A helping hand

「 If it's meant to be, it will be 」


Sehun's hand wasn't all healed yet, which made him stay home. The manager told him he wouldn't accept someone with bruises to be on worldwide pictures. As the model waited patiently for his hand to heal, he decided to sit on the couch and read a magazine. As he was turning the pages, something caught his attention. Pictures of him and Luhan were almost everywhere. He closed his eyes, throwing the magazine away. Taking pictures with another boy wasn't something he usually did, that's why it was a bit shocking.
The next day, since his hand looked a lot better, he showed up to work and wasn't even surprised to see Luhan standing in front of him. He had to keep in mind that the blonde boy would always be there from now on. Annoying, he thought.
''I see your hand is healed. If you ever decide to hit something again, just know you'll be in a lot of trouble. Being a model isn't a joke, Sehun. You need to be careful with your appearance. Got it?'' the manager explained. ''So, since you're a bit late, I got the chance to work with Luhan before you got here and I want you to sit back and watch how he's doing his job.''
''Why? If you don't need me, can't I leave, instead of staying here to watch an amateur?'' he said, glancing at the blonde guy.
''The amateur, as you call him, has more emotions in his pictures than you have. It would be a good thing if you stayed. Learn a bit.''
As Luhan started posing, the brown headed boy didn't even bother looking at him. He was playing with his fingers while looking down. Learn a bit, he says to himself, yeah right.
A few hours passed and Sehun didn't even pose a single time. It was finally time to leave, which made him relieved inside. Once he got outside, he remembered Luhan lived in the same area as he did. He didn't feel like asking him to walk together, he only walked slower, which made the oldest smile. Even if they weren't walking side by side, Luhan felt lucky to be able to follow Sehun without being yelled at like the first time. Maybe the famous model wasn't that bad after all.
A bit further in the street, an unknown teenager started insulting Sehun from afar. He was calling him names such as '' and 'loser'. He even got closer enough to push him. The brown headed boy lost his temper and started pushing back. Even if he only wanted to defend himself, they started hitting each other. That's when Luhan got in the middle and yelled to the both of them to stop. The stranger walked away laughing, while Sehun, standing still, was breathing heavily.
''You don't have to listen to him. You're better than him, Oh Se Hun.'' the oldest said, trying to make the other one feel better.
No response came out of Sehun's mouth. He just started walking, putting his hands in his pockets. Luhan got closer and took a quick look at his face.
''You have bruises.'' he sighed. ''On your face. That's even worst than on your han-''
''And I can't do anything about it. No need to remind me.'' Sehun blurts out, without any emotions on his face.
''I know how to make them heal faster, if you let me, of course.''
The youngest quickly glanced at the blonde boy, not knowing what to answer and continued walking. Luhan took that silent answer as a yes and followed him home.
Once they got there, Sehun went in his bed to try and relax a bit without saying anything to Luhan. After all, he didn't like him more only because he was going to help him, again. Suddenly, blondie entered the room with a big bowl of hot water and a small towel, without knocking and sat on the bed next to the bruised boy. He didn't even care what Sehun was thinking, he only wanted to make his bruises heal as fast as possible. His face was soft and since his eyes were closed, Luhan examinated every single thing about him. The way his lips moved, leaving his tongue visible for a few seconds. The way his hair was falling down on his forehead, he looked peaceful. He has the face of an angel, the oldest thought to himself. As he was putting the hot towel on the maknae's forehead, one of them broke the silence.
''I've just been insulted and called a because of the pictures we took together. It drove me crazy, so I got mad and I started hitting him. And now, I'm just laying on my bed with you next to me. Your hands on my face. All of this feels so wrong. Why do you even bother helping me?'' the brown headed boy asked, glancing over at the oldest.
''I have to fix your face so you can be able to take pretty pictures again, that's why.'' Luhan lied, getting up and turning around so Sehun wouldn't be able to see his face.
After a few seconds of silence in the room, the maknae sighed.
''Thank you.'' he said, whispering.
And the 5th chapter is done! I like it ^____^ Do you?
Please let me know. Is Luhan liking Sehun a bit too much maybe?
Who knows, kekeke~ Thank you for reading people ^U^
Park TaeHyo ~ xo

And here's Sehun his lips just because xchfjkadcvndfk /dies/

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Chapter 14: omg omg omg my feeelllssss ;A;
and I thanks chanyeol because he doesn't even be a er here. oohohoh o w o

and mind if I ask for a sequel author-nim? ;w;
pearl_red #2
Chapter 14: Models HunHan to die for. It's an abrupt end but nonetheless nice story! ^^ and there's chanyeol!! glad he did not that much. hhahah. thanks for sharing~ =3
My feels omggfff im dying omg luhan and sehun and chanieeeesjbdixdjs this was awesome kyyyyyaaaaa
yannchann #4
Nice to meet you! I love this story so much! Do you mind If I take out and trans to Vietnamese? I'll post on my own page with full credit ^_^
Chapter 14: ahhhh
this is the end??
Coldsun1996 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhhhh
CaramelitoMio #7
Chapter 14: very nice, I'm sad that ended :'3
Chapter 14: I didn't realize it ended =O but good job anyways, it was a really cute story ^-^
Chapter 14: HUNHAN HUNHAN!!!! and on the side is Baekyeol and KAISOO
Chapter 14: aaaahhhh
love it XD