
In Love With a Bad Girl


"what are you doing here?"
Yoona sighed, "didn't i tell you to not disturbing me, Jessica?" 
"Sica. Called me Sica. You used to call me that, and i love the way you call me that.." 
"things changed, and i can't call you that anymore.." 
"i have to go now, you better go too.." 
"Yoona, please.." Jessica stepped forward and took Yoona's hand in hers
"didn't i tell you that i'm getting married next month? So, let go off my hand.." 
"stop pretending.." 
"i know you don't love her.." 
"you don't know anything.." Yoona said coldly
"she's Tiffany, right? Tiffany Hwang, the girlfriend of Kwon Yuri. Your stepsister.." 
"you do it because you don't like seeing your stepsister happy, right? You hate it, knowing that there's someone caring about her. You want her to suffer, right?" 
"just stop it, Yoona. You know it's wrong.." 
"everything is wrong since you left, Jessica.." 
Yoona walked away, leaving the other girl again with a guilt. But Jessica wouldn't give up, she chased Yoona, grabbing her by the hand.
"now what?" Yoona asked irritatedly
"i won't give up.."
"whatever.." Yoona continued to walk
"don't touch me!!!" 
Yoona pushed Jessica hardly, causing the latter to stumble backwards. She lost her balance, and ended up failing down the stairs.
"Jessica!!" Yoona screamed in shock
Yoona quickly ran down the stairs. She took Jessica in her arms, but Jessica was already unconscious. Blood dripping on her forehead. Some of her employees were helping her, but she carried Jessica by herself, then stormed out from the office. 
"please be okay, Sica. Please.." 


"yes, baby?"
"i miss you.."
"i miss you too, honey.." 
"let's meet up after i finish my work, i want to see you.." 
"what if i can't?"
"......" no response, means Tiffany pouted 
"you really want to see me?" 
"why don't you just come out now? I'm outside.."
"what?? Really??"
Tiffany didn't say anything in response, she just quickly ended the call, then proceeded to take the elevator. She was so excited, and wanted to jump into Yuri's arms. 
"Yuri!!!" it was right, Tiffany jumped into Yuri's arms immadiately
"woaah, miss me much eh?" Yuri managed to catch her girl, and Tiffany nodded cutely
Yuri chuckled, "let's grab something for lunch.." 


Yoona was busy pacing back and forth. She was so worried, she also cursed herself for causing it. Sweat dripping on her forehead as she bit her finger nervously. 
"! Stupid doctor! It's been an hour and he hasn't come out.." 
Yoona was confused, she didn't know what to do. She was too afraid to remember the accident. But the scene kept repeating on her mind. She shouldn't have push Jessica like that. Yoona kept blaming herself till she didn't realize that the doctor came out from emergency room. 
"excuse me.." the doctor cleared his throat
"doctor? How's she? She's good, right?" Yoona rushed towards him
"calm down, Miss. Yes, she's good.."
"thanks, God.." Yoona sighed in relief
"but, she got a fracture hand. And also her head got a quite hard impact, so i'm not quite sure what will happen to her head. We should wait until she wakes up. Just keep praying for everything to be fine.." 
"i need to see her.." 


"look, my friend's are here. Would you like to join or you want to find another place?" 
"it's okay, let's just join them.."
"okay, let's go.." 
Yuri took Tiffany's hands and proceeded to enter the cafe. They approached Yuri's friends and greeted them.
"hey, guys.." Yuri greeted
"Yuri!! Tiffany!! Good to see you here today.." 
"good to see you too, Sooyoung.." Tiffany smiled 
"have a seat.." Hyoyeon said 
"go on a date, eh?" 
"you can say that, Suzy. Yuri is too sweet, she came to my office so we can have lunch together.." Tiffany smirked
"oh really? I don't know Yuri is a sweet person.." Suzy said irritatedly
"Yuri has changed since Tiffany came.." Sooyoung commented
"yeah, she changes a lot.." Hyoyeon added
"geez, how can you talk about me like i'm invisible?" Yuri rolled her eyes
"sorry, honey.." Tiffany grinned and gave a peck
"i need to go to toilet.." Yuri said then left
Right after Yuri left, Suzy began to tease Tiffany. She's been liking Yuri for quite long time. But too bad, Yuri never noticed it, she never paid attention to the people around her, except Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. 
"oh whatever, kid.." Suzy rolled her eyes
"i'm not a kid!!" Tiffany said devensively
"yes you are.." Suzy said mockingly
"hey hey, what's going on here?" Yuri raised her eyebrow
"your girlfriend is such a kid, Yuri.." Suzy scoffed
"i'm not a kid!!" Tiffany stood up, and Yuri shook her head
"stop teasing my girl, Suzy.." Yuri said, then grabbed Tiffany's hand to leave the cafe


"i'm sorry, Sica. I'm really sorry.." 
"i shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have pushed you.." 
Yoona reached her hand to touch Jessica's face, but she stopped before she could touch her. She covered her face with her palm while muttering some words. She wanted to cry, but she didn't have tears.
She never cried for years. The last time she cried when she knew Jessica left without knowing that the latter would come back. That time, she decided not to cry anymore in the future. 
"so stupid! I'm so stupid!! What if i kill her? I don't want to lose her, not again.." 
"wake up soon, Sica.." 


"i hate that girl!! I hate Suzy!!"
"don't take it seriously, baby.." Yuri ruffled her girlfriend's hair
"i'm not a kid!" Tiffany whined
"you're not a kid, you're a baby.." Yuri cupped Tiffany's face, and the latter blushed lightly
"i'm not a baby.." Tiffany said cutely
"you don't want to be my baby?"
"no, that's not what i mean. I wanna be your baby, your only baby.."
"of course you're my only baby. You've always been and you'll always be.." 
"yup, unless....."
"unless you give a birth to our children, that means they'll also be my baby.." Yuri smirked, making Tiffany blushed even more
"i love you, Tiff. Remember that, okay?" Yuri added, and the other girl nodded cutely
"i love you too, Yul.." 
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Chapter 23: Yulti is so cute😍 nd yoonsic too. Thnkuh for such a lovely story❤
Yulti's story is nice and all, but let's be real, yoonsic's story doesn't make any sense. I mean, after all the things Yoona have done?? She tried to fckng kill, many times, and it's like she didn't receive any punishment at all, and both yoonsic doesn't seem to mind that Yoona is like a psycho in here. It's just too unrealistic.

The Yulti's good tho. So.. ok.. Just my 2 cents.
Chapter 18: please update soon
Chapter 18: please update soon
allayjadhule #5
Chapter 23: Yoonsic jangg :)
Chapter 22: I always cry with your YulTi happy ending ><
Chapter 22: Really live the three phrases Yuri said to Tiff in the end.

Happy ending for everyone. Yay!!
Chapter 22: Happy ending! Thankyou author! :))
ChachachaTomNugu #9
Chapter 22: Great story! I can't believe you finished it within a month!