Epilogue (A good friend)

Letters to a different you
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The promised epilogue~ It's mostly Dongwoo's POV >w< because I wanted to write something about Howon and him~
Sorry for the boring epilogue ö_ö" Thanks again to my loyal 58 subscribers and for - wtf - 120 comments!
See you below for my usual spam.



[25th May 2012, a bar somewhere in Seoul | Dongwoo ]

Dongwoo was frustrated.


Hours had passed since he parted ways with Sunggyu, but the elder still hadn’t contacted him. Of course the younger had sent several messages to the other, though he got ignored – which was quite normal in Sunggyu’s case. Yet Dongwoo couldn’t help but worry about the elder. Maybe he had gotten kidnapped or someone had punched him unconscious again because of his sharp tongue. Dongwoo sighed and entered the bar. It was already dark outside and he didn’t have a place to sleep – well maybe his car, but he didn’t like the other idea so much. A bar was no place to sleep of course, but it was a good place to stay awake. The pink-haired male really needed something to drink and maybe Sunggyu would respond to his pleadings soon.

The bar looked rather old and shabby. Dongwoo had no problems with that. He liked this kind of small bar more than a big club with loud music and too many people. The total amount of people he counted inside this place was three: a woman with a guitar who was singing on a ‘stage’ (Dongwoo wasn’t sure what exactly she was standing on, maybe some old boxes) the old barkeeper and a guy whose face he couldn’t see because he seemed to be asleep with his head on the counter. The barkeeper gave him a questioning glance and Dongwoo quickly took a seat at the bar next to the seemingly unconscious guy.

“He’s been like that since he came. Trust me, you should leave him alone.” The old man said with a small smile.

Dongwoo shrugged. “Can you give me a beer, please?”

The barkeeper nodded and turned around to get him his drink. Dongwoo looked at the stranger again who had his face on the wooden counter. He didn’t move at all and the pink-haired male gave him a slow poke to the shoulder. The other groaned loudly and pushed his hand away without moving his head.

“So you’re not sleeping?” Dongwoo asked.

“Can’t you bother someone else?” The man mumbled.

The pink-haired male averted his eyes for a second when the barkeeper served him his beer. He gave the man a quick thanks and shifted his attention back to the man next to him. “I’m Dongwoo! What’s your name?”

The other didn't answer. Dongwoo poked him again. “Don’t act like you’re sleeping!”

“How can I sleep when you can’t shut up for a minute? You ever thought that maybe I’m not interested in talking to you? Read the mood.”

“But I want to talk to you! And you look like someone who could use a good listener by the way.” Dongwoo sipped at his beer.

“I’m pretty sure I look like a drunken person that wants to take a nap. Seriously leave me alone. It’s already bad enough that I have to listen to this ty guitar play.”

The woman on the makeshift stage coughed loudly. Dongwoo gave her an apologetic look. Her voice was good, but the guitar play definitely . She changed the song to something slower and sadder, while Dongwoo took another sip.

Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.


He wondered what Sunggyu was doing right now. He checked his phone but there was no new message from him. Dongwoo suddenly heard a sob next to him and he turned his head towards the stranger again. The shoulders of the other were slightly shaking and Dongwoo felt the need to this broken looking back. The black-haired stranger didn’t push him away this time. Dongwoo didn’t know how to ignore someone in need. His friends always told him that his heart was too big for his own good.

“There, there. Let it all out.” Dongwoo said.

“.” The stranger cursed. “It’s her fault for playing a sad song. I bet she did it on purpose!”

The elder male laughed at his comment. “You provoked her first.”

“I only told the truth. Don’t tell me you like that crappy sound her guitar makes!”

Dongwoo patted his back one more time. “Her voice is nice!”

“Well aren’t you an optimistic one…” The man scoffed.

“You should try it too.”

“What? Being optimistic?” He laughed dryly. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Mood doesn’t matter. I’m frustrated too and you don’t see me sulking in a corner.” Dongwoo replied with a smile, though the other couldn’t see it because of his position.

The black-haired man shook his head slightly. “If this is you being frustrated, I don’t want to know what your happy personality is like.”

He nudged the drunken man playfully. “For someone who wants to take a nap you’re pretty talkative.”

The stranger sighed. “To tell you the truth: I can’t sleep that’s why I’m here. I can close my eyes, but my mind never sto

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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 17: whyyyyyy
it ended like that 😭😭😭😭
how can you do this
Chapter 17: Im still wondering what happen to woohyun.
Chapter 16: I feel so ashamed of myself that I only found this treasure at this time. ㅠㅠ The plot is so wonderfully woven and though it breaks my heart, the ending as you said, is a realistic one (which i agree). Indeed fate can be cruel. Too bad it was too late for Sunggyu to redeem himself and get back with Woohyun. Regrets.. I personally think it's a ghost that would continuously haunt us unless we stop thinking of it as it is. *Sigh* Great job, authornim! I love the angst (,°w°,)
Gyu_Wifeu09 #4
Chapter 17: I hate you author-nim for making me crying at damn 4am. I really need a shoulder to lean on right now. Why fate so cruel?! Why? ㅠㅠ Still u got my big applause author-nim. This story just too beautiful. Punch my stupid brain for not read this beautiful fic earlier just because I saw myungyu poster. Damn it, why I'm so stupid! I'm hardcore woogyu shipper and I don't like read fics of woo or gyu pairing with other members. But, damn I just missed read fic this beautiful. I hate myself. But, thank u author-nim for the story. Even it was not an happy ending. Well~ life not all about happy ending, right?! Thank you author-nim :)
Chapter 17: I was read that. You wont write a sequel about woohyun return.
I was read that to about how you wont tell how woohyun actually..

But i wanna you telling me from woohyun pov.
Even you wont write it, just gimme some paragraph from him pov..

I wanna how woohyun trully is..
Its just hurt me how he is missing and his body isnt find yet..
I know what happened when you cant a missing body. But please.. Could you tell me? /puppy eyes/
Chapter 16: See, i finished it in one go.
Fact is so cruel. Maybe that is one of the reason why am i can read this story today. Bcoz this is real life. Real life has sad side too. And we must face it..

This reason gave me a good reason for read angsts story nowadays..

Hopely, police would find woohyun's body.

It was great.. Thank you.
Chapter 17: I know I am too late but I really hate you, author-nim!!! You can continue breaking the silence with harmonizing voices so you can do like that again for this story.. Right?? (don't torture me like this! I'm begging you) *n*
Chapter 17: Tissues please *cries*
Chapter 17: I hate u for making me cry