


Thanks to everyone for voting<3 The winner is announced in this chapter~  It's Yonghwa's POV at the end.

Chapter 10: Debut

            “Is it starting?  I think it’s you guys first!” Hyesung said excitedly as we crowded around the television.  It was a tight squeeze fitting all the CNBLUE members and FTISLAND members in the same room plus Hyesung and me.

            “It’s CNBLUE first,” Seunghyun said with disappointment clearly written on his face.  I clapped my hands excitedly as the video began to play on the screen.

            “Wah, you look like a doll!” Hyesung said excitedly as the visuals appeared on the television.

            “SHH!” I commanded Hyesung to be quiet.  I wanted to hear the song too.  She settled down as everyone glued their eyes to the screen.

            “That was awesome!” Yonghwa exclaimed. Although the two music videos were extremely different, they were both done very well.

            “I didn’t think you would dance,” I told Hyesung.  She laughed.

            “At least I dance well,” she said cheerfully.

            “Why don’t we celebrate?  Let’s go drinking!” Hongki said excitedly.

            “Too young,” Minhyuk said while bopping me on the head.  I pouted.  I didn’t want everyone to go without me.  At least I could celebrate with Hyesung.

            “Ahah, my birthday just passed so I can drink!” she announced.  I guess I would be alone then.

            “That’s not fair.  We have to celebrate with the newbie.  Yonghwa, we’re adults.  Can’t we just say that she has adult supervision?” Hongki pleaded.

            “I’m concerned about her, Hongki.  I don’t want her to get in trouble!  She’s too much of a goody two shoes!” Yonghwa debated.  Hongki pleaded with him.

            “I promise I’ll make sure she doesn’t get drunk!” Hongki whined.  I protested.

            “I agree with Yonghwa.  I don’t want to get in trouble right before the debut!” I pouted.  No one cared about my input in the conversation.  I looked up at Hyesung to see if she would side with me.

            “That’s why they have VIP rooms,” Hyesung said nonchalantly.  I slapped my forehead.  Why did I even think she would side with me?

            “Hey, that’s actually a good idea!” Hongki said excitedly.  He stood up quickly.   “Let’s go!” he exclaimed.  I groaned.  I just wanted to go home and rest because Hyesung and I would be practicing for our debut the next day.  We boarded FNC’s bus and waited patiently to get to the location.

            “I’m so tired,” I said sleepily as we sat in the bus.  Minhyuk laughed and messed up my hair.

            “Do you want me to drive you home or something?” Minhyuk asked.  I shook my head.  We were already on the way, so there was no use in making Minhyuk go out of his way to bring me home.

            “No, I’ll just take a quick nap,” I said while pulling my knees into my chest.  I rested my head on the window of the bus.

            “Eunhye-ah!  Wake up!” a loud, girly voice screamed into my ear.  I bolted upright and rubbed my eyes.  I sleepily followed everyone out of the bus.

            “What time is it?” I asked while yawning.  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but I couldn’t read the time.  I was wearing contacts, so it would take a while before my eyes adjusted.

            “6 P.M.,” Minhwan snickered.  I frowned.  I didn’t get enough sleep last night because I was nervous for the airing of our music video.  We entered the V.I.P. room.

            “Ah, sunbae-nim.  I just realized; you never formally introduced me to the FTISLAND members!” I exclaimed to Yonghwa.  Yonghwa began to introduce them, but was cut off.

            “We can introduce ourselves, chingu,” Jonghun said.  I laughed.  I knew them as artists, but it was still really awkward because we never were formally introduced.  “Choi Jonghun, FT ISLAND’s leader,” he said while holding his hand out to me.  I shook it firmly.

            “Lee Hongki, at your service!” Hongki grinned while sticking his tongue out.  I stifled my laughter.  FNC had a group of goofballs.

            “Lee Jae Jin, bass guitar,” Jaejin said while smiling.  I nodded and bowed slightly to him.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said while offering his hand to shake.  I shook his hand lightly.

            “Song Seunghyun, rapper and guitarist,” the next FT ISLAND member said while bowing.  I bowed back at him.

            “Why am I last, guys?  Choi Minhwan, it’s my pleasure,” FT ISLAND’s drummer said while shaking my hand.  I nodded.  I still hadn’t met the other FNC idols.  I was striving hard to debut first.  Now that my name had appeared on a CNBLUE song, Hyesung and I would debut as a duo soon.

            “To our new duo……” Hongki said hesitantly.

            “ST4R,” Hyesung finished for him.  I grinned proudly at the name I had come up with.  There was a long and hard debate about the title of our duo.  In the end, our manager decided that <3 A-Tack was more of a girl group name than the name of a duo with a guitarist.

            Everyone raised their glasses.  I held up my cup of diluted soju.  It was almost all water, anyway.  We toasted and I took a tiny sip of my drink while everyone else took a gigantic gulp.

            “Ah, finally I get to relax,” Jonghyun sighed.  He set his glass on the table and sunk into the chair.  I agreed with him.  Everything has been super busy lately.  Tonight would be the only night we could rest before training to debut as a duo.  I wanted to make the most out of it.

            “Mhm.  I’m going to take a nap, okay?” I said while getting comfortable on the couch.  Hyesung nodded understandingly.  After all, I wasn’t the only one who needed training to debut in the duo!

            “Ah, wait, you might catch a cold.  I have a blanket,” Jungshin said while rummaging through his bag.  He handed me a thick light purple blanket.  I thanked him and wrapped myself in the blanket.

            “Good night!” I said while shutting my eyes.  It was the best sleep I had had in a month.

            I woke up to find someone covering my mouth with their hand and pushing me through a hallway.  Who was it?  Was I getting kidnapped?  I shut my eyes tightly as I bit the stranger’s hand as hard as I could.


            We gathered around the table to talk.  I sat down on the sofa next to the sleeping Eunhye.  Hyesung sat on a chair nearby, and the others sat on a sofa that was across from me.  We talked and joked around for hours.

            “Is it just me or is Eunhye mumbling something?” Hyesung asked.  Everyone dropped the playing cards we were using to play a game.  I leaned towards Eunhye.

            “Stupid, idiot Yonghwa,” she mumbled in her sleep.  What did I do?  She even hates me while she’s sleeping.

            “Did I hear that correctly?” Minhyuk asked confusedly.  We waited to see if she would say it again.  This time it was worse.

            “Jung Yonghwa, ignorant, egotistical, self-centered-“ I clapped my hand over before she could say any more.

            “Ah, sorry guys.  Nothing’s wrong, I’ll be back in a minute,” I said to everyone as I woke up Eunhye and dragged her out of the room while still holding my hand over .  Hyesung shot me a suspicious look, but I shook it off.  “Babo, don’t insult me in public,” I hissed to the dazed Eunhye as I guided her down the hallway.  We were going to have a talk.

            “AISHHH!” I screamed as I felt a piercing pain in my hand.  I looked down to find a giant bite mark on my hand.

            Eunhye screamed in surprise.  “What are you doing here?!” she exclaimed.

Ooooh, please tell me what you think about this chapter! ST4R won, so thanks to all the voters...  Thanks for reading!

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CHAPTER 20 IS FINALLY UP! Sorry for the wait~


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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 21: I think there's some jealousy going on. Hyesung is jealous because Eunhye is so
Close with CNBLUE, especially YongHwa.
K-PopAddict72 #2
I'm so sad you haven't updated in awhile. I hope to be reading your writing again soon.
K-PopAddict72 #3
Chapter 20: Ch 25-30, sounds good. It's getting hard for them to keep their emotions in check. I'm sure clothes will be flying everywhere. I just wonder will it be sort of planned or something heated & emotional. I vote for heated & emotional.
K-PopAddict72 #4
Chapter 19: YH all but confesses to Eunhye. I was jealous & wanted you are words I'd love to hear him say to
me. *dreaming* I wonder if Hyesung is going to get jealous of Eunhye. I can see it & scandal in the future.
YhHaeRa #5
Chapter 18: I know what you should do with Jungshin, make them act like little kids, a relationship like brother and sister and a bit retarded lol. Don't know what to say about Jonghyun tho...
byeolin #6
Chapter 18: Fo sho, but they def not ready for that yet. Omg.
YhHaeRa #7
Chapter 17: Happy birthday!!! You have been missed around here, please update soon :D
K-PopAddict72 #8
Chapter 17: First off Happy Belated Bday!!! *throws confetti* SCANDAL already. If it's YH & Eunhye, I guess they have 2 choices pretend they are dating or say he was teaching her how to go out in public as a celebrity. Only problem is they got caught.
YhHaeRa #9
Chapter 16: Whoa!!! I feel so sorry for Yonghwa :))) Eunhye was so cruel lol