


Sorry for the long wait!  This chapter should be good (I think) XD!

Chapter 19: Mianhe

            “I’m sorry about yesterday; I was immature,” I said to Yonghwa and Minhyuk as the CNBLUE members walked into the practice room.

            The room was dreadfully silent and the air deathly still.  Yonghwa coughed to break the silence.  “Guys, I kind of want to apologize alone.  It’s embarrassing,” he mumbled while staring at the floor.  Jungshin was the first one to react.

            “Ah, I get it.  Come on hyungs; Yonghwa is embarrassed to say sorry,” Jungshin said while tugging on Minhyuk and Jonghyun’s sleeves.  The three of them shuffled out of the practice room.  Jungshin closed the door on his way out.

            “Um, I’m really sorry,” I repeated.  Yonghwa frowned and put a hand on my shoulder.

            “Don’t worry about it; I don’t even know why I got so fired up,” he said calmly.  I nodded.  The air was silent and tense for a few minutes before Yonghwa decided to break it.  “Hey, I wasn’t trying to insult you yesterday,” he said softly.  I glanced up at him.

            “What?” I asked confusedly.  What exactly was he talking about?  Yonghwa slowly moved his hand up to gently caress my face.  I felt heat rise up to my cheeks, but I tried my best to keep a straight face.

            “I was calling you pretty,” Yonghwa whispered while leaning closer.  My eyes widened.  “Not anything bad,” Yonghwa added.  He slowly inched towards me, but I scooted backwards each time.  Before I knew it, my back was touching the wall.

            “Um, thanks.  I’m flattered,” I stammered as my cheeks burned.  I wanted to get out of this situation as soon as possible.  I was tempted to slap Yonghwa, but if we were trying to make up, then this wasn’t the best way.

            “I’m sorry for yesterday,” he breathed, “I don’t know what possessed me.  I think I was jealous because I discovered you.”  I held my breath as Yonghwa’s face inched towards me.  My heart was pounding so rapidly, I couldn’t believe that I was actually still living.

            “Jealous?” I repeated slowly.  Yonghwa was too close for comfort.  His manly smell was intoxicating; I couldn’t think straight.  I could barely comprehend a word he said.  Yonghwa nodded slowly.

            “Yeah,” he murmured.  I could feel his hot breath on my face.  He still had his hand on my cheek, and his forehead was almost touching mine.   “I wanted you to myself,” he growled softly.  I looked at him confusedly for a few seconds.  Then I blushed when I realized what he meant.

            “You wanted me?” I managed to squeak out as I felt Yonghwa’s forehead on mine.  Our lips were only a few centimeters apart, and our noses were touching.

            “Here’s my answer to that,” Yonghwa murmured softly.  Just as I was about to protest, he placed his lips on mine.

            “Mmmmf,” I tried to speak, but Yonghwa kept on cutting me off with kisses.  I didn’t push him away or struggle; instead, I melted into him.  I felt as if we were one person, not two separate beings.

            By pure instinct, my arms were wrapped around Yonghwa’s neck and his hands were on my back, pulling me closer.  Our legs were entangled with each other, so both of us were immobilized.

            We spent a good 10 minutes making out.  A loud knock resonated throughout the practice room.  “Hey, you guys, did you fall asleep?  Come out already,” said an annoyed sounding Jonghyun.  Oops.  I had totally forgotten that the others were waiting outside for us.  I checked my watch; about half an hour had passed since they were kicked out of the practice room.

            Yonghwa his now dry lips and reluctantly let me go.  I straightened out my rumpled shirt and fixed my skirt that had ridden up to my upper thighs.  “Hey, fix your shirt before I open the door,” I instructed Yonghwa.  He quickly buttoned up the 2 or 3 buttons that had come undone during our make out session.

            Just before I opened the door, I whispered to Yonghwa, ”Hey, don’t do that again.  You don’t even like me, and I don’t want to get involved with you anymore.”  I could sense some hurt in Yonghwa’s eyes, but I knew I had to break it off before it became too serious.  It would just be trouble for the both of us.

            I opened the door quickly.  “Mianhe, we’re resolved again.  I have to go practice,” I said quickly.  I rushed past the other three CNBLUE members without waiting for a goodbye.

            “Wai-“ Minhyuk said while looking at me.   I ignored him and sped past them.  I waved at the three members who stood there speechless.  “Um, the manager wants to talk to you,” Minhyuk called out after me as I walked through the hallway.

            I nodded. “Thanks, I’ll go there right now!” I shouted while speeding through the hallway.


            “Dude, what’s up with you two?  You took SOOOOO long!” Jonghyun whined as we set up our instruments for practice.  I blushed slightly while picking up my guitar.  I tried to think of some decent excuse to tell them.  I twiddled my thumbs awkwardly.

            “Ah sorry guys; it took me a while to gather my guts and apologize,” I lied as everyone took their places in the practice room.  Jungshin pouted slightly.

            “Is that it?  I thought there would be a lot more than that,” he said glumly.  I smirked at him.

            “You babo.  You love to gossip way too much,” I said while bopping Jungshin on the head slightly.  He whined as I moved to turn on my amp.  This girl was causing so much trouble.  I felt bad for both her and Minhyuk.  They were getting into a lot of trouble.  Next thing you know, people will think they’re dating if they keep on standing near each other!  I’m glad that she’s in FNC and that she’s popular, but I was the one who scouted her.  Isn’t it natural that I’m going to get upset when she gets stuck into awkward situations with other people?

            “Yo, bro.  Is something wrong?” Jonghyun asked while waving his hand in front of my face.  I blushed madly and shook my head.  Ugh, this girl is always embarrassing me.  I’ll just think about this later.


            “You wanted to see me?” I said, out of breath as I ran into the manager’s office.  He nodded and motioned for me to sit down.  My heart was beating out of my chest, but I couldn’t figure out exactly why.  It could have been nervousness for what my manager was going to say, exhaustion from running all the way there, or from Yonghwa’s kisses.  I sat down and prepared myself for whatever news my manager would give me.

            “As you already know, you’ve been gaining a lot of popularity,” he said slowly as if thinking I would find what he was saying hard to understand.  I nodded quickly, eager to hear his next words.  “Well, because ST4R finally debuted, Yoo Jae Suk himself has invited you to be a guest star on Running Man,” he said.  I gawked at him.  I had only released two songs, and I was already popular.

            “I accept!” I exclaimed excitedly.  This could be an awesome chance to gain popularity.  Surprisingly, Hyesung’s music video with FT Island wasn’t as popular as my CNBLUE one, so I was given the head start although she had been training for a while.

            My manager chuckled and motioned for me to sit back down.  I had just realized I had shot out of my chair when I heard the offer.  “Not so fast, Miss Song.  You need to gain a LITTLE bit more popularity first, so I snagged a commercial for you.  All you have to do is have a photo shoot with this instant rice brand,” he said.  I nodded excitedly.  My first job offer!  I had better not mess this up.

            “I’ll do it!  When is it?” I asked eagerly.  My manager pulled out a calendar and pointed to a date.

            “The photo shoot is two weeks from now.  It’s a collaboration with Jungshin,” he said while scribbling something onto a pad of paper.  He ripped off the sheet.  “Here’s the address; I’m sure you’ll be given more information as the date draws nearer,” he said while handing me the paper.  I nodded and bowed.

            “Thank you; I’ll do my best!” I exclaimed while leaving the office.  My manager gave me a small smile.  I skipped happily to ST4R’s new practice room, where Hyesung was waiting for me.

AND THAT'S THE WHOLE SHABANG~ okayokay... sorry, not a lot of action...just trying to develop relationships between all the characters XD tell me your comments~


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CHAPTER 20 IS FINALLY UP! Sorry for the wait~


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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 21: I think there's some jealousy going on. Hyesung is jealous because Eunhye is so
Close with CNBLUE, especially YongHwa.
K-PopAddict72 #2
I'm so sad you haven't updated in awhile. I hope to be reading your writing again soon.
K-PopAddict72 #3
Chapter 20: Ch 25-30, sounds good. It's getting hard for them to keep their emotions in check. I'm sure clothes will be flying everywhere. I just wonder will it be sort of planned or something heated & emotional. I vote for heated & emotional.
K-PopAddict72 #4
Chapter 19: YH all but confesses to Eunhye. I was jealous & wanted you are words I'd love to hear him say to
me. *dreaming* I wonder if Hyesung is going to get jealous of Eunhye. I can see it & scandal in the future.
YhHaeRa #5
Chapter 18: I know what you should do with Jungshin, make them act like little kids, a relationship like brother and sister and a bit retarded lol. Don't know what to say about Jonghyun tho...
byeolin #6
Chapter 18: Fo sho, but they def not ready for that yet. Omg.
YhHaeRa #7
Chapter 17: Happy birthday!!! You have been missed around here, please update soon :D
K-PopAddict72 #8
Chapter 17: First off Happy Belated Bday!!! *throws confetti* SCANDAL already. If it's YH & Eunhye, I guess they have 2 choices pretend they are dating or say he was teaching her how to go out in public as a celebrity. Only problem is they got caught.
YhHaeRa #9
Chapter 16: Whoa!!! I feel so sorry for Yonghwa :))) Eunhye was so cruel lol