Different thoughts

「 If it's meant to be, it will be 」


It was already pretty late when Luhan decided it was time for him to go to his own place.
''Are you going to be okay?'' he asked Sehun.
''Yes, I'm fine, but it's kinda late.. y- you can stay if you want. I guess.'' the maknae answers, sounding a bit unsure.
''I think I've bothered you enough, it's okay. I don't live too far from here, anyways.''
''At least, when you're bothering me, I don't feel alone anymore.'' Sehun admits, turning on his side, to face the wall.
The oldest stopped what he was doing and glued his eyes to the model's body, laying in the bed. Was he inviting him over? Did he really want Luhan to stay? The blonde boy swallowed his spit and passed a nervous hand in his hair.
''Fine. I'll sleep on the couch.''
As soon as he was done talking, he went out of the bedroom to find the couch in the living room. He sighed and collapsed on it. Right in front of him was a big window, covering almost all the wall. He could see the sky with it's stars. As he put his head on a cushion, he closed his eyes.
''Good night, Oh Se Hun.'' he whispered.
Sehun didn't really sleep that night. His face hurted and he kept thinking about the boy in his living room. The more he thought about it, the more he wondered why he hated him. There was nothing wrong with him. He was always trying to help. It often leaded to causing scandals, but deep inside, maybe Luhan was only trying his best to take care of the young model. Liking him was going to be a hard thing to do, but maybe one day he'll get used to his presence.
The blonde boy was the first one up, as always. Not wanting to wake Sehun up, he carefully got on his feet and tried finding the bathroom. He decided he wanted to take a quick shower while the other one was still sleeping. He got all of his clothes off, and jumped in the shower. As the hot water was falling on his body, he closed his eyes, passing his hands in his hair to wash them. A few minutes later, he got out, grabbing a towel to put around his waist. Suddenly, the door opened on a sleepy Sehun. Luhan's eyes widened as he looked at his half body. The maknae jumped, seeing him with only a towel hiding his lower body parts. They both looked at each other, surprised, before the brown headed boy turned around and closed the door.
''I'm sorry.'' he yelled from the other side.
The oldest sighed in relief and looked at the door.
''Why the hell didn't I think of locking it?'' he asked himself, not too loudly.
Once he was all ready, he got out and without even looking at Sehun, he went directly to the front door.
''Thank you for letting me stay. I- I'll be going now.'' he concluded before leaving.
The young model stood there, not moving. He kept seeing Luhan's body in his head. His pale, white skin, with little droplets of water making their way down his shoulders. His wet, blonde hair, falling on his face, giving him an even younger look. The expression on his face when he saw Sehun standing there, he looked like an innocent child. It was like if he just saw another side of Luhan, making him question his own uality. It was the first time he felt that way towards a boy. Never had he found another guy beautiful or even cute. But all of this was different now. He didn't know what to think, was he going crazy? Maybe he didn't have enough sleep or he got punched too hard yesterday. He shook his head, trying to forget all of these strange thoughts and finally entered the bathroom.
Today was the day of an interview. Sehun and Luhan were being interviewed on their new pictures. People wanted to know how they felt about it and if it was going to happen again in the near future. A lot of cameras were surrounding them, and a lot of people were talking at the same time, making it hard for them to understand.
''Was it an experience you liked? Would you be willing to do it again?'' a man asked, holding a small microphone in his hands.
The two models looked at each other, Luhan blushing, still thinking about what happened earlier and Sehun was the first one to talk.
''It was different, I wasn't expecting something like this to happen one day in my career.'' he laughed, lightly before continuing. ''But it is my job to do it, so I can't say no. Trying different things isn't a bad thing.''
The blonde boy quickly glanced at him, wondering why he said this. Wasn't he the one hating it? A small grin appeared on Sehun's face as he noticed Luhan looking at him.
When the interview was done, they both got in a taxi to go back to their places.
''What was that? Why did you lie to all of these people?'' the eldest asked.
''Why not? I have to make a good impression in front of them. If I had said I hated it, they wouldn't have known how to react. Saying what I said was fine, they were happy to hear that I was okay with the fact I had to try new things.'' he looked over at Luhan. ''Isn't this what you think, also?''
Blondie didn't know what to answer. He just sat there, looking out the window. Sehun used to hate his guts, he wanted him to quit, and now he's being positive about their photoshoot? Luhan had trouble understanding the young model.
Chapter 6, yaaaay! I think I like it a lot ^o^
Maybe there are some mistakes, I'm sorry ;-;
I hope you enjoyed reading it, because I enjoyed writing it.
I keep imagining the scenes and fhdkhgf Hunhan drives me crazy >w<
Anyways, please leave comments! It always makes me happy, keke.
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 14: omg omg omg my feeelllssss ;A;
and I thanks chanyeol because he doesn't even be a er here. oohohoh o w o

and mind if I ask for a sequel author-nim? ;w;
pearl_red #2
Chapter 14: Models HunHan to die for. It's an abrupt end but nonetheless nice story! ^^ and there's chanyeol!! glad he did not that much. hhahah. thanks for sharing~ =3
My feels omggfff im dying omg luhan and sehun and chanieeeesjbdixdjs this was awesome kyyyyyaaaaa
yannchann #4
Nice to meet you! I love this story so much! Do you mind If I take out and trans to Vietnamese? I'll post on my own page with full credit ^_^
Chapter 14: ahhhh
this is the end??
Coldsun1996 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhhhh
CaramelitoMio #7
Chapter 14: very nice, I'm sad that ended :'3
Chapter 14: I didn't realize it ended =O but good job anyways, it was a really cute story ^-^
Chapter 14: HUNHAN HUNHAN!!!! and on the side is Baekyeol and KAISOO
Chapter 14: aaaahhhh
love it XD