Heartbeat racing

「 If it's meant to be, it will be 」


Later the next day, both of the models had another photoshoot to do. Sehun's attitude was slowly changing, making him more comfortable with the pictures they had to take. Luhan, him, was still a bit shy and didn't really know how to act around the maknae. Even if he was the oldest, he felt like if Sehun was controlling the situation. He only was 19 years old, but he acted like a mature young man. Also because of his appearance, he was tall, good looking and always had a mysterious look on his face. That's something the blonde boy liked about him.
Today's photoshoot was a bit different than the last time. Sehun had to take his shirt off and let Luhan put his hands on his chest. Even if he felt a bit weird about that idea, he just nodded and looked at the oldest.
''Since I'm agreeing to do this, maybe the manager will realize I'm a better model than you after all, so he'll fire you.'' he said to the other boy, with a half smile and a lot of confidence.
Luhan sighed and placed his hands on the younger model. Something was racing faster inside of him. Could it be his heart? Why was he feeling that way? Pictures were taken and the manager seemed impressed.
''I'm proud of you, Oh Se Hun. You're working harder today. If I ask Luhan to bite your lip, will you have the same reaction you had last time?'' the manager asks, crossing his arms.
The maknae's little smile disappeared as he heard the old man's words. Was he really going back there? He was letting Luhan touch his chest and as if it wasn't enough, now he had to let him touch his mouth? After a few seconds of reflexion, he remembered he'd be fired if he didn't do what he was told to. Especially since he ran away the last time, he couldn't risk doing it a second time. He took a deep breath and answered.
''Let's make it fast so I can be done with this.''
Blondie's eyes widened. His heart was still pounding in his chest. His legs started getting weeker and when he felt Sehun's eyes on him, he looked up and gulped.
''Go on, do it.'' the brown headed boy ordered.
After taking a deep breath, Luhan got closer to the other boy's lips and as soon as he felt the contact, he shivered. Without really knowing it, his hands were reaching to find Sehun's body. The youngest of the two decided to pass one of his hands in the blonde boy's hair to make the picture even more realistic. After a few seconds, he decided to break the kiss. The manager started congratulating them with a smile on his face.
''That's what I'm talking about! The fans are going to love it.''
Sehun looked lost in his thoughts. He didn't really hear what the old man said, he was just looking in front of him, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, he shook his head a bit to get his thoughts back and stormed out of the room without taking his jacket. Did all of this really happened? He asked himself while getting out of the building. He was walking slowly, not really wanting to go home, and decided to stop to sit on a little bench. His elbows on his legs, he was looking at the ground, still a bit shocked about what happened earlier. Their lips. Did he really do it? He even touched Luhan's hair instantly, without worrying about a thing. What will people think about all of this? Rain started falling from the sky, which made him realize he didn't have his jacket. He got up and ran to the building to try and get it before the doors got locked. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He tried every door possible, but none of them would open.
''! My keys are in this jacket.'' he whispered to himself, frowning.
A sudden idea came into his mind. The only place he knew that was still opened at that time of the night was the bar where Luhan worked. Without thinking about any other options, he started walking in that direction. It wasn't really far so after a few minutes, he was already in front of the bar. He entered, completely soaked because of the rain and went to take a seat. He only ordered one drink, not wanting to end up like the other night. When he decided to look up to the man bringing him what he asked for, he saw blondie.
''Lu- Lu-'' he stuttered.
''Is that a new nickname? Lulu. I kinda like it.'' the eldest giggled.
''You got here fast, I didn't know you were working tonight.'' Sehun said, changing the subject.
''They called me because the guy that was supposed to close had something important to do.''
The maknae nodded, still looking at Luhan. His tongue came out of his mouth, his lips, lightly. That's something he did pretty often, without noticing it. People thought it was adorable. But the blonde boy thought it was more than just adorable. He thought Sehun looked even more kissable when he did that. It drove him crazy, but he always tried to hide it. Earlier, when he finally got to bit the young model's lip, he knew that deep inside, he was starting to feel something towards him.
Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. I'm sorry if you don't like it ;-;
Huuuu~ Please tell me what you think, kekeke.
Kamsahamnida ^_____^
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 14: omg omg omg my feeelllssss ;A;
and I thanks chanyeol because he doesn't even be a er here. oohohoh o w o

and mind if I ask for a sequel author-nim? ;w;
pearl_red #2
Chapter 14: Models HunHan to die for. It's an abrupt end but nonetheless nice story! ^^ and there's chanyeol!! glad he did not that much. hhahah. thanks for sharing~ =3
My feels omggfff im dying omg luhan and sehun and chanieeeesjbdixdjs this was awesome kyyyyyaaaaa
yannchann #4
Nice to meet you! I love this story so much! Do you mind If I take out and trans to Vietnamese? I'll post on my own page with full credit ^_^
Chapter 14: ahhhh
this is the end??
Coldsun1996 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhhhh
CaramelitoMio #7
Chapter 14: very nice, I'm sad that ended :'3
Chapter 14: I didn't realize it ended =O but good job anyways, it was a really cute story ^-^
Chapter 14: HUNHAN HUNHAN!!!! and on the side is Baekyeol and KAISOO
Chapter 14: aaaahhhh
love it XD