I got you under my skin

Cooking Class

Kyungsoo couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. His mind was elsewhere off to another planet. Jongin touch Kyungsoo's cheeks slowly caressing them gently. He suddenly felt really guilty kissing him maybe he shouldn't have done that... It was only a matter of seconds when they heard the bell ring. Jongin silently tug Kyungsoo's sleeve but he wouln't budge, he began to worry. The skies were getting oddly cloudy and suddenly heavy rain spilled abive them. Jongin realise that he wouldn't be able to move the boy, so he drag him off to the medical room. 

They arrived there but Kyugsoo still wouldn't talk, Jongin sat him down and took off his bag. He walked over to the bedside desk next to him and pressed the kettle on. While waiting he added the coco powder and sugar in a mug. He watch as Kyungsoo nose twitch. Jongin smiled and poured the hot water iniside with the milk following after.  He handed the mug to Kyungsoo, with shaking hands took it and sip gently. He pressed his lips firmly together as if judging the hot coco. "Its not that bad... I guess you can actually make something... you JongCrong." he muttered under his hot breath.

"I'm not that useless... and JongCrong?" Jong eyebrow rised in satisfaction. He sat down next Kyungsoo and poked his cheek. 

"Jongin, I really don't know you anymore... what happened to the old Jongin?"  he mumbled

"Well the old Jongin was a pabo and a bully..." Jongin leaned closer to Kyungsoo ear "And the new Jongin fell in love." 

Kyungsoo spluttered hot coco all over his school uniform and a hot burn was in his throat. "The new Jongin is sso chessy!" he cough "Now look what you made me do!" he was covered with brown patches everywhere. It was sticking into his skin and you could see Kyungsoo's outlines. Jongin had a smirk on his face, he grab his bag pulling out a sports jacket. 

"Here wear this!" he threw the fabric on Kyungsoo's face. 

"I need a shirt!" sudden rustling could be heard from the back, Kyungsoo turn to find Jongin un-buttoning his shirt "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? PUT IT BACK ON!" Kyungsoo screamed

"You wanted a shirt." Jongin calmly replied, he undid the last button and slid the shirt off. Kyungsoo turn different shades if red and turn he head away. Jongin passed the shirt in Kyungsoo hands, he didn't lift up his head he only said thanks. "I'm having the sports jacket then if you don't want it." before Kyungsoo could protest, Jongin had went to another stall. 

He stared down at Jongin's shirt, nervously putting it on. It was a bit big for him although he could just tuck it in. His shirt felt really warm and smelled really nice. Calvin Klein perfume... he brung the shirt closer to his nose ans sniff it. Hhhmm Jongin shirt smelled really nice..... "You know, you could just have the real thing, if you want to smell me." a smirk was plastered all over Jongin's face. He hardly zip the sports jacket, Kyungsoo stuttered and made comments that he should zip it up because girls would start drooling. He place his hand across Kyungsoo's shoulder, they walked out the medical room and to there next class before parting Jongin pulled Kyungsoo by the collar of his shirt. Jongin leaned in; with a quick kiss under the ear, he whispered "You've got me under your skin." Kyungsoo pushed him away, beeet red and scurried off inside. 


Euna flopped her head down on the desk. She was annoyed that Sehun and Luhan had lied about Chef. Jun wanting to see her. The pair laughed silently behind her back. She was about to stand up when the class president: Joonmyun handed her a stack of papers. She groaned and the laughter behind her increase volume. She snatch the pile of papers infornt of her and threw it at the pair. Luhan fell off from the desk who had the most blow. Sehun kneeled down and shot a glare at Euna who stuck her tongue out. Joonmyun yelled at Euna to pick up the mess, she reluctantly obeyed his orders. 

Kyumgsoo came in and watch as Sehun was restrained behind the arms. He was frailing his arms about and kicking in all directions. Kyungsoo's eyes fell upon Euina who was picking paper off the floor. He rush and gave her help. Luhan was rubbing his sore nose when something caught his eye. The label on Kyungsoo's shirt... and this hint of perfume... he pulled Sehun off the the president and a boy named Lay from their grasp. He whispered in Sehun's ear "Yah, look what the owl has!" Sehun squinted his eyes.

"Hyung, what am I supoosed to...ooohh..." Sehun eyes trailed on Kyungsoo's neck, a white label was sticking out, you can make the writing out: Kim Jongin. Sehun face brighten. "Well...well didn't expect our plan to be this successful." Luhan had whip out his phone and quickly text Jongin.

Luhan: Im gonna rip your school shirt off you. :P

Jongin: ........

Jongin: So you saw. >:]

Luhan: Looks better on him then you.

Jongin: Shut up! Stop bothering me, we'll talk later. 

Luhan: If you stop texting me, I'll bite him.

Jongin, stared at Luhan's text message and tuck his phine inside his pocket. He let his head fall on the desk. As much as he love Luhan he will kill him if her does that. His brain wander else where as Jongin was remembering Kyungsoo looking at him. Kyungsoo had this honey sent in him all sweet and sticky. He let his head fall on the desk and let his eyes shut,Then a kock on the door came and a small blonde teacher said: "Can I have Mr. Kim Jongin please?" 


Luhan, place his phone back when he realised that Jongin wasn't going to reply back. He watch as Sehun was chasing Kyungsoo around the teachers table. Sehun had crept behind Kyungsoo and muttered in his ear. "Well....Jongin's shirt hey?" Now Sehun was trying to rip it out! Euna was getting frustrated when the two idots running round knock the papers off on the floor again. Then the teacher came, whos hair was sticking out in all directions. 

'"Sorry I'm late guys.... Something came up." the teacher aplogised, setting her books down on the desk. 

"Teach, why are you late? Your never late!" one student chipped in.

"Sorry, I had to get a student...." the teacher replied flicking her blonde hair off her face. "anyway lets get started, shall we?" 


Kim Jongin sat on the waiting chair to the headmasters office. He read a newspaper at the side. Some blonde teacher came up and disturbed his sleep! Then two police guards walked in with the headmaster at the middle, scowling.

"What have you done this time?" the headteacher folded his arms. And glared at Jongin who was merely confused.


A/N: Sorry guys I havn't been updating! I've been really lazy but I'll try and update more this summer! ^^ btw what did think of this chapter? Huhuhuhu I'm dying this month D: some many comeback: B.A.P, infinite, B2ST and Junsu! Gawd I love everyone of them *^* 




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guys im sorry for not updating im on holiday! im still alive! XD


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Chapter 10: I still don't get it.. about the euna girl, his father, and jongin... confused~~~~
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 9: I'm quite impressed , this a really good story for a first timer , keep it up <3 ( and please update soon :) )
Chapter 9: Took you long enough! hehe.....so I'm confused....does Euna like Kyungsoo or Jongin? and oooooh I found my sandwich.....and I ate it....and everyone lived happily ever after.....(it tasted soooo nice)
gellis #4
Chapter 8: Oh no! Does this mean they found out Kai stole the shoes? Authornim please update soon.
Chapter 8: aha sooo nice !
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 8: Ohh....WHAT did Jongin do?? Ahh my brain are burning i wanna know!!^^ TT.TT
Chapter 7: loves u mabs
Chapter 7: gyaaaaa gyaaaa gyaaaaa my heart~~~~~ hyaaa they kiss!!!!! yeay!!!! kkkkk
Chapter 6: kekekeke XD jealous jongin XD hahaha is jongin fall for kyungsoo already???
hayarahma #10
Chapter 6: Hihi more update pls >< Kaisoo<3