


Okay, please enjoy!

Chapter 4: Hungry

            “Good job, everyone!” Jungshin said.  I reached for a bottle of water from the cooler.

            “Get me one too,” Yonghwa barked while wiping sweat from his face.  We had practiced for hours straight.  Starting tomorrow, Hyesung would be practicing for her music video with FTISLAND, and I would be taught the song I would sing with CNBLUE.  Our styles were really different, but they went along nicely together.

            “Yes, sunbae-nim,” I hissed at him while throwing the water at Yonghwa.  I passed a bottle of water to each of the other members.

            “I’m hungry,” Minhyuk said while sitting cross-legged on the floor.  My stomach growled in agreement, and I blushed in embarrassment.  Minhyuk chuckled.  “It’s okay, Eunhye-ah!  I’ll go to our cafeteria and buy stuff for everyone!” Minhyuk said while standing up.

            “Since when did you become best friends with the newbie?” Yonghwa questioned suspiciously.  I just realized that Minhyuk was speaking informally now.

            “Eh?  I just feel comfortable around her,” Minhyuk said while rummaging for his wallet.  When he found it, he scrambled out of the room and shouted, ”I’ll be right back!”  Hyesung groaned and chugged her bottle of water.  She was sweating a lot, and wiped her forehead.  I picked up my phone and scrolled through the texts.

            “Hey, you know that you can only work at the café until you debut, right?” Yonghwa told me.  I looked up at him.

            “What?  I can’t quit my job!” I exclaimed.

            “It’s for your safety!  If you need money, then I’ll tell the manager to pay you whatever the coffee shop gives you,” Yonghwa said to me.  I glared at him.

            “I don’t need anyone’s money,” I replied angrily.  I would have to quit because my future career as an idol was so much more important.  I hadn’t told anyone yet, but my parents said if I didn’t make it big in 3 years, I would have to go back to America.

            “Hey, Yonghwa was just concerned.  Don’t be so harsh on her, Yonghwa,” Jonghyun directed at both of us.  I hung my head in shame.

            “Sorry, sunbae,” I whimpered.  Jonghyun could be scary and intimidating at some times.

            “Bwahaha, you should see the look on Yonghwa’s face!  Anyway, you two have to clean the practice room tomorrow,” Jonghyun stated while chuckling.  I glanced at the menacing corner and shivered at the thought of cleaning it up.  Yonghwa looked horrified.

            “Okay,” Yonghwa said while taking a sip of his water.  Minhyuk burst into the room carrying bags of food.  Jungshin pulled a small table into the center of the room.

            “Wah, I’m starving!” I said while scooting towards the table.  Minhyuk laughed and pulled food out from the bag.  I reached for it, but he held it high above his head, where I couldn’t reach.

            “Be patient, let me get everything out first,” Minhyuk chuckled.  Once Minhyuk set everything on the table, I said a quick thanks and began to eat,

            “You eat a lot,” Yonghwa commented.  It was true, but I was still thin because I loved to exercise.  Hyesung was the type of girl who was skinny because she did extreme diets.  I glanced at my partner and found her eating a plain salad.

            “I love food,” I said simply while eating.  Hyesung chuckled.

            “I wish I could love food, but I’d turn fat,” she said while playing with the lettuce on her plate.

            “Eh, but you’re so pretty!” I exclaimed.  Instead of being extremely pale, she was slightly tan, but not overdone.  Although her legs didn’t look toned, they seemed firm and slim.  I was slightly jealous of her looks.  I had pale, milky skin, but at least I was thin.

            “Thank you,” Hyesung said while grinning.  After I was full, I talked to everyone.

            “Sunbae-nim, will I be singing in your music video or just acting in it?” I asked while gathering my garbage.

            “You can have a small solo part and appear in the video,” Yonghwa said.  I nodded and began to pack up everything.

            “Are we calling it a day?” Jonghyun asked CNBLUE’s leader.  Yonghwa nodded and looked at me.

            “Better rest up, we’re going to be practicing hard tomorrow,” Yonghwa said to me.  I nodded.  I might as well take his word for it because I would have to work with CNBLUE anyway.  “You too, Hyesung-ah.  Hongki told me he’s going to push you hard,” Yonghwa joked.  Hyesung pouted and stood up.

            “I need my beauty sleep too.  My ride is here, so I’ll see you tomorrow, Eunhye!  We have to visit manager-nim in the morning so we can discuss living arrangements,” Hyesung said while grabbing her stuff.  She waved and left the building.  I sat there awkwardly while everyone else was still eating.

            “It’s dark already, so I should start biking home now,” I said while slinging my guitar on my back.

            “Are you sure you don’t need a ride?  I can take you, or if you want we can call a cab,” Minhyuk said concernedly.  I smiled but shook my head.

            “I’m fine.  Exercise is good for the health,” I said while bowing to the CNBLUE members.  Yonghwa looked at me worriedly.

            “Eunhye-ah, once you debut, you can’t bike anymore.  It’s dangerous,” Yonghwa said.  I was a little bit surprised by his informal speech, but it didn’t faze me at all.

            “I know, thanks for your concern, sunbae-nim,” I said while walking through the doorway.  I had better sleep well tonight because tomorrow I would start working towards my debut.

            “Good morning unni, manager-nim!” I said to the two who were waiting for me in the office.  Hyesung waved at me and our manager motioned for me to sit down next to Hyesung.

            “I presume that you both know that once you debut as a duo, you’re going to have to live together,” our manager said.  I nodded.  “To save money, we’re going to make you two share a room, okay?” the manager asked us to confirm.  Hyesung nodded excitedly.  I always wanted a big sister, so I was eager to live with Hyesung also.  “Do you guys have an idea of what you want to name your duo?  You guys will sing an assortment of songs: from cutesy pop to meaningful ballads,” manager-nim asked the two of us.  I thought deeply for a minute.

            “How about Heart Attack?” Hyesung asked.  She walked up to the white board on the while and scribbled the name down.  Instead of spelling it correctly, she wrote it like “<3 A-tack.”  I chuckled.  It was a pretty cute name.

            “I kind of like Star,” I said.  I went up to the white board and wrote “ST4R” on the board.  Our manager looked deep in thought.

            “I’ll ask the board of directors and tell you two later.  You are free to go to training,” he said while showing us to the door.

Okay, this is where you guys come into play!  I'll set up a poll for the duo's name.  Feel free to comment any ideas!  Thanks for reading.

Sorry, <3 A-tack doesn't show up on the poll, but it would be spelled like that, okay?

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CHAPTER 20 IS FINALLY UP! Sorry for the wait~


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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 21: I think there's some jealousy going on. Hyesung is jealous because Eunhye is so
Close with CNBLUE, especially YongHwa.
K-PopAddict72 #2
I'm so sad you haven't updated in awhile. I hope to be reading your writing again soon.
K-PopAddict72 #3
Chapter 20: Ch 25-30, sounds good. It's getting hard for them to keep their emotions in check. I'm sure clothes will be flying everywhere. I just wonder will it be sort of planned or something heated & emotional. I vote for heated & emotional.
K-PopAddict72 #4
Chapter 19: YH all but confesses to Eunhye. I was jealous & wanted you are words I'd love to hear him say to
me. *dreaming* I wonder if Hyesung is going to get jealous of Eunhye. I can see it & scandal in the future.
YhHaeRa #5
Chapter 18: I know what you should do with Jungshin, make them act like little kids, a relationship like brother and sister and a bit retarded lol. Don't know what to say about Jonghyun tho...
byeolin #6
Chapter 18: Fo sho, but they def not ready for that yet. Omg.
YhHaeRa #7
Chapter 17: Happy birthday!!! You have been missed around here, please update soon :D
K-PopAddict72 #8
Chapter 17: First off Happy Belated Bday!!! *throws confetti* SCANDAL already. If it's YH & Eunhye, I guess they have 2 choices pretend they are dating or say he was teaching her how to go out in public as a celebrity. Only problem is they got caught.
YhHaeRa #9
Chapter 16: Whoa!!! I feel so sorry for Yonghwa :))) Eunhye was so cruel lol