An Unexpected Result

Healing Heart

29 December 2012 (Near Midnight)

After the show ended, Sunggyu excused himself from his group mate told them he needs to go somewhere asked them not to wait for him. He left the event venues by himself and when to the Han River at the same location that he had on the Christmas Eve. Many questions running around in his mind not knowing whether he should ask Hyuna. At the same time he was wondering why Hyuna wanted to see him after what had happened. He was too deep in thought that he never discovers the young woman he was waiting was standing behind him.

“Gyu oppa.” Hyuna shouted at Sunggyu ear

“Ouch. My eardrum.” Sunngyu shouted

“Mianhae. I actually wanted to frighten you since I was standing behind you and you never notice me.” Hyuna apologized and sat on the bench

“You actually frighten my eardrum more than you had frightened me.” Sunggyu chuckled

They went silent waiting for one another to speak up and because it too silent that Sunggyu decided to break the silence first.

“Hmm. Why did you want to meet me?” Sunggyu asked

Hyuna was playing her finger looking down not knowing why she actually asked Sunggyu out

“Uh….Actually…….Actually I’m not sure myself. I….. I just….. I just want to…… I just want to say thank you.” Hyuna still looking downward

“Why do you need to thank me? I didn’t help you anything” Sunggyu asked confusedly

“You did a lot for me. You helped me to walk out a relationship that I afraid to let go. You helped me to go through my hard time and always support and…… and…… and….. thanks for loving me.” Hyuna mumbled with her last sentence however Sunggyu heard it loud and clear.

“Nae. I really did love you. I don’t know how or when but I just happen to love you. I was happy that I actually was the one that helped you. I will and still will continue to help you and support you. I know you wouldn’t accept me but as long as you remember me that I will be there for you that’s will be enough.” Sunggyu said sincerely

“Actually, I don’t know how to explain my feeling for you. I always see you as my Gyu Bear oppa as I never thought that you will love me. I thought you wouldn’t like the image I have.” Hyuna still looking at her finger while playing

“I don’t see you as the y diva Hyuna of what people see. What I saw was a young lady who looks strong from the outside but actually have a fragile heart inside. The cute and whiny and good at cooking Hyun. I love who you are and the Hyun I saw with my own eyes.” Gyu looked at Hyuna while Hyuna was blushing

“I know you don’t love me…”

“Ani. It wasn’t like what you think.” Hyuna cut off Sunggyu

“I mean, I don’t know how I feel for you. I just….. I just…” Hyuna stuttering with words

Without second thinking, Hyuna turned her head and kissed Sunggyu lip while Sunggyu widen his eyes but closed his eyes and cupped Hyuna face to deepen the kiss.

Sunggyu pulled off from the kiss to catch some breath with his hand still cupping Hyuna face looking right into her eyes. Smiling intensely while Hyuna was blushing looking at Sunggyu.

“So…. You have feeling for me? Not seeing me as the elder brother to you anymore?” Sunggyu asked still not releasing his hand from Hyuna

Instead of giving words, Hyuna show Sunggyu by action. She pulled closer to Sunggyu and gave a peck on Sunggyu lips and pulled away with a smile. Sunggyu can’t hide his happiness from Hyuna.

“Saranghae Hyun” Sunggyu forehead touched Hyuna while confess to Hyuna softly but Hyuna have no respond

“I know that you still can’t say that word to me. But it's okay. We will take thing step by step. When you’re ready to say that me just tell me. I’m willing to wait for those words from you as long as you give me the chance to show you I’m different.” Sunggyu leaned in and captured Hyuna lip and pulled away.

“Mianhae. Those words were too heavy for me to say. Too hard for me to cope.” Hyuna closed her eyes

“Don’t apologize. I know what you had been through and it's hard for to believe in love. But I will show you that I’m different. I will shower you with all my love to you. One day you will able to say those words to me when you really feel it.” Sunggyu smile reassured Hyuna

“Gomawo.” The only words left Hyuna mouth. All Sunggyu do was kissed Hyuna lip as if he was telling her that everything was just fine

The kiss they shared was just a simple kiss but was enough for Sunggyu to grow crazy and for Hyuna to grow butterfly in her. The stared they shared was enough for Sunggyu to lost his breath and for Hyuna to feel loved. Not sharing words but was enough for them to understand each other.

Sunggyu pulled Hyuna closer to him placing his arm around Hyuna waist while Hyuna placed her head on Sunggyu shoulder. Everything seen prefect for them, but too perfect that no words needed to be articulated. The silence they had wasn’t awkward but the silent to share their happiness with one another, the silent to share their warm to one another.

“Hyun-ah” Sunggyu called Hyuna name softly but sweetly

“Hmm?” Hyuna raised her head up and looked at Sunggyu

Before saying anything, Sunggyu kissed Hyuna lips again and smile after he drew away from the kiss

“You call me just want to kiss me?” Hyuna blushed and laid her head back on Sunggyu shoulder

“No. No, not really. But I like doing this to you.” Sunggyu used his free hand intertwined with Hyuna hand

“Was he Yoseob?” Sunggyu opened his mouth after a pause whether to read the name

For a few second of waiting, Hyuna nodded her head

“Have you truly forgiven him? Have you really forgotten him?” Sunggyu held Hyuna hand more tightly

“I have forgiven what have already happened but….” Hyuna was cut off by Sunggyu

“No need to go on. I know the answer already.” Sunggyu stopped Hyuna not wanted her to continue

“Let me finish. I know the answer you might not like but I need to clear everything.” Hyuna understood why Sunggyu cut her off

“It wasn’t that easy for me to forget him and he will always remain inside me but never will be the person I love again. We will only be label mate and that’s what we left. And you are going to work hard to seize the place that I left for you.” Hyuna kisses Sunggyu assured him that nothing was left between her and Yosoeb. What past had faded.

Sunggyu got the message from Hyuna and started to deepen the kiss exploring . Hyuna slightly opened for granting Sunggyu tongue for entrance. Sunggyu used his tongue to roam Hyuna mouth to claim her as his. For a couple of minutes of passion kiss, Hyuna slightly pulled Sunggyu to get some air to breath.

“I will work hard to reach that place. So…. Uhm….” Sunggyu started to stutter while Hyuna looked at Sunggyu with curiosity

“So…. Uhm…. We now official?” Sunggyu closed his eyes not daring to look at Hyuna as he fear of the result. Hyuna is giggling seeing Sunggyu closing his eyes waiting for a no.

“Nae. My Gyu Bear only belongs to me.” Hyuna hugged Sunggyu

“My Hyun only belong to Gyu.” Sunggyu hugged Hyuna tightly with a smile hanging on his face





Author Note

Another chapter for you guys and hope you guys will like it. I actually decided not to move so fast but I wanted to complete this story as soon as possible as I’m starting getting busy with my school and I still have quite a number of stories to go on. Hope you guys wouldn’t think it was too rushed.

In point of fact, today shouldn’t have any update from me but because the update from others author that tag Hyuna name was a mean character that I actually don’t really like it. If you’re going to make the character mean or bad don’t tag their name. I’m a fan of Hyuna and I only wanted to read something good about her and not mean thing that you had plotted in. You can use her to be a mean character but don’t tag her name as it wasted my time to actually go in but somehow when I read the forewords, she was the mean character. I, myself as an author I don’t tag the name that I’m going to make her/he mean as I know reader who looking for the tag name was expecting something nice about their favorite idol and not something mean.

To my reader, remember continue to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT. Cheers ^^

Thank you.


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 14: So sweet 4minute, infinite and ceo support hyuna and sunggyu but im shock yoseob her ex boyfriend i though junhyung
Chapter 14: Lol I just found this again(last I read,I was on chap 10)and yeah....Never saw yoseob comeing!!But who did he cheat on her with???
Oh and I wonder why Woohyun was soooo moody!!He really through me off!But maybe you could make a spin on Woohyun with a girl~!:)....ok ignore me~!>.< but before you do know this was a awesome story~!
Chapter 14: Omg I know I'm pretty late to comment on this story but it's now or never right? XD
I ship them so much. Sunggyu is like hyuna's biggest fan. I love to see whenever he keeps on mentioning hyuna's name.
And days ago, I found dispatch released the idols' picture who's happening to be dating. There are a lot of idols there. But the one that really caught my eyes was Hyuna and sunggyu xD
I somehow reaaaalllyyy hoping that hyuna and sunggyu will be real. I hope dispatch will release it soon xD
Sorry for leaving this longlong comment but I just can't calm my feels xD
Please make more sunggyuxhyuna fanfics ;;;^;;;
Chapter 14: Ah so cuteee >< hehe, good job authornim, anyway why is woohyun moody? ._. I still curious about that, I think woohyun is hyuna ex
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic so much hahah I ship hyuna wit gyu kkkk
Chapter 1: Hyuna Kimmmmmm is my bias . thanks for all of your fanfic. Hwaiting :) Love hyuna and sunggyu :)))
Hyunafans4ever #7
Chapter 14: Love this. Hyuna finally willing to face love again. Sunggyu hard work pay off.
Chapter 14: best 3 of this fic :
1) so much for kissing
2) The person broke hyuna's heart : YOSEOB =)))
3) Hyuna play piano ( cant imagine ) LOL
Chapter 14: Great happy ending.
Chapter 14: so cute... keep making new fanfics...