
You and I


AGAIN. He got the first place again, why is it so hard to defeat that guy, for pete's sake I have been studying all night long, I even skip my meals just to review all my notes and I only reached the 2nd place? I want him to notice me... Wait, please don't misunderstand, to notice, I mean, to view me as his rival in being the 1st placer, well because umm… argh… I ...I..NO! I do not like him and especially I am not in love with him and will never be in love with him, I won't, cause he's not my type at all and of course he wouldn't be seeing me as a woman either, I mean, the guy has a girlfriend I think, well they always are together when they're in school and they're even spotted dating outside, the girl is Jessica Jung, a top model and also a dean's lister, she's no. 5 and me, I'm just a plain boring girl...wait, why am I comparing myself to her anyway?? Dara focus..focus.


They're even titled as the prince and princess of S. Korea Royal Academy (this is the name of our school by the way), most of the students...no, ALL of the students were praising and were making them as their idols because of their perfectness. Hey, why am I introducing them anyway to you guys, I mean, this is my story, I should be telling you about myself, not about others…. Well I'm not jealous about them, believe me, I am not. So today is another typical day again for my hopeless life, walking to this same road again I found myself ugly as I stared at the car's window. Ugh, you see, I have these really big glasses, my bangs, they're totally covering my eyes and I like it, I have this petite figure, I AM NOT Y at all. Well I don't have any pimples but I have this thick and curly hair of mine. So as you can imagine, I am a very ugly girl, period.





30 minutes more before the class starts and I was still on the road walking with such gloom but then I stopped when I saw a kitten slowly walking along the highway. I watched it as it crosses but then it stopped and was looking all scared. Should I help this kitten? But I'll be late… but it seems that it needed help. I was busy thinking when suddenly I saw a large truck coming to it's direction. Oh my, the cat's gonna die if it's not gonna move. I gulped, seriously, I can't handle seeing these kind of things. I inhaled deeply as I positioned myself like as if I'm going to a race. Here comes nothing… 1… 2… 3…




"DAAAAASSSSSSSHHHH" I shouted as I hurriedly grabbed the kitten, I was able to dodge the truck but I was so dumb that I didn't saw the other incoming car and I was hit. Well not that much but it got my foot. I looked around and I saw people are starting to surround me, I'm not dead, my foot was only hit and it left a huge scratch and it's really painful. The car that hit me seems to be expensive, I was only able to stare at the owner when he tried asking if I'm okay.






"Are you alright Dara-shi? Kwenchana Yo? Dara-shi" he asked. Wait… is he panicking? Well of course, his car hit me...but actually it's my fault.






"Jae, how is she?" then Sica came out from the car and approached me.





"omo Dara-shi, susumnidda Dara-shii" she apologized, I was shaking my head, I don’t want them to feel this guilty because I know it's entirely my fault! She kept on bowing at me and it's really attracting some attention. Omo, I need to stop her, it's gonna create a big ruckus.





"Jessica-shi, please don't be bothered by this… I can manage, I … I just have to go to the hospital okay" I exclaimed, I tried to stand but I stumbled, I thought I was going to be falling on the ground but I felt a strong arm supporting me, I looked at my back and was annoyed to see him helping me. Yeah, I am being irritated every time  I see his face, why! Why am I feeling this way , is it because he defeats me ALL the time, but argh, this is not the proper time to be thinking such things. I kept my cool and just endured the situation. Ouch! My foot really hurts and I can hardly walk with this foot. I sighed and tried to support myself then suddenly someone lifted me and it gave my life a shock. It was him again, why is he carrying me? And why is my heart beating wildly, aish ya! Heart! Stop that, it's embarrassing. I was unable to react as he carried me inside his car.






"Mr. Cha, to the nearest hospital please and hurry… hurry" he ordered, Jessica sat beside me with a worried face and I was again feeling guilty about it.






"waiiit" I halted. Where's the kitty? I quickly opened the car but Jaejoong grabbed me.






"Ackkk!" I screamed in pain, my foot is aching and what the! Why am I seated on his lap? Good gracious Dara!!






"Be still, don't worry the cat is safe…" he exclaimed. I was relieved upon hearing him but then I was stiffened when Jaejoong was surprisingly holding my injured foot. I looked at him and I was a bit confuse on why was he staring at my foot with such painful eyes, I mean, that's not his foot and he can't feel the pain I'm feeling right now, oh well, maybe he pities me? Yeah, probably that.





After  treating my wound in the hospital I told them that I have to go home and just rest but Jaejoong refused. He wants to take care of me until I've fully recovered, and no way in hell would I agree to that ridiculous opinion. I immediately refused him but Jessica was saying that they should take full responsibility to it.






"Animnida Jessica-shi Jaejoong-shi~ It was entirely my fault anyway… sending to the hospital is enough already, and… you taking care of me? That's a bit… too much" I explained. Jessica smiled at me and she just let jaejoong decided. But this Jaejoong guy is just too hard headed and so he insisted to take care of me. I tried and tried to refuse him but when Mr. Cha butted in saying that I have no relatives staying at home that I'm all alone according to the landlady they called a while ago, Jaejoong declared that I have to stay in HIS house until I recovered.






"Whether you like it or not, I'll be taking care of you, arrasso, Dara-shi?" he demanded. He then fished out his phone and dialed someone's number. He was ordering someone to prepare the guest room which I think I'll be staying at. I sighed as I smelled defeat then I heard Jessica-shi chuckled. That's it! His girlfriend might disagree to this idea, well, of course, who would want their boyfriend take care of another girl right? Riggghhtt??






"But Jaejoong-shi, Jessica-shi might be mad about this… it's not proper for me to stay in your house, you know, you have a girlfriend and --" I was then cut off by the shocked faces of Jaejoong and Jessica.





"Girlfriend?" They chorused. I looked at them confused. Why are they shocked?






"HIM!! Me!! His girlfriend? Never in a million years!" she yelled out as if she's disgusted by  it.






"Ew! She's not going to be my girlfriend, no wayyyy...never!" He exclaimed. Jessica punched him in the arm telling him that the 'ew' word is not that appropriate. I find them cute as they continue quarrelling each other.





"Look, Dara-shi~ Him… and I… we do not have that kind of relationship. We are cousins, and we treat each other as brother and sister so pleaseeee, don't mistaken us as something like bfs and gfs" she pleaded as she held my hands. She was giving off too much cuteness that I just nodded at her obediently, woah, her charm is amazing, I bet no guys will be able to resist her well except for Jae I think.






"Okay, so we're just gonna go home to give you some rest" He concluded. As we go along the way, Jessica-shi has been somewhat..hmm.. Interviewing me about stuffs. She asked my full name which is by the way Kang Dara. 18 years old, 2nd year, An adopted child of the kang, hmmm… single..had no boyfriend since birth and I have a hobby which is eating ramen. These were the information that I gave her about me, she laughed at my hobby, well almost all who asked about my hobby laughed at me. I heard that Jaejoong chuckled silently as he tried to cover his face, eish, that Jerk.






As we reached  jaejoong's house I can't help myself but to be amazed by the size of his house. It's not a house, definitely not a house, cause it's a freaking mansion, and oh, did I tell you that this is HIS house and their FAMILY's house is somewhere in Gangnam. What a rich boy he is. I gulped as I tried stepping into his house. Jessica giggled as she watched how I reacted and she cutely assisted me to my room. Well she's really kind, and no wonder why people likes her.





"this will be your room, and… I hope, you'll like it" Jaejoong exclaimed.






"Ahh...dehh, this is too much you know, tha..thank you very much" I exclaimed and they gave me their goodbyes telling me that I should take my rest. Woah, this room is so big. It's like the size of my whole apartment. I sighed as I remembered that I have to change my clothes and I need to go back to my apartment for my needed things. I tried hopping towards the door when I saw a familiar luggage placed at the side of the big and fancy wardrobe. I'm sure I have seen this bags before, 1 is polka dots and the other is stripes. Their sizes too, it seems that it's...my luggage. Is this my luggage?? I hurriedly opened to check it and I was damn right, it is my luggage, my things are packed in here and there is this note by no other than my landlady






Hurry up and be healed okay? I have packed all your clothes and needed things in here. I was so shock when some persons were saying that you are going to be living with someone named Kim Jajeoong, which they call master and I think that's a rich guy, do your best Dara-ah, maybe you'll be the next Cinderella or probably Geum Jan Di of boys over Flowers hahaha, but please don't forget about me okay?~ Bye bye Dara- ah, be careful and take care.


Lee Hyori your landlady



Ugh, what is she thinking, writing this kind of letter, it will be sooo embarrassing if someone might read this. I slowly went to the bed and laid my body, the bed is very comfortable and slowly my eyes were closing. Ahhm this feeling, I am sooo relaxed.

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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 1: I know it is been 7 yrs, i hope you could finish this story. I love it.
lavezjoy #2
Chapter 18: I want the book 2..
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 18: authornim continue this story please..i love this story too...update it authornim pretty please...TT_TT i beg yoou...TT_TT
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 18: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ subscribed.. authornim update please
Pchan14 #5
Chapter 18: Please update so soon
please update soon ^^
Chapter 18: excited for the book 2 and i'm glad that Jae mom is good!!!
IchibanUe #8
Chapter 18: You're keeping us in suspense here,,, please update soon. :-)
Chapter 18: yay~ ^^ waiting waiting~ ^^
maknaelover1994 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaah excited for the book two

Im glad that jae mom is good kekeke ^^