
Cooking Class

Jongin was really pleased that Kyungsoo was wearing the shoes Jongin picked. He wored it in college and outdoor activities. Oblivious that Jongin could be caught, he loved seeing Kyungsoo smile nontheless. He really has a cute smile Jongin thought, he bit his lip and followed the pair that was walking happily infront of him. Euna hung Kyungsoo's arm, giggling non-stop at Kyungsoo lame jokes.... Euna turned towards Jongin, face curious. "How did you know Kyungsoo?" she asked Jongin, Jongin just wanted swear at her. 

"Childhood friend." Jongin said through gritted teeth, he hated this Euna girl. But what was strange was that he used to liked this Euna girl, now he just loath her. Euna nodded happily content with Jongin's answer, he scoffed to himself. He quietly followed the pair, he watches as Euna kept Kyungsoo arm. He wanted to vomit. They had reach Euna's house, Kyungsoo gave her a hug and bid her goodbye. An overwhelming feeling of jealousy course through him. That's when he might actually like Kyungsoo... 

"Hyung? Can we go?" Jongin said firmly pressing his lips, tugging the hem of Kyungsoo's shirt like a child. Kyungsoo stared bewildered that Jongin just called him "hyung" he normally would just yell at him. Kyungsoo couldn't ignore Jongin's cute act, he ruffled Jongin's hair. 

"Come on then lets go!" Kyungsoo smiled, patting Jongin on the back before running off, leaving Jongin to run after him. 

This is so weird it feels like the other way round when Jongin was chasing me back then... Kyungsoo thought but this time it felt like they were having fun... Kyungsoo continued when he felt something hard hit his forehead. Kyungsoo's vision started blurrying and he fell to the ground.

"YAH! HYUNG WAKE UP!" Jongin shouted countless of times, before he roughly shook Kyungsoo body around. Jongin was about to cry but he notice something dripping out of Kyungsoo's head. Something red and thick. Blood! Jongin panicked, he took his tie and wrap it round the Kyungsoo's wound. He carried him to his apartment and laid him on the couch. 

"What a pabo you are, running to fast to bang straight face on a concrete wall." Jongin scoffed, placing a blanket over Kyungsoo head. He pulled up a chair and slept until he woke up.

Jongin woke up hearing a high pitch scream, he sprang up and stared at the shocked figure infront of him. Doe-eyed, confused, utterly lost. Yeah his back to normal.

"Why the hell am I here?" Kyungsoo shouted, "GET OUT!" Jongin felt rather offended being to told to get out of HIS own apartment. He stood and flicked Kyungsoo's forehead which only started to bleed again. This time Kyungsoo shrill voice screamed, noticing the blood dripping down. Jongin got annoyed so he squish Kyungsoo's cheeks to shut him up. 

"Your idiotic self, ran straight to a wall!" Jongin answered, sticking a band aid on Kyungsoo forehead.

Kyungsoo sat dumbfounded untill he saw what time it was...

"10:00AM!?!? Are you serious? Omigawd I slept at your place!?!?" Kyungsoo exclaimed, throwing his hands frantically in the air. Jongin threw  pillow at Kyungsoo's face. Kyungsoo collapsed back breathing heavily in and out till he was calmed down. Jongin ignored the boy and began preparing breakfast. 

"I've calmed down now... tell what happened..." Kyungsoo sat on the chair, stuffing rice into his mouth/ Jongin stared at him and laughed

"Didn't I told you already, you ran straight into a wall!" 

"I know that.... but why did you take me to your place.." Kyungsoo stuttered biting his lip.

"Because I wanted you here... we're best friends right? It was only a small cut so you really didn't need to go to the hospital and my house was nearer so yeah..." Jongin just wanted to spend some more time with Kyungsoo, he didn't want him to go yet. 

"Oh o-okay.." then Kyungsoo remebered something, aish why did he only notice now???? "WE MISS SCHOOL????" 


"I need to get all the work that I miss!" Kyungsoo was about to make a run when Jongin pulled him back.

"We'll just go after school... I'll come with you alright... just not now.." Jongin reasoned with Kyungsoo for about 30 minutes until he finally agreed!

After that Jongin had told Kyungsoo to rest before he starts moving again, he changed Kyungsoo band aids and fed him soup. Overall Kyungsoo enjoyed this new Jongin but he felt empty like something was missing...

"Yah Saucepan eyes! Are you going to eat or what?" Kyungsoo choked on his chicken and spat it out giggling like a school girl. Jongin watch dumbfounded until he smirk.

"I guess you missed being called that right?" 

Kyungsoo scoffed "No." 

"You mouth says no but your smile tells otherwise" Jongin saw Kyungsoo's mouth twitch struggling to say no. Aish this kid misses me a lot these days.

They stayed in the house until school they played with Jongin's playstation. Kyungsoo argued that Jongin was cheating whilst Jongin was complaining that Kyungsoo was a sore loser. Kyungsoo had a massive fit and pouted deciding not to talk to Jongin for a few minutes. Jongin watch as Kyungsoo's back turned away from him. He had an urge to tackle the boy and say sorry but it wasn't his fault that Kyungsoo at COOKING GAMES. Come on you would think he would be good at this instead he at it soo bad. He exited the room and found Kyungsoo's phone on his school blazer vibrating. 37 text messages from Euna. He opened one;

Euna : Oppa, where are you? Why aren't you in school? :'( 

Jongin clenched Kyungsoo's phone, he was was about to break it until a thought ocurred his head. He replied back.

Kyungsoo: Stay away from me!

Euna: Why? Is something the matter? 

After that Jongin just took the batteries out of Kyungsoo's phone and hid it. He didn't want to see, he didn't want Kyungsoo to be with anyone else except him. Jongin walk his way back, Kyungsoo was still pouting and ignoring him. He s his way behind Kyungsoo and slid his arms round his waist. Kyungsoo flinched and his breathing hitch a little bit. 

"Hyung.. did you miss me all those years?" Jongn blew air onto Jongin's neck. 

"I'll be honest.... I absolutely did not think of you until now..." Kyungsoo tried shifting his position.

"Hhm I see... so right now is your mind filled with only me...?" Jongin smirk

"W-why are you so affectionate lately?" 

"You didn't aswer my question." 

Kyungsoo bit his lip, he stayed there silent, Jongin got up and he heard a little sigh of relief from Kyungsoo mouth. 

"Come on its the end of school, let's get your notes." Jongin beckoned, smacking Kyungsoo on his head. 

They took the bus to school and Kyungsoo mind was wandering elsewhere he didn't care about his notes anymore. His mind was still lingering to what Jongin said. Okay Kyungsoo can admit his mind at that moment was filled with Jongin... He touch his neck and felt the warmth of Jongin breath still there. He smiled.

Jongin watch as Kyungso was in deep thought, he watch as his arm touch his neck. Jongin could only smirk to his amusement. 

Having finally arrived at the school gates, the pair notice a girl on the swing kicking her legs helplessly. She had a book in her hands and a lollipop in . One of the pages flew  and it landed on Kyungsoo's feet. She looked up and her face brightened. Jongin froze as the girl came running towards them, without hesistation Jongin snatch Kyungsoo's hand and ran to the library leaving the girl behind who was clutching her phone around her fingers tightly.


A/N: Really sorry guys for the llonnng update! I got lazy for a few weeks ^^" but i'll and update more since my exams are finish! YAHOOOO :D 




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guys im sorry for not updating im on holiday! im still alive! XD


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Chapter 10: I still don't get it.. about the euna girl, his father, and jongin... confused~~~~
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 9: I'm quite impressed , this a really good story for a first timer , keep it up <3 ( and please update soon :) )
Chapter 9: Took you long enough! I'm confused....does Euna like Kyungsoo or Jongin? and oooooh I found my sandwich.....and I ate it....and everyone lived happily ever after.....(it tasted soooo nice)
gellis #4
Chapter 8: Oh no! Does this mean they found out Kai stole the shoes? Authornim please update soon.
Chapter 8: aha sooo nice !
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 8: Ohh....WHAT did Jongin do?? Ahh my brain are burning i wanna know!!^^ TT.TT
Chapter 7: loves u mabs
Chapter 7: gyaaaaa gyaaaa gyaaaaa my heart~~~~~ hyaaa they kiss!!!!! yeay!!!! kkkkk
Chapter 6: kekekeke XD jealous jongin XD hahaha is jongin fall for kyungsoo already???
hayarahma #10
Chapter 6: Hihi more update pls >< Kaisoo<3