chapter 15

Half of a Love Song

[giugui POV]

after showering, I realised that I had no clothes to change into. I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and contemplated whether or not I should go ask aaron to borrow some clothes. In the end I made up my mind and decided to go and ask him.


After knocking on his door, I realised that this is a really bade idea. What if aaron gets the wrong impression? What will happen then? I decided to carry on with my plan considering he hasn’t done anything bad to me yet and was being a total gentlemen.


After taking the clothes from him, I ran off feeling rather embarrassed that I was only in a towel and the fact that he kept staring at my body. Being my usual clumsy self, I slipped in some water made by no other than me. I was waiting for the thud and the pain to come but it never happened. Instead I landed on something warm and soft. I opened my eyes to see that I was on top of aaron. (a/n she hasn’t realised that her towel is no longer on her body). We were so close that I could feel his breath against my own.


[aaron POV]

I stared at her and she stared back at me. I leaned forwards towards her lips. I didn’t know why but at that moment all I could think about was kissing her. I missed her lips on mine since the day we first kissed in front of Hebe. Yes, I admit it now. I think I’m addicted to her lips, even though we have only kissed once.


I was inching forward, slowly closing the gap between us. Guigui closed her eyes as our lips touched. We kissed each other passionately. This kiss wasn’t like our last one when I had just kissed her out of nowhere. This kiss felt like there was something; like her lips were made for me to kiss.


I don’t know how we got to the bed, but eventually we were there. She was sandwiched in between me and the bed. She looks so y right now. Gosh, I think I’m going to die!



“Aaron are you alright? Where are the tissues?” asks Guigui worriedly


“I’m fine. Why would there be anything wrong with me? And the tissues are on the table” I answer, perplexed, coming back to reality.


“Because your nose is bleeding!” I hear her scream. Gui got up from me and ran straight for the tissue box on the table.


Huh???? My nose is bleeding???


I touched my nose, “OMG!!! Blood, blood, blood. I’m bleeding, I’m going to die!!!” I shout dramatically, after realising what gui had stated was true. This is the price of being a ert. Aaron Yan when did you become such a ert? If I hadn’t been thinking about me and her on the bed…


“Aaron, aaron are you still there?” gui asks shaking me lightly, with the box of tissues in hand. I instantly snapped out of my daze.


 I don’t think that she has realised that she is right??? I kept starring at her body in front of me as she tried to stop my nose bleed.’


Not long after, she realised that I wasn’t paying attention to her but looking somewhere else. She followed my gaze and noticed that I was staring at her body.


“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIAN TAI!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed, punches me in the face and runs off.


I then felt my face. It hurt. Alot. Man can that girl pack a punch. I walked into my bathroom to check out my face. It was super red. I could even see her hand print on my face. What am I going to tell everyone when they see this??? Gosh Guigui, did you have to hit this hard?!


As I walked back out of the room, I noticed that the clothes that I gave her to change into were still here. I went and picked up the clothes off the ground and walked to the guest bathroom.


[Guigui POV]

I heard knocking sounds after a while of sitting on the ground of the bathroom floor.


I can't believe that.... that...Aaron saw...saw...everything!!!! I can't believe that I was so clumsy.


"Guigui...are you in there???" I could hear Aaron ask through the door. "Um I just to say that I'm sorry for what happened back there. I really didnt intentionally mean to look at you. I just wanted to say sorry and that I'm placing the clothes here for you. I'll be downstairs if you need me."


After I thought that the coast was clear, I opened the door slightly and quickly grabbed the clothes. After finishing changing, I went downstairs to look for Aaron to tell him that I was leaving.



A/N: hey there, if I wasn’t being clear – when aaron and gui were kissing, it was apart of aaron’s dream/imagination but when gui called him and told him that he was having a nose bleed, he came back to reality. Just thought that I should tell you this, just incase u got confused. ^_^

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What a story!,
babanga #2
aaron! ! i miss farenhiet!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
Aw~ when are you going to update?
It's been a very long time since.
I hope you update soon! ^o^
-HaeFany-Forever- #5
Update! Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!Update!
SakuraMikan12 #7
uhhhggggg!!!!<br />
You better update or I am going to kill you!<br />
please update I will support you forever!
Where have you been girl? I really miss you so much! ]:<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥ <br />
ooh i just had the chance to look around for some stories to read & i saw this. this looked so interesting~~! lol aaron&guigui r so cute! uupdate soon~
awhs you finally updated I miss you so much, where have you been? but anyways omg! Aaron finally realize that he had finally fallen for GuiGui, that GuiGui fell asleep though ]: but anyways I miss you, got to update sooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥