Chapter 1

Falling for You
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''No you can't leave me! You promised!'' L.Joe yelled through the phone. ''What about your promise huh?! Why'd you cheat on me? Why did I deserve that?!'' you yelled back. -Silence- ''Pft. That's what I thought.'' You hung up.





You parked in a vacant parking lot by some shops. You got out of your car, and locked the doors. ''Time to go stroll around then!'' you said excitedly. You were windowshopping, just looking at random cute things. From baby clothes, to food, to accessories.


You didn't realize that you were starting to tear up. ''L.Joe... you are really confusing.'' you mumbled. Since your head was down, you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw a really cute guy.


''I-I'm sorry..'' you bowed. ''It's alright..But you don't look alright.. What happened? Why are you crying?'' the stranger asked.


For some reason, yopu felt like it was safe to tell him everything. He had this aurora around him that made you want to be his friend.


''Um.. uh...'' ''Why don't we go to a cafe to talk hm?'' he asked. You nodded and he took your head, leading the way. *his hands are really soft..* you thought, smiling to yourslef. The stranger also didn't know why he was feeling this way. The way you teared made him worried about you. ''Okay we're here!'' he exclaimed. Sammy's Cafe.


You looked up and smiled, since this place was one of your favorite cafe's to go to when you were little.


You were about to open the door, but he already opened it for you. ''Thank you..'' you kindly said. ''No problem.'' He smiled.


''Wahh... you have a really cute dimple.'' you said, and sniffed at the same time. He also shyly smiled and scratched his neck. ''Thanks...''


''Hello! Welcome to Sammy's Cafe! And I'm guessing a table for two?'', the teenage boy asked. You both nodded, and he led you both to a table by a window.


The stranger pulled the chair out for you. Once again you thanked hi

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losing inspiration for this story.


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I love Lay, he and I share the birth date hahaha
baekspace #2
Chapter 32: I would like...
to choose....

cute first maknae of EXO,Kai...
pogoshipo #4
Thanks for reading this everyone! It was definitely not my best work. But I know I will do better in the future.
baekspace #5
Cute ending! I thought it would be much different, but it was still great :D Great job~
baekspace #6
for your new story
Although I will miss this story very much ):
You have all of our support! ^~^
baekspace #7
noticed that you changed your lay out a bit! it looks great~
and it doesn't matter who you choose as the next main character
natashatadela #8
Chapter 29: baekhyun or ken please, authornim ~ ^w^♡♡♡
baekspace #9
U P D A T E S O O N ! ^ _ ^