
Finding Everest

Yoseob was mad. He knew that he was responsible for (temporarily) breaking up the group, but he was furious. Wherever he roamed around in school, everyone seemed to be doing well. None of the members came up to say "hi" or smile at him. Instead, they completely ignored him, and when their eyes met his, they would often walk somewhere else.

Baekhyun seemed to be grumpier than usual, but he seemed to be doing well. Yoseob saw him enter the music room once or twice, and sometimes Baekhyun would play a random tune. It sounded awful, and Baekhyun knew that music was slipping out of his hands. However, the cacophony sound didn't stop Baekhyun from practicing diligently. Thus, Yoseob felt proud of Baekhyun's persistence, but he often felt that the poor boy was composing depressing songs.

Myungsoo was the same. He isolated himself from his classmates, slept in class, and couldn't get along with the teacher. However, Yoseob discovered that there was a new transfer student who was told to sit near Myungsoo. It seemed that the transfer student was struggling to get along with Myungsoo, and Myungsoo was being bothered. He remembered seeing the two having lunch in the classroom, and the new female student seemed happy to make a "friend."

Jieun was seen avoiding Daehyun. The two hadn't made up yet, and whenever she saw him, Yoseob spotted tears forming in her eyes. It was a pitiful sight, but there was nothing else he could do. Daehyun was desperate in getting her to listen to him, but there was never a good time for them two chat quietly. Since the bad was getting popular, several girls (the ones who didn't bully Jieun in the past) tried to get to know her better, while Daehyun was pulled away by some other students to befriend with.

"I hate seeing your face, but I hate it when I see how depress you look. It makes me feel bad about myself, and all these negative energy keeps me from my happiness," a voice said. Yoseob looked up from the library table, where he was studying for a Chinese test. He grimaced for a moment, then looked down at his textbook.

"Hello, Suzy," he greeted. "It's nice seeing you again."

"It's not nice seeing you, though," Suzy muttered, taking a seat across from him. "I was looking for a free table and this one is the only one left. It's packed in here!"

Suzy was right. The library, which was usually quiet, was almost completely filled. Several friends worked at a table, having their books open to different pages. Yoseob suspected that the people were here to study for the upcoming exams, but he wasn't sure when he saw majority chatting and laughing with each other. Suzy glanced at him, then looked around.

"Where's your little gang?" Suzy asked.

"Not around. I told them that we won't meet for two months. They have to cool down," Yoseob replied, going back to his studies. He noticed that she was quiet, and thought that it was fine. However, she suddenly poked her head in front of his face and widened her eyes.

"You guys disbanded?"

"No, just a temporary break–"

"That's terrible! How could you do that?" she asked, looking at him with disgust.

"What do you mean? We were having problems in our group, so I decided to let them have a break," Yoseob replied.

"A break? Are you sure? I might not know a thing about having a band, but I had a friend who went through the same thing. That band didn't last very long. It seemed that everyone had different plans and goals. You got to be joking if you're having a break that long."

"But these guys are my friends–"

"Are you sure about that? Besides the band, what else connects you guys?"

"Our friendship–"

"I seriously can't believe you broke up with the band. It's upsetting, really. I mean, did you guys even win an award yet? No, I haven't heard you guys win first prize!"

"Suzy, lower your voice. You're disrupting everyone in the library–"

"I swear, when this little 'break' is over, your band is going to end. Seriously, why did I have to see you now?" Suzy grunted, then scratched her hair. Yoseob paused, then smirked.

"Thanks for worrying about us, Suzy, but I think we're good. These guys aren't just my band members. They're friends whom I treasured since childhood. I'm sure that nothing will break the bond we carry."


"Welcome, Byun Baekhyun. Please type in your password."

Baekhyun was stuck in his room, staring at his laptop with empty eyes. Even though the band went through a temporary hiatus, he still planned on practicing and improving his producing skills. He'd work at school only if he had a really good idea, but most of his time, he would stick to home and play around with his laptop.

"Welcome, Byun Baekhyun. Please type in your password."

The young boy glared at the electronic. He had programmed it to speak his name and to request for commands, but now he was starting to regret it. The voice was inhumane; it was filled with nothing but sounds with awkward pronunciations. 

"Welcome, Byun Baekhyun. Please type in yo–"

"Shut up, Eunji!" he yelled at his computer. The screen paused for a few seconds, then an error window came out.

"I'm sorry. That is not the password. Try again."

"I don't need to–Ugh! The password is Jieun. Satisfied?"

The laptop kept quiet, then opened to a new window, where it said that the password was accepted and was now loading to his desktop. Baekhyun sighed and threw his arm over his head. He knew he was often grumpy, but these days, he felt terrible. Was it because he wasn't around his friends? Maybe it was because he wasn't around his band mates. Perhaps it was because of…

Darn it! Baekhyun yelled in his mind, running his fingers through his hair. Of all times, why did Daehyun had to give her a stupid confession? Damn it, damn it, damn it! It's all his fault!

No… No, it's not his fault… His eyes softened as he buried his head in his arms. It's my fault. It's my fault for not being honest, and my fault for getting this to my head. It's my fault… and I hate that it's my problem.


"Would you stop bugging me?"

"But I really need help on this problem! Besides, you're my only friend, right?"

Myungsoo cringed. Friend. What was the point of that word? Why did it exist? If he had true, honest friends, then his band wouldn't have broken up. The boy glared at the new student.


"Yura," she stated. "Call me Yura."

"Look, Yura. You're a good girl and all, but you need to give me some of my personal space. I don't care that you want to be friends with me. There are other people in this world who are willing to be your friend," Myungsoo said, plugging his earphones in his ear. He waited for a few minutes, and thought that he finally got rid of her. However, she launched forward and grabbed ahold of one of his ear buds. He widened his eyes, furious about how she wouldn't stop bothering him.

"What song are you listening to?" she asked, sharing earphones with him. She paused for a few seconds, then brightened up. "Oh my gosh! I love this song! I heard this song during a concert at a school I went to. The band was called... Everest Five, right? I heard that they've disbanded. Too bad. I was so sure that if they kept going and auditioned together, they could've totally made it into the music business."

"First of all, they haven't disbanded. It's only a temporary hiatus," Myungsoo corrected. "Second of all, I don't think we–I mean, they–could've made it into the music business."

"Why not?" Her eyes suddenly glowed. "Oh, is it because of that one dude and the girl in the band? If I heard correctly, the shy guy confessed, right? I thought it was cute. It should've been real."

"It shouldn't have," Myungsoo mumbled under his breath. "He never should've had those feelings in the first place…"


Jieun wasn't purposely trying to avoid Daehyun… sort of. Whenever her eyes met his, her body would instinctively turn around and run away. It wasn't like she was trying to avoid him. It more like… it was meant for her to avoid him. She was grateful for Daehyun's feelings and all, but she didn't want to accept it, nor did she want to reject his feelings. After all, it was Daehyun they were talking about. Daehyun was a sweet guy, and he shouldn't have trouble with his love life.

So just accept him, one of her conscience told her. He's a good guy, and he'll practically treasure you well. Just accept him and date him.

But I can't, another voice inside her head said. He's more like a brother. I can't date someone who's so frail and innocent. I just can't.

"Jieun!" a familiar voice shouted. She didn't need to look back. Instead, she took off and ran around the hallway, where the student council members were looking out for people causing a mess in the halls. She heard someone yell at her to stop, but she wasn't sure if it was Daehyun or the student council members. Either way, she wouldn't stop. No, she couldn't stop.

A hand grabbed ahold of her wrist, making her gasp. She was jerked back, and she lost her balance. She fell into someone's arm, and from grabbing the person's arm, she knew exactly who it was.

"H-Hi Daehyun," she stuttered, averting her eyes.

"Jieun, I was calling you. Didn't you hear me?" he asked, obviously upset.

"N-Nope! In fact, I was sure that I was going to get a detention from the student council members–"

"No, they hall monitors aren't giving you anything. It was fortunate that they didn't catch you, though. They only caught me," he said, holding out a slip of paper. Jieun made a painful expression as she looked at the detention slip.

Like I said, she thought, he's always going an extra mile to chase after me. 

"Jieun… Are you avoiding me?" he asked.

Her eyes widened. "W-W-What? No! Of course not! I'm still puzzled about the band thing! Why would I ever avoid you–"

"You don't have to answer my confession. You can think of it as a joke," he muttered. "If it bothers you that much, then please tell me. I won't know what to do if you don't tell me what bothers you or not. Please be honest."

Jieun knew that she shouldn't be honest. She knew that if she was honest, the band would fall apart. No, she knew that if she was honest, then he would fall apart. The girl slowly withdrew her hand and faked a smile. She walked away silently, avoiding his eyes which glistened under the dim lights.

I can't work with you anymore, she wanted to say. I can't be near you anymore, or else I'll hurt you.


"A detention? How on earth did you get a detention?"

Daehyun's father was furious. Not only did he give Daehyun a lecture about his future for the past hour, but he still couldn't get over the fact that his son would get a detention. Getting a detention absolutely shamed their family's name, not to mention that it was a major embarrassment for his father. Daehyun's head hung low, and he didn't dare to speak. He was more upset over the fact that Jieun wouldn't tell him what was on her mind, but he already knew what was up. He didn't need to ask her, but he just wanted to hear those few words from her.

He already knew that Jieun couldn't act normal around him. After the confession, everything was going to change. The change was already starting: the band broke up (for two months), the friends didn't meet as often, and Jieun couldn't answer his confession or be near him.

"It's probably because of that idiotic band of yours, huh? Are you still in it? Who's in charge? Let me speak to him," Mr. Jung said, signing the slip wth a hesitant face. Daehyun widened his eyes.

"You can't talk to him!" he exclaimed. "Besides, we're not going to practice for the next two months. Something… happened.

"Did you break up?" There was light on his father's face.

"Of course not! We're on a temporary hiatus. After these two months end, we'll be back on our feet!"

"Still with that lame dream again?" Daehyun and Mr. Jung turned around, only to see their eldest appear. Yonghwa smiled at him, as he respectfully bowed at his father. "Hello, Dad. Hey Daehyun!"

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Mr. Jung asked, frowning.

"We closed early. Business was really slow," Yonghwa said, glancing around his home. "It's sure been a while since I've been here…"

"Well, while you're here, can't you knock some sense into this boy? He got a detention," the father announced.

Yonghwa widened his eyes as he broke into a smirk. "A detention? How's that possible? I never got a detention before! Really, it's just too funny!"

"Exactly! Yonghwa understands, Daehyun. Why don't you understand for once?" Mr. Jung asked, walking to his study room.

Daehyun and Yonghwa stayed in the living room. Then, the older brother walked towards the couch and sat across from him. He gave his younger brother a soft smile as he folded his hands.

"So… Are you still pursuing that dream of being a singer?" Yonghwa asked. "You sure have talent for it."

"Do I?" he asked himself. This caused Yonghwa to widen his eyes in surprise. As far as he knew, Daehyun was never the one to be hesitant about his future. Yonghwa poured himself some tea, which had gotten cold.

"Daehyun, did something happen?" Yonghwa asked after requesting the maid to bring back some warm tea. Daehyun's cheeks flushed. Then, he looked away and bit his bottom lip.

"I confessed to Jieun."

Yonghwa spat out his cold tea and quickly wiped it with a nearby napkin. "You what?"

"I told Jieun that I liked her, and it was the biggest mistake I ever made! I regret it so much now. Why did I even do that? Where did all the courage come from? I don't know! All I know is that Jieun keeps avoiding me and that she doesn't like me anymore. It ," Daehyun complained, hiding his face in his hands. He almost felt tears form in his eyes. Instead of sitting across from him, Yonghwa stood up and sat next to him. He gently patted his back as if he understood how it felt to be rejected.

"Daehyun," he started off, "sometimes, you forget that the world doesn't always spin around you. Actually, the world spins around the people you meet most of the time. Maybe Jieun rejecting you might mean something."

"What else could it mean?"

"Maybe it means that you have to…let things go."

"Like what?"

"Well," Yonghwa continued, "for starters, maybe you should let Jieun go. Then–this is just a suggestion–maybe you should let your dreams go. Isn't Jieun the reason why you wanted to sing more? Well, maybe if she doesn't accept you, then your dreams won't accept you. Maybe it's time to listen to Dad and please him."

At first, Daehyun couldn't believe his ears. Here he was heartbroken and tired, but his brother had other plans of comfort. However, what Yonghwa was saying started to make sense. His father didn't accept him with music, and he never did for anyone, including Yonghwa.

Maybe, he thought, it's time to leave the things I love…

That night, Daehyun wasn't sure what to tell Yoseob if their band got back together two months later.

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@JiannaKpopGirl: I could've gone either way, but I decided to ultimately go with Myungsoo. :P I'm glad to hear that you still enjoyed reading! ^_^
@eunjieun14: lolz, I'm glad you love the ending! ^o^ Man, I feel like it's been ages since I wrote this story. *_*
@eunjieun14: Haha, I'm glad you've enjoyed the story! :) Yeah, it's definitely rushed. I could've definitely extended it if it wasn't for my writer's block back then. :/ But still, I'm glad to see that you've enjoyed the story a lot. ^_^
@eunjieun14: Woah, I can't believe it's already been a year since I wrote this fic (two years, actually). O_O Haha, I hope you like the future chapters! It's rushed, though.
@Diobic: yeah, disbanded. :( I thought it was better them to part ways to follow their individual dreams.
Chapter 23: What? Wait, no the disbanded? Whut? DD: Oh MyungU, nice...