The Calm

I Like You!
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CHAPTER 14: The Calm

Gdragon parked opposite the lane where Roy and Junyoung were waiting for Rio. Both boys were waiting with their guitars slung on their shoulders, casually waiting for her.

“Hey!” Rio greeted as she beamed at them. They waved back and bowed when they saw Gdragon. She turned to him and smiled. “I bet we’re gonna talk about you for a long time before we actually begin with practicing and stuff.” She snorted. He took her bag and guitar from the back seat and looked at her and quickly at the boys.

“You better.” He chuckled and held out her things for her to take.

“Narcissist. I’m going.” She said as she opened the door and turned to look at him again. “Thanks hyu—“

She wasn’t able to complete her sentence. Gdragon gently pulled her to him and kissed her cheek, well, the skin between her lips and her cheek. He smiled cheekily at her. She blushed as she stared at him. “Tha-thanks, hyung!!”

“Tell me if you need me to pick you up.” She nodded nervously. She quickly alighted the car and ran to the boys who looked a bit shocked.

Rio crossed the street hurriedly, hiding her face from the boys.

“Hey.” Roy greeted and lifted her guitar from her shoulder.

“Hey Sangwoo, hey oppa.” She replied timidly, still a bit shy about the small kiss. "Sorry for making you wait.”

"Nah--" Junyoung gave a brief pause. "It's alright." Roy coughed. “By the way, I didn't know the two of you were dating.” Junyoung added quietly, going straight to the point. His eyes going back and forth between her face and the floor.

She turned to him and shook her head. “No, no way!” She chuckled. “Jiyong oppa’s my... hyung.” She said and laughed, making the two laugh along with her.

"He's so comfortable with you he can kiss you?" Junyoung teased.

"It was just a small kiss here!" She pointed her finger to the small spot between her cheek and lips.

"Ohh~" Junyoung nodded in mock understanding. "Maybe Roy should kiss you too!" He elbowed the pretty boy to her and she held him by the shoulders to steady him.

"Oppa, stop joking around!" She berated and pinched Junyoung's cheek.

"Arasseo! Sorry." He teased. "What do you guys wanna do first?"


"Can we eat first? I'm starving again." Rio suggested.

Roy chuckled. "Great! Let's go!" He said and the three headed down to the rows of restaurant in the busy food street.

Headline: Roy Kim, Jung Junyoung and Rio share a special friendship!

It seems Jung Junyoung and ‘93 liners Rio and Roy Kim are actually close friends. The trio were seen in a café in Gangnam eating a meal together, shopping for “couple” jackets and heading to a studio to probably practice for something with guitars over their arms—well, the boys’ shoulders, as Roy Kim was seen carrying two guitars cases. Could there be a special stage between these three cuties? And what do you think about Rio having the two Superstar K boys all to herself for one afternoon?

Rio read out loud and the two boys cracked up.  They just finished their practice and were simply lounging on the music room floor.

“Wow, never thought I could be made to sound so selfish!” She sighed. “That last question is baiting anti’s as we speak.”

“Ya, it’s funny!” The older male chirped and Roy could only laugh.

“How come when you two hang out, they don’t make mean articles about your bromance!” She whined. Junyoung slung a long arm across her shoulders.

“That’s because neither of us are as pretty as you.” He smiled sickeningly sweetly and she shook his arm off.

“Please remind me again why I’m hanging out with you two?” She chuckled. Roy laughed.

“You really are like our brother now.” He commented and Rio put on a confused face.

“What do you mean?”

“You were initially so shy and quiet but you’re now more comfortable and rowdy with us.” He continued. “Who knew you’d turn out to actually be such a tomboy?” She blushed.

“I’m not boyish! I’m just—just---“ She stuttered and they both pinched her cheeks.

“Boyish and cute.” Junyoung finished and she could only shake her head. True, when Manager Kim had introduced her to both their managers and the boys themselves, she had first acted shy and quiet. It’s just the way she is. She tries to be loud and friendly, but sometimes she becomes too hesitant to make friends and open up. The two were more than nice to her though, they bombarded her with tons of questions and always invited her to hang out and play the guitar with them-- always eagerly teaching her new techniques and songs to play. It was inevitable for her to become natural and comfortable with them. For that, she couldn’t be more thankful.

She just wished that her relationship wouldn't be stained with rumors and assumptions. Boys and girls can be friends!

“Here we are.” Roy smiled as he unfastened her seatbelt.

“Thanks, Kim Sangwoo! I’ll see you soon.” Rio smiled before she motioned to get off his car.

“Hey! Don’t forget your guitar.” He chuckled as he motioned to get off the car to get it from the trunk.  Rio hadn’t expected to see so many YG fans and reporters outside the YG building, but there they were, patiently waiting.

“No!” She caught his arm lightly and he stilled. “Sorry, I’ll get it.” She smiled sheepishly. “You know, lots of people, dating rumors. They immediately released an article about the three of us just one hour after I arrived to meet you both.” She summarized and he nodded, noting that he understood. “Thanks again. Text me when you get home, arasseo? Bye!” She said as she hopped off the car and got her guitar, not even giving him the chance to reply.

“Ya! It’s Rio!” One reporter shouted and she bowed to them but panicked a bit when she saw them approach her quickly. She didn’t know what to do. Turning away would no doubt make them paint her as a snob but staying would make them welcome to question her about anything under the sun. Her wits weren’t as alert after practicing the guitar for 2 hours.

She stood rooted to her spot when the reporters began to surround her. The flashes of light and the shutter sound of the cameras filled her senses. They all coupled it with different questions: drama, relationships, guest appearances. She felt dizzy as she coped with the mix of voices.

“Rio! Tell us more about your relationship with EXO’s Kai!”

“Who do you like more, Roy Kim or Jung Junyoung?”

“Are you going to focus on acting or singing?”

"How is Dazzling Days doing?"

“I—I—um…” She tried to answer but the flurry of questions felt heavy to her. “We’re just friends—“ She couldn’t even finish her sentence as she tried to dodge the microphone that was shoved too near her.  She stepped back and tried to fend them off herself but they kept progressing towards her. Her eyes widened when she felt a strong pull on her wrist.

Mino just finished practicing his runs from Show Me the Money 4 and had wanted to go home early. He felt the need to step up his game, especially since he was going up against Basick. He was admittedly scared of the veteran rapper.

He was getting ready to exit through the main door when he saw a familiar figure holding a guitar stiffly and being approached by reporters and fans. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out who the figure was, and then in a second, bolted out the door to reach her. It was easy to approach her as the reporters left her backside open. He quickly grabbed her wrist and spun her around easily.

“Rio-ssi, we’re starting the meeting. Hurry up.” He called and all attention was on him now. The reporters seemed to still, comprehending the situation first, and then badgered him with questions as well.

"SONG MINO-SSI! How is WINNER?! When are you making your comeback?"

"How much did you have to pay MNET to keep you on the show?!"

"Are you and Rio close?!"

Mino stood with his back straight as he smiled and bowed. “Excuse us, we’re just going to attend a company meeting shortly.”

The fans went into a frenzy, while the reporters pushed the two of them for answers. Mino smiled apologetically. “We really have to go or else we’ll be late. Sorry and thank you all for visiting!” He said as he took Rio’s guitar from her shoulder and lightly placed his hand on her back to push her out of the crowd and into the building. Rio just let Mino guide her inside. Her mind was definitely a mess.

Mino pulled Rio to the side where the concrete wall hid them both from plain sight. He heaved a sigh of relief. Mino glanced to check if she was all right.

“Are you okay?” He asked. It took her a while to respond and his hand shot to her shoulder to snap her out of her trance. “Rio-ssi?” Her head shot up and her eyes met his. A look of recognition settled on her face and he heaved a sigh of relief. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Th-Thanks for that, Mino-ssi.” She smiled. “I--” She sighed and shook her head. “I spaced out and I panicked—it was so—“ She looked out of the glass door. “—noisy. Sorry about troubling you.”

He shook his head in dismissal, “It’s nothing.” Realizing this is their closest encounter yet, he continued, “What happened?”

“I don’t know. Everyone was speaking together and I tried to answer them but they kept on badgering me and I didn’t know what to do.” She gave him an embarrassed look before trying to get the guitar from his hands. “I can carry that—“ He held it away from her and smiled.

“If something like that happens, just smile, bow

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joannexo23 #1
Chapter 14: Update please
Via099TOP #2
Pls continue the story. I just finished rereading the story for god knows how many times. :))
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 14: Just found your story!!!!! Hope you plan to continue, would love to read more!
joannexo23 #4
Update please
I've been reading fanfic for 20th time
I hope you continue this fanfic
Via099TOP #5
its been a year pls update :'(
meneth #6
Chapter 14: Been reading this for the nth time.. huhuhu!!!! Still waiting and hoping for an update.. its been 10 months , (11inaugust) of waiting... I love this story so much. Hehehehe.. cant wait for an awesome update author-nim, i know it will be a good one, take your time, as long as you will continue to update this story, im okay with it, being a yg stan, i have a massive patience with this kind of stuff.. kekekeke!!!!! .. good luck!!!!!
joannexo23 #7
Chapter 14: Update please
joannexo23 #8
Update please