
Beautiful Stranger


Listening to: Closer by Kim Taeyeon

Taemin spends the rest of the week with me, and by week, I mean 3 days. On the 3rd day, he sighs as he slips his svelte arms into his white leather jacket. “Zara,” he starts.

I watch him, aptly from my bed as I tie my hair into its nightly ponytail. “Can you at least give me a hint?”

“A hint?” he asks, confused, checking his pockets again. That metallic sound comes again and he nods slightly.

“Where do you go?” I ask, ignoring the subtle sting arising from my cheek as I remember the last time I asked him.

He sighs. “I can’t tell you, Zara. You know that.”

“When are you coming back?” I ask, hopeful for an answer.

“I don’t know. I never really know,” he says, as if saying it to himself.

Now’s my turn to sigh as I drop myself onto the bed, so only my legs hang over the edge. “Why don’t you ever remember anything?” I ask myself outloud.

“Zara?” he walks over to me. “Why do you keep...asking that?”

I sit back up, sighing. “Never mind. One last question?”

He nods.

“Why can’t you tell me?” I ask, smiling at him again.

His faint smile drops as he exhales. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, ok? Stay safe,” he says, grabbing my hand and it lightly.

I inhale and exhale, nodding as I enjoy the softness of his hands. “Bye, Taemin.”

He pulls away and walks out of my room and out the front door.

I sigh and pull the covers up to my chin, thinking of how things would be if he didn’t have to be away for so long. In my thoughts, I fall asleep warm and snug.

I wake up to find something warm in bed with me. “Taemin, stop playing hide and seek. I know you’re there,” I mumble, half awake.

“Good morning,” he says, his voice sounding different from usual.

Opening my eyes slightly, I see a shock of black hair greet me. “I thought you left yesterday...” I say, peeking out the side of my eye to check for his white jacket. There’s no trace of it.

“Why would I have left yesterday if I’m right here?” he asks, his mouth turned up in a slight smirk.

I shrug, smiling to myself. “I don’t know. Where’ve you been, then?” I smile cutely.

“In and out of places,” he says, casually.

I nod, somewhat content with the answer. I pull the covers down and start to head off to the bathroom, when I feel his hand on my wrist. Soft this time and it’s warmth beckons me.

“I never get to spend time with you. Let’s talk.”

I smile and nod as I slip back under the covers. “What should we talk about?”

“My favorite topic.”

I look at him, confused. “Math?”

He laughs and I feel warmth inside, happy to have this day with him. “Try again.”

“...Sports?” I rack my brain for an answer.

He laughs again and shakes his head. “You,” he says, poking my cheek.

Despite my attempts not to, a smile rises to my face. “What do you want to know? Don’t you know everything about me already?”

He smiles cutely. “I do...but I want to hear them all from you.”

I laugh, it coming out more as the giggle that is only heard when I’m around Taemin for too long. “Where should I start?”

“What do you do when I’m gone?” he asks, resting his chin on his fists.

I smile at his cuteness and dramatically start to tell him.

30 minutes of my non stop talking, I realize he’s fallen asleep. Tucking him in, I smile at how he looks even cuter asleep. I didn’t think such a feat was possible for him, so I stared for awhile. I stand up again to leave for a second, but he grips my wrist again, eyes still closed. “Stay with me?”

I sigh as I slip back in and fall asleep in his arms, a smile lingering on my face.













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Chapter 22: Ugh why can't she just say yes
Adriannahope #2
Chapter 21: Amazing! I can't believe she actually shot him! I can't wait for the next chapter! :'O
Adriannahope #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I ship Zara and Taemanry. C;

haroobommi #4
How did you put the link in the words? PLS ANSWER!
haroobommi #5
Chapter 15: I don't know what I think of taemanry. :(
Adriannahope #6
Chapter 15: I swear I almost cried.
Chapter 15: its so... hard >< Tae... T.T
haroobommi #8
When is the next one coming up??
Adriannahope #9
Chapter 13: Ahhh! This is so interesting! I hope he tells her soon… I'm not sure what to think about the boy with the black hair. ASDFGHJKL; I can't wait for the next chapter! ^-^