flash hit me in the face causing me to be blind. I screamed but it was too late because I wasn't in the dorm anymore. I was in a van with my hands tied tightly.
"Let me out!" I said screaming and kicking at the seat.
"No. Please be quiet. I'll remove the light from your eyes later." It was Baekhyun's voice.
"Baekhyun why are you doing this?! I told you I don't want to be with you guys!" I heard him sigh. The van stopped. Suddenly he removed the light from my eyes. I could finally see again.
"LuHan told us to. Just relax. We are almost there." He said while restarting the car and locking the doors.
"Where are we going?!" I said with tears falling from my face.
"Getting the others." I realized Kai wasn't in the van with us.
"Where is Kai?"
"Driving the other van." It was silent until I saw the others running away from the dorm. LuHan, Chanyeol, Chen, Kris, and Xiumin were getting in. I was stuck beside LuHan and the window.
"Baekhyun turn left here." LuHan told him the directions. I was so angry I started pounding LuHan in the thighs with my tied up hands.
"Ow! What the heck?!" He said while trying to grab my hands. I stopped then started kicking the driver seat.
"Ava stop!" Baekhyun said. I stopped until I ran out of energy then I looked out of the window. Where we were going looked awfully familiar. Then I remembered. 
I heard someone bust through the door. At first I was about to come out of the closet, thinking it was my friends. I didn't go to Minhyuk's because I wasn't feeling well. Then I heard someone  say something.
"JR how did you know where they lived?!" JR. I thought he was dead from the truck incident. 
"I followed LuHan. Just look for anyone." JR said. My heart started beating faster at the sounder of his voice.
"Someone is here! I can sense it." I heard footsteps coming towards the closet. I was getting ready to attack. Suddenly the closet door open and I got pulled to the wall.. I was dead now.
"Tell me where they took Ava!" JR said while he cocked his fist back, ready to punch me.
"They took Ava! I didn't know they did! Please don't hurt me!" JR punched me in the stomach extremely hard.
"Tell me! Or it's the face next time!" I saw four other boys come in the room. They were Anonymous too.
"I seriously don't know! They didn't tell me anything! Please believe me. Please." I said. JR punched me in the eye like five times. Then he dropped me on the floor. I was about to get up until he kicked me hard in the ribs. I coughed up blood. JR bent down to punch me in the face about ten times. My face felt swollen and hurt like crazy. I was pretty sure he would've knocked me out if it wasn't for his friends.
"That's enough JR." Someone said. He got dragged off of me. It was silent except for sighs coming  the boys.
"I think I know where they might be. Come on and we are bringing Tao with us." JR said while grabbing my collar. I didn't know where we were going but the car honks got quieter the farther we walked. I was guessing it was an abandoned area. Then it popped in my head. Where we found Ava in that one abandoned building. 
"We are going up the stairs now so step." JR said coldly.
"Where are we?" One of them asked.
"Where I practice." JR said. What does he practice?
"JR what do you practice?" I asked kind of asked scared of what JR would do.
"My skill." He said plainly.
"What is your skill?" I asked while tripping over a step.
"To turn invisible. Can you shut up?!" He said while yanking me. There was a silence but it didn't last for long.
"I can sense them. We are close." JR said. The stairs soon ended and we could hear screaming.
"I can sense them. We need to defeat them and get this over with." I said while pacing around. How did they know where to find us? Ava was tied up in a chair.
"Let me out!" She kept screaming.
"Shut up! They won't hear you!" She screamed louder. It was so annoying.
"LuHan they are ne-" Kris said but got cut off by the door busting open. Four boys walked in. Then I saw someone I thought was dead with Tao in his hands.
"JR?" I said. Ava turned around with a smile on her face.
"Let her go or else he is getting beat the up!" He hissed between his teeth.
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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...