
Our Love Chemistry


Gwen’s energy was almost running out from all the walking, talking and grabbing she did at the Korean Wall Mart. It was twice as hard to shop since the store was new to her and she had to look for food and things that would suit her European taste in an Asian store. It was fortunate that Jihoon accompanied her. Her body was sore from shopping and now she have to entertain her best friend who will come over later.
She fixed the things she bought, placing them at their proper places. After finishing, she looked around and smiled, it was pleasing to see that her house was not as empty as before. She went inside her room and changed her clothes. When she was done, she decided to clean up a little while waiting for Hae Ji to arrive. Not long after, someone knocked at her the door. Gwen hurriedly went to the door and opened it.
“Anneonghaseyo! Gwen-ssi, I bought some ho ddeok, would you like some?” She was taken aback. She was expecting to see Hae Ji but it was Jaehyo standing in front of her with a ho ddeoki on hand and a killer smile to go with.
“Neh, kamsahamnida.” She managed to say. She was still looking at him, afraid that any second, he might disappear and all of this would end up as a dream.
“Gwen!” Hae Ji called her as she came out from a cab. Jaehyo and Gwen looked at her direction as she waved her hands at them. What a good timing, Gwen thought.
“I see you’ve got company tonight. I was about to ask you to go to the park with me but I think that could wait.” He said with sadness in his voice.
“Mianhe, Jaehyo. I’ve already made commitments for tonight. Jeongmal mianhe.” She was terribly sorry. But between Jaehyo and Hae Ji, she’ll unquestionably pick her best friend. 
“So, I’ll see you around.” He said and left as Hae Ji was close to them now. 
“What was that about? Girl, you ought to tell me what’s going on here.” Hae Ji demanded. Both the girls were looking at the now departing Jaehyo.
“That’s why I’ve said earlier that I also got news to tell.” She smiled sheepishly. The girls went inside and settled themselves at the cozy sofa. Tonight’s going to be filled with hot gossips as each girl has some interesting story to tell.
“You start dishing out your news, lady.” Hae Ji was all hyped up from the thought that her best friend was neighbors with Block B. Although they're a rookie group, still, they’re the hottest and most promising idol among their batch.
“As you already guessed, I’m neighbors with Block B.” She started. “And you’re right again if you’re thinking that I’m already friends with them.”
“How did that happened? You just moved in two days ago.” It was mystifying, yes it was.
“It’s crazy, right? You see, when you left last night, I met Jihoon a.k.a. P.O. afterwards. Then we talked like crazy ‘til we noticed that it was already past midnight. I must say he’s so cute and very charming. He’s child-like and sweet.”
“And about Jaehyo?”
“Moving on, we had lunch together earlier. I mean me and Block B.” Hae Ji’s eyes almost popped out.
“What?! Now that’s something unbelievable!”
“I know, right? It was something I also didn’t expect to happen, but it did. You see I was about to go and head to the restaurant but then I bumped into them outside. So, we got to know each other and eventually decided to hit the resto together.” She made it sound as if it was no big deal. 
“And what has that to do with Jaehyo on your porch?”
“Molla. I wasn’t even expecting him. Want to know something crazy? He asked me out! But of course I have to decline since we already made plans.”
“So that’s what happened to you for the last 24 hours. Well, time for me to tell you what happened to me.” Hae Ji tried to hide her excitement but failed to do so. “I got a new job!” she giggled. Gwen was puzzled.
“Wait, you have a new job? What’s this? Changing jobs from time to time has become your hobby now?” Gwen vividly remembered that it was just more than a month ago when her bff told her that she landed a job on a local company as the advertising head.
“You see, the offer was tempting and I just have to grab this opportunity, you know.” She tried to convince Gwen. “I know you would do the same if you’re in my shoes.” 
“Ok, so what’s your new job?” she sounded uninterested. She was already used to her changing jobs from time to time.
“Still in the advertising department, but this time, instead of medicines, I’m advertising idols and instead of Han Pharmaceuticals, it’s YG Entertainment baby!” Gwen’s jaw dropped as she heard what Hae Ji has to say. 
How did that happen?!” she was still overwhelmed by the fact that Hae Ji was now working for YG. It was something she never thought of.
“Well, YG’s planning to debut 2ne1 in the states so they’ve decided to hire marketers who are adept in the US’s market and being a product of Stanford University qualifies me for that position.” She said with pride. Gwen was lost for words. She knew how this must mean for Hae Ji. 
“Then we must celebrate!” 
And so they did. The two enjoyed themselves. They were just so happy that both of them are so blessed. They had some snacks and colas since they were not the type who store alcoholic drinks at home. They had some videoke session, thanks to Gwen’s home theatre, which they really love to do. At that moment, everything seemed wonderful and perfect.
Ho-ddeok? What in the world is that?
Ho-ddeok or ho-tteok is a delightful variety of filled Korean pancakes.
Typically it is eaten during the winter season, however,
it’s been sticking around all year due to the popularity. 
Well, the taste is similar to that of a sticky bun. SO YUMMY!!
I know this chappie is superficial.
but this is only a fictional story, right?
it has to be YG since i've been
seeing Big Bang on Channel V and MTV Asia a lot lately.
Seems like 'Tonight' is the most played Kpop song 
on these channels atm.
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My Poor Zico ;(( Zico will Win ! Hwaiting Oppa! :DD Update Soon!
faddyrobot09 #2
ahhhhhhhh yay for updates! 3 chapters in a day!?! yessir! and lmao at her thoughts of zico beiing a troll! cracked me up! i loved the part when kyung came in and caught zico and jihoon in an awkward situation! fun times! and oh man, can't believe gwen isn't getting the hint from zico!
Gwen, isn't it obvious that Zico turned into an ogre whever you brought Jaehyo's name? lol<br />
Zico is really hilarious too, who knows a boy full of swag would be like that when he's jealous? lmao<br />
uh uh, i smell competition!<br />
update soon! hwaiting~
AHHHH I LOVE THIS FIC HAHAHAHAH it's so funny how Zico get's so pissed for no reason and he does all these funny hilarious things. I LOVE THIS IMMA SUBSCRIBE.
lol Jihoon, it's only been two days and you're already feel so protective over Gwen<br />
and woah, Zico got a rival now uh? Jaehyo <333 lol<br />
why did P.O said, he would choose Zico over Jaehyo if he were Gwen? <br />
Hae Ji's job is to die for kekeke, it would be a great thing if i can get a job in YG ent!<br />
thank you for updating! :D
cl & zico looks like long lost siblings to me, but ever heard of the mushy gushy belief that soulmates are look-a-likes? haha
faddyrobot09 #7
yes chemical engineers are pretty crazy! with the amount of classes they take, i'm amazed how they do it! hooking up with a girl, who already has something going on for her + an idol = jjang! lol. jihoon teasing zico is sooo cute. endearing really. girl, it doesn't matter if he's younger. choose who the heart wants! lol. yg!?! they're awesome! hahahahaha. cl & zico collab? that'd be just amazing!
@naeul: he's tight lipped! haha :)<br />
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@arronyan: thank you so much for liking it. i like that part too XD
HAHA i love the part 'Jaehyo! Is he really that handsome that he can make her giggle? Ok, screw that. He’s an ulzzang.'<br />
P.O is so cute OMG i want to pinch his cheeks!!! and his voice is so manly!!! <br />
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lmao Zico why wouldn't you tag along too? i know you want it!<br />
it's just funny to see that Zico likes her so much but he didn't wanna show it to her! lol<br />
thank you for updating! hwaiting~