
You and I


The two were happily eating when the 4 girls a while ago came in to that same restaurant and went to where Jae and Dara is. They all smiled and giggled as they tapped Jaejoong's shoulder.




"Oh, hey" Jaejoong greeted, they all smiled and sat beside him.




"Oh, Oppa, your girlfriend?" they asked. Jaejoong went silent for a while and glanced at her. He cleared his throat and just chuckled. Of course he doesn't how would he suppose to answer their question. Well, him and Dara, what is their relationship? Friends? But they kissed? Still just friends? But they're not Bfs and Gfs… complicated much?





"Oh… hey, this is Sulli, Seohyun, Victoria and Sunny… they were the girls a while ago, and umm.. She's Dara, a special friend" He explained, earning chuckled and grins from the 4 girls. Dara just looked at the girls, avoiding his gaze. She was quiet while Jae and the girls were talking. She quietly ate and just listened to their conversations.




"Oppa, let's go play to our place… pretty please?" they begged, all of them were looking at him with puppy eyes, he then awkwardly smiled and glanced at Dara.





"Dee… is it okay if we would join them?" he inquired, Dara then stuttered while still making a decision, would she accept it? Or not?




"Well… i.. I think" She was looking at them vice versa when the girl named Sulli held her hand and went beside her.





"Please unnii… as your new friends.." she exclaimed. Dara then smiled and nodded making the girls squealed in joy. They all went to the hotel and stayed at where they are staying, the size of their room is as big as theirs, obviously they're daughters of the rich. The 4 girls quickly prepared the table and started setting the game, a card game.




"I'm sorry but I can't join… I don't know how to play it" Dara explained, earning some 'aw' from the others, Jaejoong then smiled and went beside her.






"It's okay, we'll both play my card so that you can learn it in no time" He exclaimed and immediately went behind her, almost hugging Dara from behind, the 4 girls stared at them and just giggled as they watched how the two were so lovey dovey.





"eehh… " Dara exclaimed. Jaejoong just smiled at her and placed his hands over her shoulders.





"Hahaha, want a massage" He offered which was refused by Dara.





"Ani..aniyo" she shook her head and tried turning to a different direction. Then the game started, they were laughing as each of them are enjoying the game, well aside from Dara who can't understand the rules of the game.





"aw, I think I need some snacks…" Seohyun whined, Sulli then stood and went to their ref but unfortunately, all of their snacks were gone because they ate it last night.





"I'll go buy" Sulli exclaimed, Dara then suddenly stood and offered her company, Sulli smiled and nodded.




"Dee…" He called her.





"Hmmm?" She answered, she looked at him and Jaejoong stood and went to her.





"Be careful outside, I know you can walk that foot but I need you to be careful" He exclaimed, Dara blushed hearing him speak so gently and sweetly, she just nodded and went outside together with Sulli. Sunny went also with them, she said she wanted some ice cream so she wanted to join them buy snacks.







"Oppa, is she your girlfriend?" Victoria asked, she was looking at him with a smirk on her face. Seohyun looked at Victoria, making her shut .






"Aigoo… we need to know" Victoria insisted, but Jaejoong just smiled at her and went to the kitchen to prepare some drinks.






"Neh oppa, how about me applying to be your girlfriend? And just  Forget about her?" She slyly walked and went beside him.





"I can't do that" He exclaimed and focused at what was he doing, but Victoria insisted.





"I can be your girlfriend, I'm a lot better than her" She exclaimed, Seohyun heard this and stood.





"Stop that Vicy" shewhispered, but Victoria just ignored her and just pushed her away. She signaled her to go outside, Seohyun sighed knowing that she's on her mode again, she glanced at Jaejoong who is busy preparing the drinks then just rolled her eyes.





"I'll just go outside" She exclaimed, Victoria smiled at her which was just ignored by her friends. She then went closer to Jae and started making an aegyo.





"Oppa… what do you think.. Me as your girlfriend" She inquired, jaejoong sighed and looked at her. Victoria smiled slowly touching his well-built body.





"I'm way… better, prettier, and hotter" She pulled him closer and Jaejoong didn't bulge, he was just quiet while looking at her with a blank face.





"I only want..and need Kang Dara" he whispered in her ear, Victoria frowned, she tried smiling and kept her cool, she raised her hands and encircled it to jaejoong's neck.






"Ohh, so she captured your heart" She smirked and stared at his eyes, jaejoong kept his cool and just smiled to the girl hugging him.




"hmm… well, she captured ALL-of-me… now if you'll excuse, you have to stop all of this… cause she might misunderstood and it ---" he was cut off when the door suddenly opened revealing a shock Dara staring at the two, looking like they were hugging and doing something..umm….like kissing. Dara blinked her eyes, while the other girls were just looking at each other waiting for someone to react.




She gulped and altered her gaze.


"I...I'm sorry for disturbing you" She exclaimed as she went outside closing the door shut.




"Dara-unnie… why did you say sorry? unnieeee You're suppose to be mad about this… VBut Vicu unnie.. what is she doing..geez.." Sulli exclaimed.




"Unnie…" Sunny worriedly looked at her. Dara was just too shocked and surprised that she doesn't know what to do. She feels pain in her heart, her chest is starting to ache, she massaged her forehead and looked at her surrounding with anxiousness. She was panicking, what should she do? Her heart is aching so much and  she hardly breathes..






"I..I'm sorry… I'm sorry" She apologized to the two girls, she then ran off while trying to wipe off the tears that escaped from her eyes ignoring the pain from her still healing foot






"unnie!!" Yelled the two. Sunny was about to followe her when Sulli stopped her.




"Bhoya.. " Sunny complained.




"It's not us that is supposed to go after her… It's oppa" She explained. Sunny just nodded and tried praying that her new unnie would be alright.

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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 1: I know it is been 7 yrs, i hope you could finish this story. I love it.
lavezjoy #2
Chapter 18: I want the book 2..
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 18: authornim continue this story please..i love this story too...update it authornim pretty please...TT_TT i beg yoou...TT_TT
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 18: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ subscribed.. authornim update please
Pchan14 #5
Chapter 18: Please update so soon
please update soon ^^
Chapter 18: excited for the book 2 and i'm glad that Jae mom is good!!!
IchibanUe #8
Chapter 18: You're keeping us in suspense here,,, please update soon. :-)
Chapter 18: yay~ ^^ waiting waiting~ ^^
maknaelover1994 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaah excited for the book two

Im glad that jae mom is good kekeke ^^