If you happen to break her heart, I'll break your face.

Healing Heart

Sunggyu POV

To: Hyun

From: Gyu Bear Oppa



Even though I’m disappointed that not Hyun for turning up but I still love her. I hope she know my heart that only belong to her.

To: Gyu Bear Oppa

From: Hyun

Thank you Gyu oppa. The song was nice. Are you promoting your song to me?


I smile when I saw her message. Simple message from her make my days even she was the causes that make me sad. Hai. Merry Christmas and I love you, Hyun.

Lying on my bed looking at the ceiling make me recall what Jiyoon say.


“Ani. But this was just my guessing.” Jiyoon say

Jiyoon hang a serious face looking at me which confuse me. It just a guessing but why she looking at me like that? Was he someone I happen to know? I’m not close with Junhyung or he wasn’t the one?

“Then who was your guessing?” I asked

“Like you say it just a guessing. I think it was Woohyun.” She says looking at me. Mwo? Woohyun? Was he really close with Hyun? How come I don’t know about that?

“A….Are you saying my group mate Woohyun?” I asked seriously. Was it really Woohyun?

“Yeah. How many Woohyun do you think I know? But like I say this was just me guessing” Jiyoon say

“Wh…..Why you guess it was him?” I asked. I really can’t believe it was Woohyun

“Do you know that Woohyun and Hyunnie were actually close friends? Woohyun sometime came to our waiting room and look for Hyunnie. He even happens to brought ice cream for Hyunnie once when we have a same concert. And once I happen to saw Hyunnie was exchanging message with Woohyun and she was smiling brightly.” Jiyoon say looking at me. I really don’t know Woohyun and Hyun was close friend. When does this started?

“Any way. Hyunnie is my best friend and Dongsaeng. If you happen to break her heart, I'll break your face.” Jiyoon say seriously looking at me which scare me quite a bit. Don’t understand how he can tolerate her violence. She was totally different from my Hyun who was so soft and cute and beautiful and….Urg. Stop your daydreaming Sunggyu.

“How about you? Who was your guess?” Jiyoon asked

“My guessing was Junhyung,” I say

“Why you guess Junhyung oppa?” Jiyoon asked without surprise

“The first time I saw Hyun cry was on a concert few months ago. When all of the idol was ask to go back on stage for the closing. Hyun was smiling at me when she saw me but  immediately her expression change and never turn to my side again. And Junhyung happen to there too. Addition, I when to do some research, I found out that there was fans that ship Hyun and Junhyung and even create the video showing their moment. I found out that since late 2011, Hyun and Junhyung never be close again like they use to be. This started after the media found out that Junhyung was dating Hara. And Hyun told me that her ex-boyfriend happen to be someone that she will see often.” I say

“Yeah. I know what you trying to saying. Junhyung oppa and Hyunnie was actually close friend that even everyone thought that they will have a future together but we never thought that Junhyung ended up with Hara which happen to be Hyunnie close friend. Even BEAST doesn’t know that Junhyung was dating Hara until the media found out. We never ask Hyunnie about that and she since not to be bother. So we think that actually Junhyung oppa and Hyunnie was just close friend like brother and sister that’s all. Just like you say since late 2011 their relationship somehow changes. Hyunnie try to stay far away from Junhyung but we think that because Junhyung was Hara boyfriend and Hyunnie doesn’t want to break their relationship causes rumour or scandal between her and Junhyung oppa that’s why she stays away from Junhyung oppa.” Jiyoon explain. So there was really something between them or was Jiyoon guessing was right.

“While it was quite obvious, the video show their interaction. If you happen to have the time you can go search about them. Fans eyes was really sharp that they tend to able to catch something that we actually never thought that we actually doing it.” I say

“Anyway I meeting Kikwang oppa later so I can actually ask him since he was band mate and close friend with Junhyung I might able to ask him and get some info. But if I ever found out who was that I’m going to kick his for hurting my Hyunnie.” Jiyoon say clenching her fist up. OK. Jiyoon serious was a violence girl. Really don’t understand how Kikwang able to stay alive for so long.

End of Flashback

After the talking with Jiyoon, KIkwang came and they just left me there. He was my best friend and I was standing right in front of him when he never saw me standing there. Have girlfriend forget friends.

Was that guy really Woohyun? Who was he cheat on and why? Aish. If can, I’ll want to confront him and ask him right away than just staring at the ceiling having my mind guessing.

Indeed, recently Woohyun really not in the mood. He was extremely silent for months. He never speaks much when actually he was one of the playful one. Now I remember, during the time I when to look for Hyun, he wasn’t there too and Hyun say that her ex-boyfriend when to look up for her. Was Woohyun really the one who breaks Hyun heart? Was he the one who cheated on Hyun?

My minds really going to explode soon fill with so many info I just receive from Jiyoon. If happen to be Woohyun what am I going to do? Should I continue to go after Hyun? How am I going to introduce her to my member when she became mine? They will be awkward right? And this might make Hyun look back to the past again and she might feel hurt again. The impact on her was too big that deep inside her wills forever having that scar that never will be recover.

I want to heal her heart and make her not to be scare of accepting another relationship. I know it wasn’t easy when coming to do something. But I want her to know that I will never hurt her like her previous boyfriend have done to her. I will always stay by her side and always there for her. I want her to know that no matter what happen she will always inside my heart.

But the problem is how? I know Jiyoon say she will help me but I myself know that I need to do something to show her that I’m different. I will take Jiyoon suggestion and but why the hell people ship me with Jiyoon? I just happen to sing to her and chose her on a variety show but it happen long time ago. Next time I really need to be careful when come to this.

Permanently I’m stuck between “I really want to talk to you” and “I don’t want to annoy you”. I can’t keep calling her or sending her message. What should I do? I need someone to teach me. I never once confess to anyone before. This really going to be a hard work for me.

Ohya. Coming up we will be attending the same music program “The Color Of K-Pop”. She will be appearing on stage twice. I really hope the day will be here soon so I can get to see her again. Maybe I can get to meet her at the backstage and have a secret short meeting with her. 

But first of all, I need to find out who was that guys that hurt Hyun. I really don’t want to be Woohyun if not I really will punch on his face that hurt Hyun so deep. Hyun when through so much torture for one year when she found our her boyfriend actually cheated on her and she just remain silent. Doesn’t her boyfriend know her change? Does he really know her well? Does he really love her or he just playing her heart? Thinking of this makes my blood boil. 





Author Note

Another chapter for you guys and hope you guys will like it.

JIyoon boyfriend was actually Kikwang and happens to be Sunggyu best friend

Do you think Woohyun was that person that cheated on Hyuna? Whose guessing was right? Jiyoon or Sunggyu?

Will Sunggyu able to heal her heart?

Well, stay tune to know the answer. Next chapter will be their next meeting.  At the same time check out my other story.




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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 14: So sweet 4minute, infinite and ceo support hyuna and sunggyu but im shock yoseob her ex boyfriend i though junhyung
Chapter 14: Lol I just found this again(last I read,I was on chap 10)and yeah....Never saw yoseob comeing!!But who did he cheat on her with???
Oh and I wonder why Woohyun was soooo moody!!He really through me off!But maybe you could make a spin on Woohyun with a girl~!:)....ok ignore me~!>.< but before you do know this was a awesome story~!
Chapter 14: Omg I know I'm pretty late to comment on this story but it's now or never right? XD
I ship them so much. Sunggyu is like hyuna's biggest fan. I love to see whenever he keeps on mentioning hyuna's name.
And days ago, I found dispatch released the idols' picture who's happening to be dating. There are a lot of idols there. But the one that really caught my eyes was Hyuna and sunggyu xD
I somehow reaaaalllyyy hoping that hyuna and sunggyu will be real. I hope dispatch will release it soon xD
Sorry for leaving this longlong comment but I just can't calm my feels xD
Please make more sunggyuxhyuna fanfics ;;;^;;;
Chapter 14: Ah so cuteee >< hehe, good job authornim, anyway why is woohyun moody? ._. I still curious about that, I think woohyun is hyuna ex
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic so much hahah I ship hyuna wit gyu kkkk
Chapter 1: Hyuna Kimmmmmm is my bias . thanks for all of your fanfic. Hwaiting :) Love hyuna and sunggyu :)))
Hyunafans4ever #7
Chapter 14: Love this. Hyuna finally willing to face love again. Sunggyu hard work pay off.
Chapter 14: best 3 of this fic :
1) so much for kissing
2) The person broke hyuna's heart : YOSEOB =)))
3) Hyuna play piano ( cant imagine ) LOL
Chapter 14: Great happy ending.
Chapter 14: so cute... keep making new fanfics...