Still human after all

「 If it's meant to be, it will be 」


A picture of Sehun was taken, and another one, followed by many others. The young boy sighed, looking down at his feet.
''What's wrong Sehun?'' his manager asked, a bit worried.
''I'm tired. It's late and I've been doing this for the past four hours. Can I just go home and relax a bit?''
''A real model wouldn't mind doing this even if it was past midnight.''
The teenage boy looked up at the man who just spoke and frowned his eyebrows.
''Are you saying I'm not good enough to be a model, even if I've been doing this job for a very long time? Are you saying you've been wasting your time with me for the past three years? A real model, that's what you want. I'm sorry if you think I'm not good enough, but the money you're making is all because of me. Think twice before insulting me like this. Without me, you wouldn't even be here.'' he said, walking out of the room.
He quickly got outside and started walking, hands in his pockets. His manager often thought about himself only and that was something Sehun hated. He made a lot of efforts to become a good model, even if sometimes it wasn't easy. But never had he heard a positive thing come out of his manager's mouth. Not even once. It seemed like all his hard work didn't mean a thing to the old man. That's what pissed him off the most.
Still walking, all by himself, the young model heard footsteps coming from behind him. They were getting closer, and closer. Sehun turned around and to his surprise, he saw a young man. His face was kind of familiar. That's when he recognized him. Lu Han, was it? What was he doing here, at night?
''Are you following me? Don't you have anything better to do?'' Sehun spat out, without finding anything nicer to say.
''Wow, calm down. I was only getting back home from work and I saw you storm out of the building. You don't look so happy, did something happen?''
''It's none of your business. Now please go home and stop walking so close to me.'' the model concluded while turning around to start walking.
Luhan didn't answer but he started walking as well, still behind Sehun. A few minutes later, he was still following him. The brown headed boy got annoyed and turned around to face the other.
''Look, I don't know what you're trying to prove by not listening to what I said earlier, but I want you to go away. I find it really annoying when someone as pitiful as you keeps following me around.''
''Following you? Pitiful? You really are a nice man, Oh Se Hun. For your information, my house is in this direction. Also, you don't even know a single thing about me, how could you say I'm pitiful.'' Luhan admitted for his defense.
''How am I suppose to believe you? Maybe these are all just excuses and you're following me because you want to know where I live. It's not the first time something like this happens to me. I have been dealing with crazy fans since I started being a model, I know how you can be.''
The blonde boy started laughing and as he walked past Sehun, he stopped, only so he could be closer to him.
''Not everything revolves around you. Even if you're a model, even if you're famous, there's no need to think everyone loves you. I think you love yourself a bit too much, that's why you're expecting others to do the same. I'm sorry, I'm not the type of guy to fall for jerks like you.'' he started saying before looking at him from the side. ''Have a good night, Mr. Sehun.''
He walked away after saying what he had to say, leaving the model speechless. How could someone be able to talk to him this way? This boy is definitely different, he thought.
As he was walking home, he kept thinking about what Luhan said. ''I think you love yourself a bit too much, that's why you're expecting others to do the same.'' Was he right? Did Sehun expect everyone to love him just as much as the fangirls loved him? He tried forgetting about this for the night and once he got home, he took a hot shower and then went to bed. Maybe he was taking his job a bit too seriously. After all, he was only human, just like everybody else.

So here's the first chapter. It's not that long, I'm sorry~

Hopefully you still liked it ^____^ I will work hard on this fanfic.

Tell me what you think, I'd be really happy to know.

Kamsahamnida ~

Park TaeHyo , xo

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Chapter 14: omg omg omg my feeelllssss ;A;
and I thanks chanyeol because he doesn't even be a er here. oohohoh o w o

and mind if I ask for a sequel author-nim? ;w;
pearl_red #2
Chapter 14: Models HunHan to die for. It's an abrupt end but nonetheless nice story! ^^ and there's chanyeol!! glad he did not that much. hhahah. thanks for sharing~ =3
My feels omggfff im dying omg luhan and sehun and chanieeeesjbdixdjs this was awesome kyyyyyaaaaa
yannchann #4
Nice to meet you! I love this story so much! Do you mind If I take out and trans to Vietnamese? I'll post on my own page with full credit ^_^
Chapter 14: ahhhh
this is the end??
Coldsun1996 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhhhh
CaramelitoMio #7
Chapter 14: very nice, I'm sad that ended :'3
Chapter 14: I didn't realize it ended =O but good job anyways, it was a really cute story ^-^
Chapter 14: HUNHAN HUNHAN!!!! and on the side is Baekyeol and KAISOO
Chapter 14: aaaahhhh
love it XD