chapter 1 (Jaeoong and DBSK)

it's still you

Chapter 1

Living Room (DBSK Apartment)
Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin, members of the famous DBSK (popular boy group in Korea and all over Asia) are watching movies because their president gave them a 3 day vacation. Yunho noticed that Jaejoong looked anxious. He keeps walking back and forth for 5 minutes now, so he turned the TV off.
Changmin: (irritated) What the? Hyung? Why did you turned it off?
Yunho: We’re having a meeting now.
Junsu: (Confused) A Meeting? About what?
Yunho: about him (pointing at Jaejoong) Look at him, she seems bothered about something.
Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun looked at Jaejoong…….
Yoochun: Ow ok, What happened to him?
Yunho: That we will found out…(Yelling) Jae!Jae!
Jaejoong: (turned to Yunho) What?
Yunho: What are you doing? You’re making us dizzy. Sit down. 

Jaejoong sat at the chair facing the four members. They noticed that he’s acting funny even when sitting. He won’t looked at them in the eye, always lowering his head and he seems to be sweating a lot which is unusual because its winter. 
Yunho: *and he’s fidgeting? Is he nervous?......of what?(curious)** dude, What’s the matter? Do you want to tell us something?
Jaejoong: Aahhh?....I…*! This is hard** (nervous)
Yunho: What!? I’m starting to be anxious too because of what you’re doing Jae! (irritated)
Jaejoong: Aahh? Guys?.....I..I…I have something to tell you…
Changmin: My God hyung! Just tell us!!!(irritated)
Junsu: (Shock) Don’t tell me your quitting the group!?!
Jaejoong: No! Of course not! Why would I do that!?
Yoochun: Then what is it!?!
Jaejoong: (Lowering his head while talking in a low voice) I have relationship with Dara
Yunho: What? We didn’t hear you, say it again
Jaejoong: Aish…. I said Dara is now my girlfriend!
Junsu: (shock) Dara? Sandara Park? Of 2ne1? 
Changmin: (disappointed) oh men…..Really hyung? Do you know that I’m crushing on her since they debut? She’s my ideal girl!
Jaejoong: (sad) I know that you really like her and her group, you have posters of her in your room and you’re always playing their song. Sorry min…really I’m so sorry. (Smile) I first saw her at MBC awards last 2 years. She’s one of the presentors and she’s just a trainee at YG that time.
Changmin: Do you know how much I hate you now hyung? (chuckles) You always get the good looking one. Life is so unfair! (Curious) The courtship, how did it happen? 
Jaejoong: Haven’t you noticed that I’m the first one to leave after rehearsing, recording or shooting? It’s because I would go back to our apartment, cooked her favorite pasta then buy her flowers and brought them at YG.
Yoochun: Ah, so that’s why you’re impossible to find after work. (Confused) Wait, you’re visiting her at YG hyung? At the YG BUILDING? They accept you there with open arms? That’s a first! (Sarcastic)
Jaejoong: Obviously I cannot do that. We have a hideout at the back of their dorm (emphasizing) NEAR the YG building. I courted her for about? A year. I’m that serious about her that I’m willing to wait for 1 whole year.
Changmin: (Amaze) Woah! A year? You courted her for one year hyung? You’re KIM JAEJOONG and she let you wait that long? (Laughs) and to think Jessica (SNSD) accepted you before for what? For 3 weeks? (Laughs)
Junsu: of course, she accepted him immediately. He’s like her long time crush.
Yoochun: Good thing you manage to keep this a secret for 2 years hyung because the media didn’t found out

Jaejoong noticed that Yunho haven’t said anything yet. He is just sitting there, with I-can’t-believe-it expression and just thinking deeply. Jaejoong is very nervous now because when Yunho is not saying something it means that he is very angry.
Jaejoong: Yunho?...Ah?... Yoongie? Are you okay?
Yunho: (Stands up, facing Jaejoong and angrily said) You’re asking me if I’M okay!? Of course I’m not! Are you out of your mind Jaejoong!? What if the media, the fans and the president found this out huh!? Haven’t you realize that this will be a big scandal if this will come out!? We will be in big trouble!
Jaejoong: They will never found this out. We are cautious Yunho. I have been keeping our friendship secret for 2 years now and they didn’t found out. Even you guys didn’t found out, and to think we’re living together.
Yunho: oh yeah? You can’t keep this a secret forever Jae! (Glaring at Yunho)
Jaejoong: We will tell them if….if her carreer here is doing great. She’s just starting, I don’t want to ruin her dreams you know.
Yunho: You don’t want to ruin her dreams!? You will ruin her carreer if this will come out! Her dream of becoming famous all over Asia and her dream of making many people happy are all going to waste! What are you thinking Jae? And what if the president found this out? You know YG and SM are rivals in everything right? Is that hard to understand? They are OUR rival company and then you have a girlfriend there? I can’t believe you!
Jaejoong: (lowers his head while talking) I tried my best Yun I tried my best to just ignore my feelings for her because I know the consequences. But she’s always on my mind, I keep on thinking about her. Even just the thought of her makes my heart beats faster. I want to see her always, to hear her voice, to touch her face, even if she’ll just text me makes my day complete. I just can’t let the day passed without telling her what I really feel. I can’t… live my life without her anymore. (Looks at Yunho) I love her so much Yun. Please just support me on this.
Yunho: * You really love her. Of all people why her? So, she didn’t tell him about the past. **
Changmin: Yunho hyung, please understand Jaejoong hyung
Junsu: You know that when it comes to love you just can’t ignore or stop what you’re feeling right? So just support them Yunho.
Yoochun: and besides it’s not their fault that they fell in love. You can’t choose who to love. 
Jaejoong: Yunho? Please?
Yunho: * Whatever, I just agree to this for the mean time** Ok
Jaejoong: Really Yun? (smile)
Yunho: Yes, Ok…
Jaejoong: Thanks dude!!…… (handshake)
Changmin: (really curious) But wait Yunho hyung, how did you know about Dara noona’s dream of making it big all over Asia and making many people happy? Do you know her? Have you met before?
Yunho: * Did I say that? It must have slipped from my mouth** amm?....almost all idols dream of that, to be famous and make people happy. So I assumed that, that is her dream too. I will go to my room now guys, I forgot that I have something to do. See you later….


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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 12: thank you update please
Chapter 12: please update soon
rexan2890 #3
ow update please :)
triplesss-blackjack #4
kathypufi #5
yahooo update!!!! :) 2ne1 girls are sooo funny :) <br />
cant wait for YG and Bigbang's reaction when they see him ") looove it! <br />
Please update regularly :) thank you!!!
yay! an update..<br />
thank you!^_^
mary_pink31 #7
And tripless-blackjack i included you name at this chapter!! Hope you like it!!thanks for suppoting my fanfic!!!
ohh so yunho and dara are siblings.. kekeke i thought they were lovers in the past.. ;)
kathypufi #9
waah yunnie is sooo rude :( I hope they will patch things up! I hope that he will soon be the protective brother for Dara :( <br />
I love jaedy moments but I need more :) Please update more thank you!!!