
You and I


"Shhhhh! Carry her and I'll be the one to pack her clothes...pali!" She whispered to the guy beside her. The guy smirked and gazed at the sleeping girl before her. He then remembered giving her a kiss last night. He giggled and sighed.





"Oh by the way Sica… I haven't told you this but I kissed her last night… when she fell asleep in my arms… I kissed her on her lips" he smiled, Sica just gasped and then laughed quietly as she clapped her hands to the grinning man.





He slowly carried her making sure that she won't woke up, he smiled as an idea came running around his head. He slowly bowed his head and reached for her lips. Once again, Jaejoong stole a kiss from the sleeping Dara. Sica saw it and cleared her thrat making Jaejoong blushed a little bit.





"Come on… the car's ready" She giggled.





….          ...........             .............. ............... ............ ............. ................

*Inside the car* (halfway to the hot spring)





"Yah! Be sure to capture it nicely...arasso?!" He ordered while making sure Dara's position is comfortable, hugging her entire body closer to him with her head snuggled on his neck.





"Shhh… you’re voice will be recorded pabo!" She whispered making the other guy shut his mouth. She chuckled at how sweet the two is and imaging what would be the sleeping Dara's reaction once she was awake.











"Oops, she'a waking up..she's waking up!" Sica excitedly zoomed the video and was careful to make it clear.





Dara slowly opened her eyes while stretching her hands out. She blinked her eyes trying to move from her position, she  slowly eyed her surrounding, seeing jaejoong beside her and Sica in the front seat made her speechless. She froze in her position when she realized a video of her is being taken. She immediately covered her face and yelled as she realized she's inside the car with the two of them.





The other 2 laugheda t how she reacted upon it. Sica kept the video and decided to let Jaejoong explained their plan.





Jae: "Okay… listen..pffttt…"






Sica: Yah! Stop laughing… just tell her what happened





Jae: arasso, arasso… ahem… Dara, you see, you are now a hostage.





Dara: Bwooh!!!






Jae: Aigoo… We kidnapped you from your bed… and brought you here so that you can join us in the hot spring.






Dara: wea! Wae?? I want to go back… now...





Jae: Yahh. You can't go back.





Dara: wae?





Jae: Like I told you, you're a hostage… we kidnapped you and we decide when we'll we return you.. Arasso?






Dara: wea?





Jae: it's because you don't want to come and I… I want… I mean, WE.. Want you to come with us..




Dara: wea?




Jae: Just… shhushh…. The explanation will be continued later… just enjoy the  scenery and then you'll realize we'll be there in no time…




Sica: Omo.... Dara, Minahe… I was the one who added sleeping powder to your food.





Dara: ehhh?





Sica: Yeey! She forgives me!






Dara: Ehhhhh?





Sica: Thanks Dara… Love u so much!!



Jae: Yahh! Stop that… it's creepy…





Sica: Tschh.. Jealousy…





Dara: Bwoohh?




Jae: J..J...Jersey.. She meant jersey, she wants a jersey… as a gift




Sica:What gift!? Hahahaha




Jae: Yahhh!!  Shuthafff Sica…





Sica: Arassooo… *grins* ... hahahaha

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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 1: I know it is been 7 yrs, i hope you could finish this story. I love it.
lavezjoy #2
Chapter 18: I want the book 2..
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 18: authornim continue this story please..i love this story too...update it authornim pretty please...TT_TT i beg yoou...TT_TT
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 18: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ subscribed.. authornim update please
Pchan14 #5
Chapter 18: Please update so soon
please update soon ^^
Chapter 18: excited for the book 2 and i'm glad that Jae mom is good!!!
IchibanUe #8
Chapter 18: You're keeping us in suspense here,,, please update soon. :-)
Chapter 18: yay~ ^^ waiting waiting~ ^^
maknaelover1994 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaah excited for the book two

Im glad that jae mom is good kekeke ^^