
I Like You!
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CHAPTER 7: Encounters

The last few months have been crazy for Rio. She sneaked out of the dorm today since she was just advised to stay at home because of her cold. But a free day was a free day and she had to make the most of it!

Rio adjusted her cap as she walked to the nearby bookstore. She wanted to buy Dan Brown’s INFERNO since it recently got released and she had some time off to read. She approached the stand with the sign, “NEWLY RELEASED BOOKS” and got a copy. She turned the book around and read the description.

“Oh.” She heard a male voice utter in shock. She looked up and saw B.A.P’s vocalist, Youngjae. “Rio-ssi?” He was wearing a plain v-neck shirt, jeans and hi-cut shoes. She suddenly felt embarrassed at her “celebrity” get up. B.A.P was so much more famous than her. She chuckled inwardly, feeling more foolish for thinking that people would recognize her and, deep inside, flock around her…. Truth be told, she hadn’t washed her hair too, so she really wanted to conceal it. She sighed and took her cap and mask off.

Youngjae chuckled at her muffled greeting and laughed when she took her cap and mask off and greeted him again.

She smiled sheepishly. “Youngjae—ssi, nice to see you here.”

“Annyeong.” He smiled. “You’re buying Inferno too?” She nodded.

“But I’m just sneaking out.” She paused. “Dan Brown’s one of my favorite authors.”  She heard a whisper from behind and didn’t pay any mind to it. “What about you?” She watched as he went beside her and took two copies.

“I’m telling Daehyunnie to read these kinds of books. He’s getting really rusty you see.” He chuckled. “And I’m sneaking out too.” Rio shifted at the mention of Daehyun’s name. She was paranoid that maybe—maybe Minah had told someone and Youngjae knew. No, she was being too paranoid! Did Minah even know the B.A.P members personally? “…And we went to the Philippines to film for One Shot and I heard that he mentions Manila in this book…” She tuned out to what Youngjae was saying. There were a lot of movements around them but she was too focused on being paranoid that she didn’t notice Youngjae leaning in to look at her.

“Oppa no!!!” A shriek from one of the many people surrounding them broke her train of thought and noticed that Youngjae had a worried look on his face. She looked around her and noticed a flock of mostly teenage boys and girls around the two of them.

“Sorry, I—“ She was cut off when Youngjae took a step closer.

“Are you buying something else?” She shook her head. “Okay! Let’s pay and get out of here so we can talk more comfortably.” He smiled and led her to the counter.

Talk? Comfortably? Huh??? What’s going on!? She thought her cold was really getting to her if she couldn’t understand the situation.

Daehyunnie will be so jealous! Hahahaha Youngjae smiled boyishly as he paid both their books.

She didn’t know why Youngjae dragged her out of the bookstore after paying but she just shrugged the thought and went with him.

It was awkward. They were sitting by Gwanghamun Square and not talking… at all.

“Umm…” She noticed that she hadn’t even paid for her book and she blushed. “Sorry! Here.” She took out some money to cover for the book but Youngjae vehemently refused to accept it. She pouted before getting half the money and shoving it in his backpack making him stare at her in shock. “Wait here.” She said as she stood up and ran to a nearby hotdog stand.

“Here you go.” She said as she handed him 3 hotdog sandwiches and a fruit juice.

“Mwoya, ige?” He asked, obviously baffled by the number of sandwiches she bought.

“I spent the rest of the money on food.” She grinned and started eating the first of her 4 sandwiches.

He stared at her. “Are we going to eat all this?” She nodded. Youngjae could only chuckle as he bit on his sandwich.

“So… How’s B.A.P?” She asked and looked at him apologetically. “Sorry, awkward question.”

“We’re okay. Everyone’s fine.”

“Oh!” I told you before that I’m a fan, right? Youngjae-sunbaenim-ssi?” He laughed at the number of attachments on his name. He nodded. “So, as a fan, please let me say this…” She breathed in, “I like BADMAN. But I like Hurricane better.” She chuckled and he nodded. “I mean, Badman is cool! I absolutely love how it sends a message to the youth and to society but I just felt like Hurricane would have been a more… exciting stage to watch! Or I hope B.A.P would perform it.”

“It’s a fun song, right?”

“It is. But you guys haven’t taken a break have you?”

“We take breaks from time to time.” She nodded. “Sorry for bringing you out of the bookstore and dragging you here mindlessly.”

She shook her head. “It’s okay. I think.”

“It’ll be troublesome if we get caught on the photos.”

“Why? We can just say we’re friends, right?” She clarified innocently.

“Yes, but Korea’s kind of crazy don’t you think? Actually, the business is crazy.”

She laughed. “Yeah, you said it.”

“So, how are you so far?” He asked… another weird question.

“Fine. Fine! I’m actually adjusting to the entertainment scene—

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joannexo23 #1
Chapter 14: Update please
Via099TOP #2
Pls continue the story. I just finished rereading the story for god knows how many times. :))
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 14: Just found your story!!!!! Hope you plan to continue, would love to read more!
joannexo23 #4
Update please
I've been reading fanfic for 20th time
I hope you continue this fanfic
Via099TOP #5
its been a year pls update :'(
meneth #6
Chapter 14: Been reading this for the nth time.. huhuhu!!!! Still waiting and hoping for an update.. its been 10 months , (11inaugust) of waiting... I love this story so much. Hehehehe.. cant wait for an awesome update author-nim, i know it will be a good one, take your time, as long as you will continue to update this story, im okay with it, being a yg stan, i have a massive patience with this kind of stuff.. kekekeke!!!!! .. good luck!!!!!
joannexo23 #7
Chapter 14: Update please
joannexo23 #8
Update please