Tell Me You Love Me

I awake by the sound of screams. I jolt up from my bed, finding my mother's side empty. Hesitantly, I pull down the covers and slide on some slippers. As I open the door slowly the arguing becomes more audible. My brother, Jitae is already standing in the hallway, a tired expression prominent on his face. "Just go back to sleep," he murmured, walking back into his own room. I nod, even though he's already away from my sight.

I don't get much sleep that night. It's hard to sleep when all you can think about is everything but sleeping. Giving up, I take a wary glance to my cell phone. It was only about three in the morning. Knowing Kai was still awake, I sent him a text.

ME: hey i know ur still up

KAI: stalker much?

I'm about to reply when my phone rings again.

KAI: hey i can see u out my window, peep those koala jammies

I look down at my faded koala cotton pajama pants, and purse my lips. Is he outside my window?

ME: howd u know i was wearing them? creep

KAI: because you always wear them when we video chat each other and i figured u would be wearing them again

A smile slowly crept up on my lips as I reread that last message. He actually paid attention to me for once? Not that it was a surprise; he sometimes lets you think he doesn't listen, but he remembers every single thing I say to him. Over the years he would always beat me in every argument because of that. I'm pulled from my thoughts because my phone rings yet again.

KAI: its normal for me to be up, but why are you awake?

KAI: theres a problem, right?

I pout some as I reply. I don't want him to worry about me, because he will pester me until I feel better. I'm not the kind of person that likes to be doted on. It's easier if you do things for yourself and by yourself, so no one gets in the way. Don't get me wrong-- I ask advice from Miykong and Sunhi all the time. I tell them most things. But some things I prefer to keep to myself. Shaking my head some, I type my reply.

ME: no, just couldn't sleep

I get a reply almost instantly.

KAI: yeah ok. ill take you out to eat afterschool just because im that great of a guy

I really did not get any sleep that night.

I was a little too excited and anxious for our plans. During the day, I couldn't stop fidgeting or fantasizing. All I was focused on, was Kai. Where would he take me to eat? Would he pay for the meal? Well, if he doesn't I have some money for myself, so it's okay. But would we only be eating? Would he take me to the mall after? What if something bad happened to me? I wouldn't want to embarrass myself. That'd be a complete nightmare. Maybe I should get some bandages from the nurse just in case something happens to me--


I blinked, looking up to see Sunhi in my face. Giving her a smile, I tilted my head. "Yeah?" I asked. Sunhi narrowed her eyes at me, knowing I didn't listen to anything she had just said. "I said, did you pack for our overnight trip next week?" she repeated. I sat up in my chair as she reminded me. "Right! I still need to pack," I mused. She just shook her head. "But not today. Kai and I are going out to eat," I perked. Sunhi gave me a look I couldn't decipher at my statement.

"Are you sure you want to be hanging around that guy? After everything that he's done to you? Kai is a flirty character, you know. He's left a trail of broken hearts," Sunhi mentioned. I pouted at her negativity. Seeing this, she released a dreary sigh. "Remember when he threw away your Christmas present? Or when he gave your Valentine's day gift to someone else? Or how he rejected you thirty-six times? And when he--"

"Okay, okay!" I cut her off. "I get that he's not the nicest guy, but--" 

"No 'but's Kimmy. Face it, you're just too forgiving. We're not stopping you from going on that date, but you should be careful," Mikyong chimed in as she took a sip of her ginger-ale. "--eh, fizzy. You know how sensitive you are when you're PMS-ing," she finished. I blush at her last statement because I can't deny it. But what she said about Kai was true. He hasn't been the nicest guy to me. In fact, he's a total jackass. Someone had to teach him a thing or two about manners and femininity. I also always do forgive him. And I mean, always. If we quarrel, I'm the first to apologize-- even if it was his fault. I know it isn't the healthiest habit, but what else could I do?

If I don't apologize when we fight, there was no way he was going to talk to me. On the rare occasion he would do something nice for me, but for the most part I have to do everything. I couldn't help it. He was just too marvelous. I'd never met anyone more charming, funny, and entertaining than he was. Overall, he was just someone I wanted to be around. Wasn't comfortability important in a relationship? I was more than comfortable with him. 

I just wanted him to love me too. Was that too much to ask for?

I told Mikyong to raincheck our plans that day. She was a little mad, but when I explained it was for love she softened up a bit. All that was left for Kai to arrive. 

It took a few minutes till I saw him emerge from the dismissal crowd. I was about to run to him when I saw Jeong next to him. Biting down on my tongue, I winced. There was no way he could forget about my plans, right? Sunhi was right. The date hadn't even started, and I was about to break down.

My spirits were lifted when he waved goodbye to Jeong as he spotted me. I waved to him with a thin smile as he walked over to where I was standing. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded my head and we started walking to the bus stop together. That was it? Just, 'ready'? He didn't even ask me if I was waiting for a while, in which I was. Five minutes can drag very slowly when you're waiting for something important. I shook my head and tuned into the conversation.

"Are you excited for the trip?" he asked me. I nodded, perking up. "Of course! I heard the arcade is going to be so much fun," I chimed. That was probably the most honest thing I've said to him all day. Perhaps if I'm lucky, he'd win me a stuffed toy. "There's probably going to be a lot of walking though," he stated. "because we're going to look at all the monuments." The conversation went on like that for a while until he stopped me.

"We're almost there. I need you to close your eyes," he said. I turned around to give him a confused look. "Excuse me?" I asked. I didn't want to close my eyes. I didn't quite trust him with things like that. Last time we did this, he ran off as soon as my eyes were closed. He must have read my mind because he said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to run off again. I swear." I nodded and closed my eyes. I could hear him walk behind me. Kai placed one hand on my closed eyes, and another on my shoulder. The touch sent shock waves through my body as we began to walk. Oh my God, this was so romantic. Why did he have to be so damn smooth? I felt my heart threatening to leap out of my chest. I wonder if he noticed that I was smiling like an idiot.

The bells to a door jingled as we entered a place. I couldn't tell where we were, but I guessed it was some place we've been to before. He let go of me when we reached the booth, but ordered me to keep my eyes closed. I nodded and slid into the booth. He pulled something out of his bag, set it in front of me, and gave me the okay to open my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, there was a card in front of me. It read 'sorry you have a crappy family' in crayon. I'm so tempted to burst into laughter, but I refrain from it. The card was actually quite cute. I was too happy at the gesture. "Thanks," I giggled, taking the card and shoving it in my bag. "I know I have a crappy family, but I have better friends to make up for it."

He smiled as he opened the menu. I just noticed that we were at my favorite cafe. Kai really did notice me, then. "Order anything you want. Just not the expensive things, because I've only got twenty-five bucks," he said sheepishly, holding up the two bills. I laughed, holding my menu in front of my face to conceal the amaranth that appeared on my cheeks. 

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Update soon ^^
taeyeon101 #2
Chapter 13: Chapter 12: This story rocks! Please update soon!!!!!!
Chapter 13: I liked this history bc first: My ultimate bias isn't a charming prince.
It's so hard to find one where he isn't a perfect gentleman or an bad-boy (that is magically changed into a perfect boyfriend by the protagonist love) He's a real guy, a really douchebag guy, but a real one.
Second: Unwanted love. Gosh, I've been throught this so many times, that i began to believe that this is some kind of karmic debt. But the thing i liked most it's, differently from others stories, Kimmy has guts. She can be y, fragile, determined, passionate... I suffered everything again with Kimmy, I feel her hahahaha
But that don't mean that I hate Jeong... Like Kimmy's mother said, it's just life. And moreover, the family background for Kimmy was the cherry on the top of the banana split.
In fact I loved how you created and developed your characters to be so human and so credible, so far from these cliche shapes... You're really talented.
And I'm utterly happy that you didn't gave up on this story! <3
Best wishes, and i'll be following this!
Chapter 13: I'm so glad you updated!
zhenzhen12 #5
Nice story^^
Chapter 7: hihi.. I like were this is going... Good story so far! Update soon!