My Hero



Back to seriousness XD

Chapter 7: My Hero

            “Woah, I didn’t realize it was this late already,” I exclaimed when Yonghwa and I finished practicing.

            “It’s 10 P.M. already?!  Oh man, at least we can surprise everyone with a prototype of our song!” Yonghwa said cheerfully.  We hung up our headphones on the rack and burned the song we recorded on a couple CDs.

            “Yeah, I wasn’t even supposed to be here today,” I said as we exited the practice room.  Yonghwa clapped my back and I flinched.

            “Good job today, newbie.  Do you need a ride home?  You didn’t bring your bike today,” Yonghwa observed as we walked into the parking lot.

            “That’s because YOU ABDUCTED ME FROM WORK,” I said.  Yonghwa chuckled and ruffled my hair.

            “Hey, I can’t buy coffee?  I’m a regular there, in case you didn’t know,” Yonghwa said.  He unlocked a van that was in the parking lot.

            “You mean a stalker?” I joked.

            “Sure, you can use that term,” Yonghwa said sarcastically.  I chuckled and bowed to him.

            “Good night, sunbae-nim,” I said while turning to start on my journey home.

            “Good night, Eunhye,” Yonghwa said before going into his car.

            Again, I had to walk through the shady neighborhood.  I didn’t bring my bike, so it would take a lot longer to get home.

            I stared at the floor as I walked through the darkness.  The moon was giving off an eerie glow as if foreshadowing something bad.  “Don’t worry, Eunhye.  You’re a big girl.  You’ve walked through much worse neighborhoods,” I whispered to myself.  Several homeless people were staring at me.  I picked up my pace.

            “Hey, little girl.  Wanna spend the night?” a drunk man slurred.  He stumbled towards me and I began to run.  He caught my wrist.  “Aw, look who wants her mommy,” he said while crushing my wrist.

            “Let me go!” I shouted while tugging my wrist away.

            “Feisty, I like that,” the man grunted.  He reached for my face and I bit his grimy finger.  “You’re going to pay for that, you little-“ he said while grabbing my arms tightly so I couldn’t move.  I closed my eyes and waited for the worst as I helplessly struggled.

            “Don’t touch her,” I heard someone say.  I felt the man release his painful grip on me.  I opened my eyes, but found that I couldn’t see because someone was holding me to his chest.

            “What did you just say, twerp?  This isn’t a place for a pretty boy like you, get lost,” the drunk barked.

            “Close your eyes,” a familiar voice whispered into my ear.  I followed instructions and heard a loud crack.  “Run,” the voice whispered.  I complied and clung onto his arm.

            “What are you doing here, Minhyuk?” I asked while trying not to cry.  We ran for about 10 minutes, just to make sure the drunk man hadn’t followed us.  By the time we reached the main street, both of us were panting heavily.

            “I was hungry and going to buy my dinner, and then I heard you,” Minhyuk explained breathlessly.  I looked at Minhyuk’s right hand that was still clenched in a fist.

            “Are you okay?  Did you hurt yourself?” I asked while examining his hand.  Considering Minhyuk was a drummer, he was pretty strong.  Some of the stranger’s blood dripped on Minhyuk’s fist.  I’m guessing that Minhyuk punched him in the nose and probably broke it too.

            “I’m fine, I’m fine.  Are you okay?” Minhyuk asked while wiping his hand on his pants.  I shook my head.  I was really scared; I could feel tears forming in my eyes.  “It’s okay; you’re safe now,” he whispered and pulled me into his chest.  I sobbed.  I never thought that something like that would happen to me.

            “Can you promise me something?” I asked Minhyuk.  He nodded slowly and rubbed my back.

            “Anything,” he said softly.  I buried my face into his t-shirt.

            “Don’t tell anyone about this.  Especially Yonghwa,” I whispered.  Minhyuk nodded.  “Oh, and sorry about your shirt,” I said while pulling away slightly.  My tears drenched the front of his shirt.

            “Kekeke, it’s fine.  You don’t have to worry about it,” Minhyuk said while using his thumb to wipe my tears.

            “This might be a little too much to ask, but can we stay like this for a little while longer?” I asked.  Minhyuk chuckled.

            “Why not?” he laughed while pulling me closer.

            “Thank you, Minhyuk-ah,” I said while nestling myself in his arms.

            “You’re welcome, Eunhye,” he said while petting my head softly.

            “I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t show up when you did,” I whimpered.  I usually was a pretty tough person, but I was really scared.  What could an 18 year old do against a drunk man with muscles?

            “Don’t think about that.  I was there at the right time, and that’s what matters,” Minhyuk said to console me.  He lightly kissed the top of my head.  “I’ll protect you, Eunhye-ah,” he whispered sincerely.  He didn’t have to say that.  I already knew he would.

Oooh, Minyuk making a move~  Just kidding, we're all rooting for Yonghwa!  I hope you enjoyed!  Feel free to comment.  Ooh, and happy birthday Jonghyun!  It's the 15th in Korea <3

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CHAPTER 20 IS FINALLY UP! Sorry for the wait~


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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 21: I think there's some jealousy going on. Hyesung is jealous because Eunhye is so
Close with CNBLUE, especially YongHwa.
K-PopAddict72 #2
I'm so sad you haven't updated in awhile. I hope to be reading your writing again soon.
K-PopAddict72 #3
Chapter 20: Ch 25-30, sounds good. It's getting hard for them to keep their emotions in check. I'm sure clothes will be flying everywhere. I just wonder will it be sort of planned or something heated & emotional. I vote for heated & emotional.
K-PopAddict72 #4
Chapter 19: YH all but confesses to Eunhye. I was jealous & wanted you are words I'd love to hear him say to
me. *dreaming* I wonder if Hyesung is going to get jealous of Eunhye. I can see it & scandal in the future.
YhHaeRa #5
Chapter 18: I know what you should do with Jungshin, make them act like little kids, a relationship like brother and sister and a bit retarded lol. Don't know what to say about Jonghyun tho...
byeolin #6
Chapter 18: Fo sho, but they def not ready for that yet. Omg.
YhHaeRa #7
Chapter 17: Happy birthday!!! You have been missed around here, please update soon :D
K-PopAddict72 #8
Chapter 17: First off Happy Belated Bday!!! *throws confetti* SCANDAL already. If it's YH & Eunhye, I guess they have 2 choices pretend they are dating or say he was teaching her how to go out in public as a celebrity. Only problem is they got caught.
YhHaeRa #9
Chapter 16: Whoa!!! I feel so sorry for Yonghwa :))) Eunhye was so cruel lol