sweet moments?

it's still you


Dara POV

Returning to their dorm after practice…….

After the incident with my brother Yunho earlier at first I felt miserable and depressed I couldn’t concentrate on our practice. I keep on messing up. I should be mad at him for saying all those things to me and our parents but somehow I could understand him. He was just angry that’s why he said those rude things to us. He is hurt I’ll just give him some time to think. 

Upon entering our dorm my members immediately went to their respective rooms and sleep. They are so tired because it’s now 10:30 in the evening and we just finished our practice. I am so hungry that’s why I proceeded to the kitchen. Then I saw our leftover food at the fridge I ate it without heating it. 

Dara: I’m so full! Hmmm… Are they asleep already? It’s only 10:30 pm..

After I finished eating and washing the dishes I went to the rooms of my three members if what are they doing.

Dara: They are sleeping already. They are really tired. (Yawn) At last, I’m going to bed too. (slap her head) :ahh: Ah, … I can’t go to bed I have to study my new song.
Upon listening to the song I am so shocked that my solo song has a rap part. I couldn’t rap to save my life! What do I do? Call Jiyong? But he is very busy right now. I can’t call one of the Bigbang members since they are going to Japan tomorrow! Aishh… Oh well, I’ll just practice this rap part. I won’t sleep if I won’t get it! As sajangnim said “Practice makes perfect and I make the impossible, possible” So Dara Fighting!

After 4 hours of practicing the song…..
Dara: Yes! So proud of myself! I can rap now! :boast: I can make the impossible, possible! That’s right! That’s right! (Jumping up and down). Now its time for me to rest. (Looks at the clock) Oh My! Its 2 am already? Got to sleep now, I will wake up early tomorrow!!! (Went to my room and sleep)

After two hours:


Dara: :Rawr!: Ah!!!! !!! Who is this person calling me in this time of day! (answered the phone) (angry voice) :fury: Hello? Please whoever you are can you call me tomorrow? What time is it? (looking at her phone) 4 am? See its FREAKING 4 am! It’s too early! I slept for only 2 hours! We practiced the whole day and I practiced my new song the whole night! I am super duper super duper tired and sleepy! 

Jaejoong: (worried) Baby? I’m so sorry. I’ll just call you tomorrow.

Dara (Shocked): Jae? Sorry if I shouted at you. I’m just so tired.

Jaejoong: (chuckles) no, it’s ok. I understand. Go back to sleep baby. I’m so sorry for disturbing you. I’ll just call you tomorrow. I love you baby..

Dara: No, I’m not sleepy anymore. You’re like my energizer, Even if I’m super duper tired, I will be alert, awake and oriented every time I hear your voice. :pink: Oh? Why are you calling me? Do you need something?

Jaejoong: (Laugh so hard) Energizer? Where did you get that line? You’re so corny baby but it’s funny. I’m here at the hideout right now. Can you come here now? 

Dara: What? Why are you there? It’s super early. Are you really that excited to see me baby? (Smile)

Jaejoong: I’m not excited to see you, I’m dying to see you. We are going now to Japan. We are going to stay there for a week. I want to see you before going there. 

Dara: Ok.. ok… Give me 5 minutes.. Bye..
I immediately put my hooded jacket on. I run as fast as I could in order to get there fast. While entering the building I immediately saw Jaejoong talking to the other members of DBSK.
Dara (suddenly stopped from walking): :bullets: OMG! This is so embarrassing. I’m going to meet them for the first time and this is what I’m wearing? OMG! What would they think of me now! My brother is there too and he is mad at me. What will I do!?!

Jaejoong POV

When I looked at the entrance I saw her looking at us. She looks so shocked and surprise. She also seems shy to get near us. I waved and went there. While walking, I suddenly smiled because of her outfit. She is so cute. She is wearing a loose T-shirt with a pink hooded jacket, pink pajamas and pink bunny slippers. She really looks young. She could even pass as an elementary kid. 

Jaejoong: Do you know that you are so cute with your attire right now? Are you sure that you’re 26 years old? Maybe you are really a 12 year old kid! OMG!! I’m a cradle snatcher! 
Dara: :well: Are you insulting me KIM JAEJOONG? (Pouting)
Jaejoong: (Pinched her Cheek) you are really cute baby. Cuteness Overload.
I bend down to kiss her lips but she punched me at my arm

Jaejoong: Aray! What?

Dara: Aray!?! You’re imitating me again Jaejoong. And it’s my line. (Smile) You can’t kiss me here. Have you forgotten that you’re members are looking at us. *Not to mention there is also my brother who is very mad at me and wants me to stay away from you**

Jaejoong: Nah let them watch! Just don’t mind them baby. 

I bend down and kiss her again but she pushed me

Dara: Baby.. Behave…(Smile)

Jaejoong: (Sigh) OK!Ok! I’ll just kiss you on the cheeks please (pleading eyes)

She said yes and I kissed her on her cheeks. She also kissed me on the cheeks and hugged me. God, I missed her so much. Two weeks of not seeing her was Hell!

Jaejoong: You smelled so good baby. Did you put perfume?

Dara: Really? No I didn’t. It’s my natural smell. I haven’t even taken a bath yet after practice because I’m too tired already. (Laughs)

Jaejoong: eeewwww…. (Laughs) Joke…. (Hold her hands and look at her lovingly) I missed you.

Dara: I missed you too... Super... (Hug him tightly) I’m sorry for not having time for us. I hope you understand.

Jaejoong: It’s alright baby. Come I will introduce you to my members.

Dara: (punched his arm again) you should have said earlier that your members are here so that I can dress properly. It’s my first time to meet the ever famous DBSK and then this is only what I’m wearing. It’s so embarrassing. (pouts)

Jaejoong: Aray! Has anyone told you that you punched really hard? Whatever you wear baby you will look good. Even if you wear a trash bag, I’m sure you will manage to be beautiful. . And what are you embarrassed about? You look so cute with that outfit. I didn’t know that you are one of our million fans? (Laughs) BigBang boys will be mad

Dara: Really? I punched hard? Jiyong told me that yesterday too. Let me try it again. (Punch)

Jaejoong: Aray! Dara stop it already!

Dara: (Laugh) Sorry.. I can’t help myself.. I just like the way you said “Aray”. It’s so cute.

Jaejoong: Where did you get that “Aray” thing anyway?

Dara: My bestfriend is a Filipino when we are still in abroad. Everytime she is hurt, she always says that. The word “Super”, “Super Duper” and “As in”? I also got that from her.

DBSK area

Changmin: (Sigh) I’m so jealous, I want to have a girlfriend like hyung too! (pouting)

Yunho: No Changmin. Don’t ever think about it. Don’t add to our problems.

Junsu: It’s my first time seeing Jaejoong smile and laugh like that. He must be really happy with noona. 

Yoochun: Yeah, I noticed that too. And they are really sweet. You can’t help but wished you have a girlfriend too. (Smile)

Changmin: I can’t really see Dara noona. They are so far away. I want to see her if she really is pretty in person.

Junsu: Ofcourse she is pretty in person. Jaejoong will not like her if she is only pretty in Television.

Yoochun: Changmin, they are going here. You will finally see your crush. (Laugh)
I intertwined our hands before going to my members so that they will know that she is mine. I know that Changmin has a huge crush on Dara because he has posters of her and her group in his wall. 

Yunho: :chub: *They are so O.A… holding hands while walking? So pathetic.. (rolls eye) I don’t know if they can smile like that if the media will know about this. (smirks) Even if she is my sister, I don’t like her with Jaejoong. She might also leave Jaejoong like what she did to me.**

Junsu: *Woah! Noona is so beautiful. She is so cute. She even looks younger in person**

Yoochun: *Hyung is so lucky, noona is so pretty. So that’s why almost all idols says that she is their ideal girl.**

Changmin: :dream: *OMG! There is a Goddess in front of me! A goddess dress in a pink pajama! She is really pretty even without make-up**

Jaejoong: (shakes his head while laughing) Look, what you did to my members? I’m sure they are stunned by your beauty and cuteness baby. They are speechless! (Laugh) Boys! Wake up! Wake up! Introduce yourselves!

Yunho: (awkward) Amm? I’m Yunho. (With blank expression)
I was so shocked when Dara hug Yunho after he introduced himself. And judging by his reaction Yunho was shocked too because he stiffened. 

Jaejoong: Hey! Hey! Hey baby! What are you doing? 

Dara: * I can’t help myself. I just miss my brother so much**(Face Jaejoong) Amm? (chuckles) That was awkward. That’s for my parents, they are a fan of DBSK especially Yunho. When we are still in America we always watch your shows.I am so happy to finally see you guys in person.

Jaejoong: Ah ok. Wow! You’re parents like our group? Yes! I want to meet your parents Baby. It’s plus points because they like DBSK. I would also bring Yunho too so that I will get more points since you said they like him. (Excited)

Dara: (she looked at Yunho to see his reaction but he looked away) (smile) and you must be Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin. (She shakes their hands)

Junsu: Nice meeting you noona. (Shakes hands)

Yoochun: Nice meeting you noona. Hyung is so lucky to have you because you are so beautiful. (Smiles)

Dara: Nice meeting you too. Thanks. (Frowns) Ahmm? Changmin are you okay? (Changmin is still so stiff and speechless)

Jaejoong: (Laughs) He is starstruck baby. He really likes your group especially you. He has posters of you and your group in his room.

Yoochun: Changmin doesn’t care if you are the rivals of our SNSD noona. He really likes your group. When we are practicing at SM’s dance studio, he will play your songs very loud even if there is SNSD in the studio too. (Laughs)

Junsu: And you know noona? You are his ultimate crush? (Laughs) That’s why he is like that because his dream came true. (Nudge Changmin) Changmin! Dara noona is here… This is the day you’ve been waiting for and you just stare at her?

Changmin: Oh, sorry noona (Blushed)

Dara: *He is so adorable** (chuckles) its ok Changmin. Really? You really like my group?
Changmin: No noona, I don’t like your group. I LOVE your group! Even though I know that I shouldn’t. Sometimes our manager gets angry with me because I continue playing your songs loudly during practice(laughs) 

Dara: Oh, thanks Changmin(Smile) I’m glad that you like our songs … Because you said that my group is your idol, here is my number. Just text me if you have a problem or you want some advice or call me if Jaejoong does something bad in Japan. You’re my spy… (ruffles his hair) Can you do that for me Changmin?

Changmin: Ofcourse! No problem noona.. I will call you if Jaejoong hyung did something bad!

Jaejoong: (Laughing) You dont need to have a spy.. I wouldn’t do anything that would upset and make you angry…

Yunho: *OMG! I couldn’t stand this! I think I’m going to puke with this cheesiness** Jae, let’s go…We will be late already! (Went outside the building immediately)

Junsu: Noona, gonna go..bye..

Yoochun: Noona, nice meeting you again.

Changmin: Bye noona! I promise you I will guard hyung’s every action!

They all went out the building except Jaejoong and dara.

Jaejoong: So? I’ve got to go now. Always take care baby. (Hug) Oh? Are you crying?

Dara: (sniff) I will miss you. Call me if you’re in Japan already.

Jaejoong: (cupped her face) we are staying there for only a week baby… I promise you once we finished our activities there I will immediately go back here.

Dara: Baby, is Yunho really like that? it’s like he is always angry? (While walking outside the building)

Jaejoong: He is a quiet and a shy type of guy so it’s hard to be close to him but once you are together for a really long time, he really is nice. He always takes care of us. He thinks and acts mature that’s why he became our leader. Baby, we really have to go. (hug her and kiss her at her forehead)

Dara: I love you take care baby.

Jaejoong: I love you more baby. See you next week.

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 12: thank you update please
Chapter 12: please update soon
rexan2890 #3
ow update please :)
triplesss-blackjack #4
kathypufi #5
yahooo update!!!! :) 2ne1 girls are sooo funny :) <br />
cant wait for YG and Bigbang's reaction when they see him ") looove it! <br />
Please update regularly :) thank you!!!
yay! an update..<br />
thank you!^_^
mary_pink31 #7
And tripless-blackjack i included you name at this chapter!! Hope you like it!!thanks for suppoting my fanfic!!!
ohh so yunho and dara are siblings.. kekeke i thought they were lovers in the past.. ;)
kathypufi #9
waah yunnie is sooo rude :( I hope they will patch things up! I hope that he will soon be the protective brother for Dara :( <br />
I love jaedy moments but I need more :) Please update more thank you!!!