
In Love With a Bad Girl


The next day, Tiffany woke up with the widest smile. She took her phone and texted Yuri immadiately. 
To: my lovely hero
Rise and shine! Don't forget to have breakfast, okay? 
I'll be busy in office, i guess.
xoxo :)
Tiffany got up after sending the message to her girlfriend. She was about to go to the bathroom when she heard a beep from her phone. Taking the phone quickly, she smiled again to see her girlfriend replying the message. 
To: my innocent girl
I won't forget if you're not forget to eat your meals too.
Take care of yourself, okay?
After replying the message, Tiffany got ready for work. She walked down the stairs while sang her favorite song. Joining her father in the dining room to have breakfast.
"morning, sweetheart.." Mr.Hwang greeted while sipping his tea
"morning, daddy.." Tiffany greeted back
"what's with that smile? You look so happy this morning.." Mr.Hwang chuckled
"i am.." Tiffany grinned 
"uhm, Miyoung.." 
"yes, daddy?" 
"tonight, we'll have dinner with Kwon Sangwoo, the owner of Kwon Group.." 
"their mansion. So, you better finish your work quickly, because you should be home at 5.."
"i got it.." Tiffany nodded
"and, Tiff..""
"who's the girl that sent you home yesterday?" 
"you mean, Yuri? She's....." 
"she's what?"
"she's my girlfriend, dad.." Tiffany hung her head low, afraid to make her father's mad
"what?? You're a gay?" 
"uhm, yes.." 
"i can't believe it!!"
"what's wrong with that?" 
"of course it's wrong, Tiffany!! You're supposed to like guys not girls!!"
"but i love her, dad.." Tiffany said carefully
"you can't love her!!! She's a girl and based on the look, i can tell that she's not rich.." 
"i don't care if she's not rich!" 
"but i care!! I want you to break up right now!!" Mr.Hwang slammed her palms against the table
"blame you for this, dad. You never allowed me to have a boyfriend. And one last thing, i won't break up with her.." with that, Tiffany ran with teary eyes, exiting her house


"hello, buddy!" Sooyoung greeted her friend who's entered the same cafe with her
"wait, did you just smile, Yul?" 
"why? Anything wrong?" Yuri took a seat
"you never smiled! But you just did, minutes ago! Cool! I'm gonna tell Hyo about this.." Sooyoung exclaimed happily
"geez, it was just a simple smile.." 
"Hyo will probably do the same, if she sees you smile like that!" 
"yeah, whatever.." Yuri rolled her eyes
"look, you even talk much. You never did that before, you used to say one or two words to respond.." Sooyoung said, sipping her tea
"you seem so happy today, huh? What happened?" Sooyoung asked curiously
"it's not your business.." 
"oh come on! Tell me, pleaseeee.." 
"stop it.."
Just then, Yuri's phone rang which was on the table, so Sooyoung could see the ID caller on the screen and frowned. 
"my innocent girl?" Sooyoung raised her eyebrow
"hello?" Yuri answered the call, ignoring her friend
"are you crying?" 
"i need you.." 
"where are you?" Yuri asked, panic
"in the park, near my office.." 
"wait for me, i'm on my way.." with that, Yuri ended the call and stood up immadiately
"don't tell me your innocent girl is Tiffany?" 
"......" Yuri ignored her friend and stormed out of the cafe
"! You got that y girl.." Sooyoung groaned 


Yuri arrived at the park. It was easy to find her girl, because Tiffany was the only person in the park, there were no people who passed by. 
"Yuri!!" Tiffany jumped into Yuri's arms
Yuri just let her girlfriend cried in her embrace. She didn't utter any words. She just need to be there and comforted her girl, not to ask her girl so many questions, at least that was what Yuri thought.
Tiffany calmed down eventually, but Yuri still kept silent. She just waited her girl to say the reason of her tears, but if her girl didn't tell her, then she wouldn't ask. 
"you can ask.." Tiffany finally said
"i won't ask.." 
"if i should know, then you'll tell me even though i don't ask.." 
Tiffany smiled a little, "i fought with my dad.." 
"i told him about you, i told him that you're my girlfriend.." hearing no words from her girlfriend, Tiffany continued
"he was mad to know that i'm gay. And he want me to break up with you.." Tiffany sobbed
"don't cry, please.." Yuri pulled her girlfriend closer
"i don't want to break up with you. I love you.."
"we won't break up, i'll fight for you, trust me.." Yuri cupped her girlfriend's face
"promise?" Tiffany asked, pouting
"i promise.." 
Tiffany smiled. For a moment, she could forget everything. She took Yuri's hand, and they began to walk hand in hand. 
"you know what?"
"today is actually my father's birthday.." Tiffany said with sadness in her tone
"do you want to buy a cake or something for him?" Yuri replied softly
"no...uhm, maybe later.." 
"you're naughty.." Yuri chuckled, and Tiffany only grinned in response
"Yul, when's your birthday?" 
"when's your birthday?" Tiffany repeated
"i don't have birthday.." Yuri said with a flat tone
Tiffany stopped in her track, and Yuri did the same. Tiffany looked up only found sadness in her girlfriend's eyes. 
"people have their own birthday.." 
"but i don't have.." Yuri looked away, avoiding her girlfriend's gaze
"it's not that you don't have, but you don't know.." Tiffany squeezed the other girl's hands 
Tiffany didn't know that Yuri had a really tough life. She didn't even know her own birthday. 
Meanwhile for Tiffany, birthday was always be the most important day. She loved celebrating her birthday, cutting cakes, blowing candles, receiving gifts. She was always excited with it. 
She really felt bad for Yuri. That girl sure never experienced it all. They have a total opposite life. 
"what about we have the same day for our birthday?" Tiffany suggested with a smile
"my birthday is 1st of August, let's say that your birthday is also 1st of August since you don't know when it actually is.."
"i don't need birthday.." Yuri said carelessly
"you do. Now, don't complain and just agree, so we can celebrate it together.." 
Yuri laughed and shook her head, she couldn't win from that girl anyway. She also didn't want to disappoint her. That girl had just cried minutes ago. So, if it could make the latter felt better, then this birthday thing wouldn't be a matter for Yuri. 
"alright captain.." Yuri smiled and kissed the other girl's cheek, making the latter blushed lightly
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Chapter 23: Yulti is so cute😍 nd yoonsic too. Thnkuh for such a lovely story❤
Yulti's story is nice and all, but let's be real, yoonsic's story doesn't make any sense. I mean, after all the things Yoona have done?? She tried to fckng kill, many times, and it's like she didn't receive any punishment at all, and both yoonsic doesn't seem to mind that Yoona is like a psycho in here. It's just too unrealistic.

The Yulti's good tho. So.. ok.. Just my 2 cents.
Chapter 18: please update soon
Chapter 18: please update soon
allayjadhule #5
Chapter 23: Yoonsic jangg :)
Chapter 22: I always cry with your YulTi happy ending ><
Chapter 22: Really live the three phrases Yuri said to Tiff in the end.

Happy ending for everyone. Yay!!
Chapter 22: Happy ending! Thankyou author! :))
ChachachaTomNugu #9
Chapter 22: Great story! I can't believe you finished it within a month!