
Beautiful Stranger

Listening to: Machine by EXO-K


I walk into Onew’s office and get a cup of coffee. “Yes, Onew hyung?” I ask, taking a sip of my coffee. I wince at the bitter taste, but drink it to stay alert.

“I have something to show you,” he says, Key and the rest of them surrounding his desk.

“What?” I ask, confused at his urgent tone. “A new mission?”

“I saw them together when I was out. I’m so sorry, Taemin,” Key says, tossing over some pictures.

“Them?” I ask, as I put my cup down to look through the pictures.

“Zara and the leader of Lucifer,” Jonghyun says, quietly.

I just shuffle through the pictures. Some of them are of them just hanging around doing typical couple things, others are them laughing. I just pass through those easily. But my eyes stop on the last picture. Them kissing. I swallow back bile and grit my teeth as I try to look unaffected.

The others notice. “Taemin, are you ok?” Minho asks, turning to look at me.

I inhale and put the pictures down, grabbing the cup again. “Is that all?” I ask, my voice void of emotion.

Onew nods. “But are you ok-?”

“If that’s all, I’ll be gone,” I say, drinking the last of the coffee and throwing the cup into the trash as I walk off.

“Taemin!” Key starts, but I close the door and keep walking.

Once I walk back to my section of the building, I sit on a bench and sigh. “How could she...I thought...” I hold my face in my hands. I inhale sharply and look up again. “So she really didn’t love me?” I ask out loud. I stand up and start towards the door, walking with the intent to talk to no one. She’s just a pretty face, but under that is just...

Stepping outside, a girl walks towards me, a worried look on her face. “Taemin-ah.” Jungmi.

I huff. “Jungmi, it’s not the time,” I try to walk past her.

Jungmi clutches my wrist in her hands. Her small, soft, delicate hands.

I try to keep my thoughts clear.

“Taemin, are you ok?”

I stay silent, trying not to think of neither Zara true colors or Jungmi’s affect on me, as I continue to walk.


“Nothing you need to worry about. Just...go back to your leader,” I say, trying to evade her, as I drop her hands..

She smirks. “I am the Leader.”

Something about the way she said those words just.. enticed me. “So what are you doing around here? Don’t you have duties to attend to at your headquarters? Or are you eavesdropping?”

“Actually, Taemin, I came for you.”

I stop.

She smiles and walks toward me. “I know what happened with Zara and Taemanry. Such a sad thing. I never thought they’d actually start to love each other. How pathetic.”

“They love each other?” I spit out, as the question’s been choking me.

Jungmi nods. “He’s been skipping out on missions to spend time with her and I heard they live together,” she whispers in a sweet hiss.

“Why are you telling me this?” I ask, curious.

“Because, Taemin, I care about you. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this, but,” she stands next to me. “I’ve had a crush on you for the longest of whiles.”

I turn my head to her, trying to observe her. Either she’s innocent or I’m too lost in her beauty.

“And I know you like me,” she says in a hushed voice.

I open my mouth to say something, but just close it.

She leans in and whispers into my ear. “Just do it. I know you want to.”

In the moment, I turn more towards her and our lips meet. My hand reaches up and cradles her lower back, pulling her closer to me.

She smiles and pushes herself away from me. “I’ll be seeing you then, Taemin oppa.”

I just watch her walk away, not fully aware of what just happened. Only craving more.








Woah! Double update, you guys! :D Are you curious to what will happen with Taemin and the Devil? Stay tuned because all will be revealed in the next chapter.


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Chapter 22: Ugh why can't she just say yes
Adriannahope #2
Chapter 21: Amazing! I can't believe she actually shot him! I can't wait for the next chapter! :'O
Adriannahope #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I ship Zara and Taemanry. C;

haroobommi #4
How did you put the link in the words? PLS ANSWER!
haroobommi #5
Chapter 15: I don't know what I think of taemanry. :(
Adriannahope #6
Chapter 15: I swear I almost cried.
Chapter 15: its so... hard >< Tae... T.T
haroobommi #8
When is the next one coming up??
Adriannahope #9
Chapter 13: Ahhh! This is so interesting! I hope he tells her soon… I'm not sure what to think about the boy with the black hair. ASDFGHJKL; I can't wait for the next chapter! ^-^