Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness

Healing Heart

 “OK. That’s all for today. Remember tomorrow same timing. Don’t be late.” The dance instructor shouted

“Nae.” Everyone shouted and bow at the instructor when he leaving the room

“Finally, I’m so dead tired now. I have being dancing since noon.” Hyuna lie on the floor not able to move from her tired.

“Yeah. I’m so tired now too.” Hyorin say and lying beside Hyuna

“Yeah. Today Christmas eve and we are stuck here for our coming performance” Hyosung say

“Unnie. Are you somehow dating someone?” Hyuna tease Hyosung

“Ani. It just that today supposed to be celebrating and not stuck here.” Hyosung shake her head

“Hey. Let’s get something to eat.” Nana suggested

“Yeah. I’m so hungry now.” Everyone shouted in unison

“Count me out. I’m dead tired now. I don’t want to move anymore.” Hyuna shouted

“Are you sure?” Hyorin asked before leaving with the rest

“Nae. Have fun unnie.” Hyuna wave still lying on the floor

Hyuna POV

I’m so tired. I’m really getting old. Hmm. I wonder how Gyu oppa will react when he saw Jiyoon unnie. I think Jiyoon unnie should have reach. I need to send a message to greet him.

To: Gyu Bear Oppa

From: Hyun

Gyu oppa. Did you receive my present to you? A date with Jiyoon unnie. I know you like her so I sent her to you as a present. Merry Christmas to you. Have fun

I’m hoping they will enjoy the dating. Hope Jiyoon unnie wouldn’t get mad at me when I reach home.


“I have something to pick up on 24 December and you know I have practice that day. Do you mind helping to pick it up for me?” I use my puppy eyes as a weapon looking at Jiyoon unnie

“Can’t you change date?” Jiyoon unnie asked

“Ani. He only free that day.” I shake my head

“How am I know who that was? I don’t even know your friend.” Jiyoon unnie say

“Ani. You know him VERY WELL.” I say emphasizing the words

“OK. I will help you to pick it. But who was that again?” Jiyoon unnie agree

“When you reach there you know who that was. I’m meeting him at 8PM at Han River. You will recognise him once you reach there.” I say

“OK than.” I hugged Jiyoon unnie from joy. It was good that she never continue to prompt question to me. Good Job Hyuna. Keke

End of Flashback

Suddenly I felt vibration. It was from Gyu oppa.

To: Hyun

From: Gyu Bear Oppa

Another song from Gyu oppa. I being wondering why every day Gyu oppa will send me song to listen but anyway it was really nice song.

To: Gyu Bear Oppa

From: Hyun

Thank you Gyu oppa. The song was nice. Are you promoting your song to me?

Let rest for few more minute and get ready back home. After today long hour of practice tonight I will have a wonderful sleep. My Christmas Eve just end this way. Without knowing why, my memorise with him flow back. Our first Christmas Eve together really was in a mess but still managed to celebrate together when we have concert together. It was so funny that we was running about and hide from our group to just exchange our present.

Months have passed since the breakup with him and I felt like my burden has finally release. It was so heavy and tiring to hold a relationship when I know there wouldn’t be any more future between us when I first saw their kiss. My heart broke into pieces that I need to bear with it. Worst of worst on my birthday, what a bomb present receive from him. I force myself to think that their kiss wasn’t something like I share with him. I always try to convince myself. However that’s wasn’t the only time. Why I always have the luck to see them kiss? Can’t they go to a place and kiss where most people wouldn’t wonder around?

How funny was that he never notices that I have change? Was my mask too strong to hold my true emotional or he just never cares about it? It was really funny how I cry for him every night every time. Why am I so stupid to cry over something that not worth it? It was really funny to think about it now.

My last cry was the last time I saw him and from that day onwards I have never cry again. I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.  People say “Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.” Now I understand what the meaning is behind. Of course it wasn’t that easy when the real thing happen but somehow if you overcome it, you will see a better view.

Yes. It time for me to move on. Looking back to my past is just a lesson but never going to change my past with him. I need to look forward to have a better future. I need to change my present to change my future.

“KIM HYUNA. YOU CAN DO IT!” I shouted loudly

“OK. It times for me to go home have a nice bath and sleep too.” I say and stand up from the floor and left the studio back home.





Author Note

Here another chapter. Hope you will like it.

Hyuna have being through a lot from her last relationship and finally she decide to move on.

Will she able to put on a real smile when she sees her ex-boyfriend again?

Well, stay tune to know the answer. At the same time check out my other story.



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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 14: So sweet 4minute, infinite and ceo support hyuna and sunggyu but im shock yoseob her ex boyfriend i though junhyung
Chapter 14: Lol I just found this again(last I read,I was on chap 10)and yeah....Never saw yoseob comeing!!But who did he cheat on her with???
Oh and I wonder why Woohyun was soooo moody!!He really through me off!But maybe you could make a spin on Woohyun with a girl~!:)....ok ignore me~!>.< but before you do know this was a awesome story~!
Chapter 14: Omg I know I'm pretty late to comment on this story but it's now or never right? XD
I ship them so much. Sunggyu is like hyuna's biggest fan. I love to see whenever he keeps on mentioning hyuna's name.
And days ago, I found dispatch released the idols' picture who's happening to be dating. There are a lot of idols there. But the one that really caught my eyes was Hyuna and sunggyu xD
I somehow reaaaalllyyy hoping that hyuna and sunggyu will be real. I hope dispatch will release it soon xD
Sorry for leaving this longlong comment but I just can't calm my feels xD
Please make more sunggyuxhyuna fanfics ;;;^;;;
Chapter 14: Ah so cuteee >< hehe, good job authornim, anyway why is woohyun moody? ._. I still curious about that, I think woohyun is hyuna ex
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic so much hahah I ship hyuna wit gyu kkkk
Chapter 1: Hyuna Kimmmmmm is my bias . thanks for all of your fanfic. Hwaiting :) Love hyuna and sunggyu :)))
Hyunafans4ever #7
Chapter 14: Love this. Hyuna finally willing to face love again. Sunggyu hard work pay off.
Chapter 14: best 3 of this fic :
1) so much for kissing
2) The person broke hyuna's heart : YOSEOB =)))
3) Hyuna play piano ( cant imagine ) LOL
Chapter 14: Great happy ending.
Chapter 14: so cute... keep making new fanfics...