Fired Rice

Healing Heart


Hyuna POV

I fall asleep from my cry without knowing but suddenly I heard someone pressing the bell calling someone name. The closest I walk to the door the voice become louder. “Hyun, Hyun”. I know who will call me that, Gyu oppa. I quickly open the door; he was standing in front of me. I don’t know why he was here. I don’t know how, my tears start to form after seeing Gyu oppa.

He ran to me and hugs me tightly. I start to cry even harder and louder. This was first time I behave this way. I always hold my tear. I always put on a mask that hides my pain and tears. But I don’t know why, Gyu oppa can just take away that mask I put for this one whole year easily

After don’t know how long, I stop crying but I’m still hugging him tightly. He slightly pulls me away and wipes my tears away.

“Aigoo. Your eyes are now swollen when your eyes was already twice my eyes bigger. Now become thrice bigger than mine.” Gyu oppa say and put both hand on my face

I make a pout face at him and his expression was hilarious like he going to faint. Keke

“Where is your member?” he asked

“They went for filming Travel maker. Wae? You miss my Jiyoon unnie?” I say

 “Ani. I just find it weird when it was already this late and you were the only one at home.” he says

“Why you denied? I know you love her. During a variety show in MBC Flower Bouquet you even sing to her and confess.” I still remember what he did during the show too. Maybe I can be a matchmaker for Gyu oppa and Jiyoon unnie. They will make a cute couple. And I believe he wouldn’t hurt unnie too.

“That’s was way long ago and you still remember.” he say

“OK. If you say it in that way, but if you really like Jiyoon unnie tell me. I will help you.” I say and patted his shoulder. Was he shy to admit? Never mind I help you

“Oh. Why are you here?” I asked remember the time was late

“I…..I…..I came over to see how you are now.” He stutters?

“Oh. Thank you for your concern. I’m fine now.” I say reassure him not to worry me

“No. You are not. If you are fine why you are crying?” he asked and remembers he was here just the moment

“Mianhae. If you don’t want to say is fine.” he says

“Ani.” I shake my head. I thinking telling him I will feel better

“H…..he was here just now.” I say it softly

“Why he was here?” he asked

“He says he want to explain everything to me. But I told him he doesn’t need to. I say I have enough of putting a smiling face when I’m crying inside. And I told him don’t ever appear in front of me anymore and I will only speak to him if necessary and we are back to just colleague.” I try to hold my tears remember what happen a moment ago.

 “Hyun, may I ask you something?” he asked seriously?

I nodded my head as an answer for him to ask

“Next time if you crying and feel sad, can you call me?” He asked

“Wae?” I don’t mind actually. But wouldn’t that be a bother to him?

“So I can lend you my body and let you hug.” He joked

“You want to become my teddy bear?” I say remember my crying teddy bear that I always hug to sleep

“Teddy Bear?” he asked confusing

“Nae. When I cry, I will hug my huge teddy bear and cry. Cry to him wouldn’t make huge sound when my member was around.” I when to my room and bring my crying teddy bear to show Gyu oppa to see.

 “OK. I will replace your teddy bear. When you crying call me, I will come over and become your teddy bear.” He says

“Nae.” I smile brightly to him. Now I can just cry out when I feel like crying to Gyu oppa. I no need to hold my pain and tears back anymore. Gyu oppa, you such a great guy. I will matchmaking you and unnie. Keke

“Gyu oppa. Thank you that you still remember me.” I say remember the weekly Idol show

“Huh?” He asked a bit nervous?

“The weekly Idol, I watch some time ago. Thank you for still remembers me.” I smile bright to him

“Are you hungry?” I asked to break the silent from him

“Ani.” He shakes his head

“I will cook something for you. Will fried rice fine with you?” I ask walking to the kitchen

“You know how to cook?” He ask suspected

“Of course I know how to cook. One of my hobbies was cooking.” I say confidently

“I just don’t want to end up in the hospital because of you.” He chuckle

“Yah~~.” I whined

“I wouldn’t make you admit into hospital the most causes you can’t sleep whole night.” I joked and start cutting the ingredient

“No. You can’t do that. Tomorrow I still have practice for my solo.” He says

“Omo. You are having your solo in November next month?” I say surprise with the news he just say

“Nae. So I can’t fall sick. If I really fall sick because of your food you going to take care of me.” He say

“Ani. I will make sure you wouldn’t fall sick. This meal I will give you as a Thank you gift for you. After you finish your solo I will treat you a big feast as a celebration and congratulation gift for you.” I say happily

“Hmm. Instead of treat me big feast, I want you to cook me a meal.” He says looking at me

“Weren’t you scared of my cook?” I ask as I start cooking

“Maybe but will only know after today. Your treat we will hold it first. I might want other thing from you.” He say

“Hmm, Ok. Since it was for celebration for you.” I finish cooking and place the food in front of him

I was staring at him before he put the food into his mouth. I was confident with my cook but I gulp when his eyes was wide open. Omo. Was my cooking that bad? I quickly pour water for Gyu oppa to drink.

“Mianhae to make you eat something that bad. I will own you two gifts.” I say sadly and taking the food but he grab my hand

“Ani. This was the best fried rice I even eat.” He continue eating and I smile brightly

“Chin-cha?” I asked him lean in front him.

He gulped?

“N…Nae.” He stutters?

After Gyu oppa finish the food, he asked for my phone number. I forget that we don’t have each other number. I happily exchange our number and send him off. I was really happy that he came and sees me. I feel way better now. Thank you, Gyu oppa. I smile and fall asleep.





Author Note

Here another chapter. Hope you will like it.

Their conversation appears in the previous chapter so you have to read it twice. But I change into Hyuna point of view instead.

I change my writing style for this story. You guy like this more or you guy like it more like story plot writing?

Stay tune to know more. At the same time check out my other story.

Remember continue to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT.

Thank you.


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 14: So sweet 4minute, infinite and ceo support hyuna and sunggyu but im shock yoseob her ex boyfriend i though junhyung
Chapter 14: Lol I just found this again(last I read,I was on chap 10)and yeah....Never saw yoseob comeing!!But who did he cheat on her with???
Oh and I wonder why Woohyun was soooo moody!!He really through me off!But maybe you could make a spin on Woohyun with a girl~!:)....ok ignore me~!>.< but before you do know this was a awesome story~!
Chapter 14: Omg I know I'm pretty late to comment on this story but it's now or never right? XD
I ship them so much. Sunggyu is like hyuna's biggest fan. I love to see whenever he keeps on mentioning hyuna's name.
And days ago, I found dispatch released the idols' picture who's happening to be dating. There are a lot of idols there. But the one that really caught my eyes was Hyuna and sunggyu xD
I somehow reaaaalllyyy hoping that hyuna and sunggyu will be real. I hope dispatch will release it soon xD
Sorry for leaving this longlong comment but I just can't calm my feels xD
Please make more sunggyuxhyuna fanfics ;;;^;;;
Chapter 14: Ah so cuteee >< hehe, good job authornim, anyway why is woohyun moody? ._. I still curious about that, I think woohyun is hyuna ex
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic so much hahah I ship hyuna wit gyu kkkk
Chapter 1: Hyuna Kimmmmmm is my bias . thanks for all of your fanfic. Hwaiting :) Love hyuna and sunggyu :)))
Hyunafans4ever #7
Chapter 14: Love this. Hyuna finally willing to face love again. Sunggyu hard work pay off.
Chapter 14: best 3 of this fic :
1) so much for kissing
2) The person broke hyuna's heart : YOSEOB =)))
3) Hyuna play piano ( cant imagine ) LOL
Chapter 14: Great happy ending.
Chapter 14: so cute... keep making new fanfics...