Tip 7

Write with your /21th Century Breakdown

Featuring and featured.

Ahh, what a wonderful feeling to have the 'New Subscribers' 'New story comments' alert at the top left side when you sign in. Always a wonderful feeling. And wow, you have 1 vote! And so many views! So thankful!

That's what I feel. Trully, I'm thankful to anyting I get, no subs, no comments, no views. I'm fine with that. There's always a discussion whether you write for yourself, or whether you write for them, the people. I'm between those lines I guess. Then again, you can always have a fic waiting if you need one for yourself and one for your fans.

If you're leaning alot towards the for your fans side, you write what they'd like to read. Romance story of their biases with an OC girl with a love triangle and some other shape which name I forgot (hexagon? Pentagon?). When people complain it's cliche, no problem. Add a new character as a twist, add some unexpected scene, kill off the third wheel dude then add another. It's SOO a twist. Sorry, I keep away from those.

Wanna be featured? write something like that, ask for comments, subs and upvotes at the ending of each chap and say that you wont update until you get a certain amount of comments or something. that's the formula. i guess. i dont want to be featured, so i dont know.

for me, being featured is being exposed to everyone. being there for everyone to judge. they might dig up my other fics, and they'll set this expectation bar for me for the next fic i do, and it's stressing. really. i'm not a constant person, i always go up and down (so do my grades, sadly) and so, sorry if i disappoint you and thank you for reading?

to sumarize those random chunks of words scattered around up there, being featured doesnt mean you are the best. it's like a nod you get from your extremely strict father who never seemed to be pleased by whatever you do.
If you really want to be featured, write something that most people want to read.
How do you know what people want to read?

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c21kayel #1
Chapter 5: LOL. Love the gangster talk. So badass. :)) It's fun reading this xD especially having writers block and all.
Chapter 17: All of your tips do help me, especially I'm a soon-to-be author. Thank you so much for all the tips given because I really need them. Thanks again (I can't express my gratefulness) LOL
Chapter 14: Don't you think cliche plot is boring?
I like reading this- this is good advice, espically the one about writer's block! my creative writing teacher always tells us to do that >u<

and i completely agree with you in Tip 2.