
In Love With a Bad Girl


"promise me that you'll always be here with me.." 
"i promise, Sica.." 
"good.." the girl named Sica smiled widely
"you too, promise me we'll always be together, forever.." 
"i promise.." 
Yoona laughed bitterly with the promise that she had long years ago. She had so many promises, but that one was the most important. 
She remembered that they were only 7 that time. Ironically, she still remembered the promise. And she wasn't sure if the other girl still remembered it, because if that girl remembered, she wouldn't have left her. 
"excuse me, Ms.Kwon.."
"there's a woman wants to see you.." 
"i don't know, Miss. She refused to tell me her name.." 
"just let her come in.." 
"yes, Miss.." 
Just then, the secretary exited Yoona's office room. And Yoona's eyes were back on her laptop. Not long enough, the new comer came in without a knock.
Yoona stopped immadiately from her work. She recognized the voice, and also there was only one person who used that name to call her. It's been so long, and she finally could hear that voice again. And her heart was beating rapidly because of it. 


Tiffany rested her head on her desk. It's been 2 days since the awkward dinner between Hwang and Kwon, and Tiffany hasn't met her girlfriend since that day. She was so busy taking care of her father's corporate.
"you're gonna marry Kwon Yoona, Miyoung.."
"i'm not asking you, i'm ordering you to do this.."
"i've dealt enough with you being gay, and i don't want to hear you reject the plan of marrying Yoona.." 
"if you want to date a girl, then it should be Yoona, not anyone else.." 
"i have Yuri!!" 
"Yuri doesn't deserve you, Tiffany!! She's a bad girl!! She ran out from her house!!" 
"she has her own reason!! You don't understand!!" 
"i don't want to understand!! So, stop being nonsense!!" 
Tiffany ruffled her hair in frustration, remembering the conversation between her and her father. She didn't want to marry Yoona. She wouldn't marry that girl. She believed Yuri would really fight for her. 
"i've told you that she's bad.." 
"she's a Kwon and she ran out from her house? Great, just great!" 
"Sunny, she has her own reason.." Tiffany whined
"so dramatic, Fany. It's all up to you. Just remember, whatever happen in the future, i've warned you about this.."
"but, you'll help me, right?" 
Sunny sighed, "i'll always on yourside.." 
"thank you, Sunny. It means a lot to me.."  
"or maybe you're right, Yuri isn't that bad.." Sunny changed her mind
"i've always known from the start.." 
At least, she still had Sunny and her other friends. They would be there to support her, and she knew it. They would always be ready to comfort her or to give her advices, and she was glad to have them. 
But, mostly important is she had Yuri. That girl was slowly being soft to her, and she loved it. She loved the soft Yuri.
"i need to see you, Yuri. I miss you.." 


"it's been so long.." 
Yoona and Jessica ended up in the nearby park. They sat on a bench, next to each other. And both of them were secretly enjoyed this moment. 
"i miss you so much, Yoongie.." 
"don't call me that.." Yoona said coldly
"it reminds me of our past......and our promises.." 
"we're so young back then, and i understand, those promises weren't that important to you. And maybe you forget all of those.." 
"it's not true! I remember everything, about you and those promises!" 
"if you remember, you wouldn't have left me that day.." 
"i'm sorry, Yoong. But i should obey my father.." 
"you almost chose to stay that day, but it was all because of that girl!!" Yoona raised her voice
"what do you talking about?" Jessica frowned
"i know everything, that girl.....that girl...aarrghh, forget it!!" Yoona tried so hard to calm down
"what girl? I don't know what you mean.." 
Yoona sighed, "forget it. We've changed, Sica. I've changed and you've changed, we're no longer kids. We're adults, we should be more mature. And i guess, forgetting all of that stuffs will be better for both of us.." 
"no....please no.." 
"let's just continue our own life. Me without you, and you without me.." Yoona stood up and began to walk away but Jessica grabbed her hand quickly
"wait!! Yoona, please give me another chance.." 
"please, Yoona. Please.." 
"i'm getting married next month, so don't disturb me anymore.." 
With that, Jessica broke down her knees, watching the other girl slowly dissappear from her sight. And it broke her heart into pieces. 
"it's too late.." Jessica mumbled, sobbing hardly


Tiffany was losing her patience. She tried to call her girlfriend but always came into voicemail. Yuri was usually busy with her work as a DJ at this time. But, Tiffany really need to see Yuri, because she couldn't stand to not seeing that girl for days. So, it was pissed her off. 
"uh hey, Soo.." 
Tiffany ended up in the club eventually. And it didn't help at all, because the sight of Suzy trying to seduce her girlfriend was far from good. Anger built in her chest, she was boiling and ready to burst. 
"you look upset, why?" Sooyoung asked confusedly
"just look at your back.." Tiffany crossed her arms
"oops.." Sooyoung grinned nervously when she saw her bestfriend
"i better get going.." 
"wait, don't!! I'll take that away from your girlfriend.." with that, Sooyoung rushed towards Suzy and dragged the latter away from her bestfriend
Yuri saw her girlfriend with an upset look, and it wasn't good. She quickly finish her work, then walked down the stage immadiately. 
"hey.." Yuri approached her girl
"what's wrong?" 
"i hate you! Why didn't you answer my calls?" Tiffany pouted, and Yuri took out her phone from her pocket to check it
"20 missed calls, and 12 unread messages. I'm sorry, okay? You know i'm busy on the stage.." Yuri stepped closer but Tiffany stepped backward
"yes, you busy flirting with that girl!!!" Tiffany screamed, ponting at Suzy, then ran quickly, exiting the club
Yuri sighed, then ran to chase her girl. It wasn't hard though, because Tiffany wasn't a fast runner. She caught her girl easily, then turned her around. 
"let me go!!" Tiffany struggled to free herself
"listen! I'm sorry, okay? I'm not flirting with her, i swear!!" Yuri tried to explain
"then why did you let her?? Didn't you see that she's trying to seduce you??!!" 
"i didn't notice it, because i didn't even care with her appearance!!" 
"you lie!!" 
"i'm not flirting with her!! I love you!!" Yuri punched the wall behind Tiffany, and the latter blushed immadiately with Yuri's words
"i'm jealous.." Tiffany said almost whispered with her head hunging low
Yuri got soften, "don't be. You know i only love you.." 
"but i don't like Suzy trying to seduce you. I don't like her to be around you, i don't like-" before Tiffany could finish her sentence, Yuri pressed her lips against the jealous-girl
It took Tiffany a minute to finally kiss Yuri back. Yuri loved Tiffany's lips, and she knew for sure that she wouldn't get bored to this lips. Sweet like honey, and soft like a jelly. 
"that was my first.." Tiffany confessed shyly
"that was my first kiss.." 
"why didn't you tell me?" 
"it was unpredictable, i don't know that you would kiss me anyway.." Tiffany said, hiding her redden cheeks
"let's go home.." Yuri rubbed her nape, then took her girlfriend's hand
"but it's okay, i like it.." Tiffany said, not looking at the other girl
"i know you do.." Yuri smirked
They walked hand in hand together. Tiffany still had a red face, she didn't have the courage to say something. Meanwhile, Yuri secretly screamed in joy in her mind, she was more than happy to know that she was Tiffany's first.
"Yuri.." Tiffany broke the silence eventually
"am i your first too?" Tiffany bit her bottom lip nervously
"mmm.." Tiffany just kept mum, but nodded anyway
"but you'll be my last.." Yuri added, made Tiffany's face turned pink even more
Yuri pulled Tiffany closer, then kissed the latter on the forehead. And Tiffany could feel the sincerity from the kiss.
"i love you, Tiff.."
"i love you too, Yul.." 
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Chapter 23: Yulti is so cute😍 nd yoonsic too. Thnkuh for such a lovely story❤
Yulti's story is nice and all, but let's be real, yoonsic's story doesn't make any sense. I mean, after all the things Yoona have done?? She tried to fckng kill, many times, and it's like she didn't receive any punishment at all, and both yoonsic doesn't seem to mind that Yoona is like a psycho in here. It's just too unrealistic.

The Yulti's good tho. So.. ok.. Just my 2 cents.
Chapter 18: please update soon
Chapter 18: please update soon
allayjadhule #5
Chapter 23: Yoonsic jangg :)
Chapter 22: I always cry with your YulTi happy ending ><
Chapter 22: Really live the three phrases Yuri said to Tiff in the end.

Happy ending for everyone. Yay!!
Chapter 22: Happy ending! Thankyou author! :))
ChachachaTomNugu #9
Chapter 22: Great story! I can't believe you finished it within a month!